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Hey, not sure this is the appropriate sub-forum to ask this, but here it is any way.
Using Firefox. The FlashGot add-on allows for downloading separate audio and video tracks, (useful if you want Youtube videos in 1080p and higher). It would download both tracks just fine, until today (11/05/2015), the video track downloads fine, but the audio track fails to down. This happens with both the built-in Firefox download manager, and uGet. I have tried downgrading the browser, and uGet, and I still get the same problem. Does this happen with anyone else? Or is it just a Youtube thing now?
Firefox 37.0.2
uGet 2.0
Last edited by anark10n (2015-05-15 18:21:52)
Not sure what you have wrong, I don't use any of those.
I can get the audio stream from a youtube video with
youtube-dl -f 140
and the video with
youtube-dl -f 18
mpv --stream-dump=file.m4a
Or get the URL and use ffmpeg to dump the audio
vid=$(youtube-dl -g
ffmpeg -i $vid -vn -c:a copy out.m4a
just like always, so youtube hasn't changed anything.
I think that this is where I am suppose to say that using downloaders violates youtube's TOS.
Just tested it again, and it seems to be working fine now, although i didn't change anything, so it's all right, I guess. Thanks anyway.
I think that this is where I am suppose to say that using downloaders violates youtube's TOS.
I am well aware. Need a convenient way of rewatching videos when my internet connection dies, though, so ...