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#1 2015-05-07 20:45:03

From: Lawton, OK
Registered: 2014-09-19
Posts: 31

Realtek RTL8191su broken in kernel 3.14.40 LTS

I dunno if this issue is widespread at all, but in 3.14.40, the newest LTS kernel, I'm unable to connect to wifi. Although lsusb shows the NIC is connected, it does not show up in ip link. Is anyone else having this issue that is running 3.14.40, and if so, what can be done to remedy it? Screencaps showing the terminal output of lsusb and of ip link are posted below.

PS: Also tried sudo modprobe r8712u to no avail. In addition, someone on the Arch FB page suggested I ndiswrap the Windows driver.

lsusb output: … 7fpgce.png
ip link output, notice that my NIC shows up in the lsusb output, but ip link doesn't detect it: … wlumpn.png

Running 3.19.3 pulled from the Rollback Machine as sort of a 'band-aid' currently, but would like to be able to run a kernel that gets security updates again at some point, and be able to connect to the web.

PS, yet again: The reason I'm not running 4.0.1 is AFAIK, the 4-series kernel doesn't support r300g at the moment, and my GPU is an r300g GPU, so the 4-series kernel won't boot on my system as a result, and instead kernel panics at boot, so I'm kinda stuck in a bind of either run 3.19.3 and get no more updates to the kernel, which is not preferred, in the Arch community especially, or run the LTS kernel and continue to get kernel updates as long as I can connect to the web. Eventually, I'm going to have to replace this computer. ^^;

Last edited by supergeek800 (2015-05-07 21:00:30)

PC: Arch Linux x64 | customized Cinnamon desktop | Latitude E6440 | Core i5-4310m | 16GB RAM | 500GB SSD | Das Model S Pro Soft Tactile keyboard | Logitech Trackman Marble trackball.
Audio: Sony STR-DH500 5.1ch AVR | Modified Koss Portapro headphones | Rockboxed Sansa Fuze | Realistic Minimus 11 front and rear satellite speakers + Minimus 7 center channel.


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