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Hello everyone,
I'm using USB LTE modem (Hi-Link) to have an Internet connection. I wish to use static IP configuration as it's more reliable to me. I followed this article: … _static_IP
I started systemd-networkd
systemctl enable systemd-networkd.service
and created /etc/systemd/network/
I didn't use systemd-resolved.service as I preferred to stay with static resolv.conf .
The question follows: how I can make this reconnect automatically when USB modem is disconnected and connected again?
Are you disconnecting the modem from the USB port? That would be a udev rule.
Are you disconnecting the modem from the Internet? That would be something like ifplugd or (I think) systemd-networkd should handle it directly. If not, give netctl a try.
Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way
I can see now that my question should be different. It's probably software's fault, I bet it could be kernel or systemd but I'm not sure (I tried to downgrade them but this didn't solve the problem). Maybe this could be configuration problem. Anyway: Archlinux from ISO works properly. I see in log this:
lip 10 18:46:37 linux systemd[1]: sys-subsystem-net-devices-eth1.device: Job sys-subsystem-net-devices-eth1.device/start timed out.
lip 10 18:46:37 linux systemd[1]: Timed out waiting for device sys-subsystem-net-devices-eth1.device.
lip 10 18:46:37 linux systemd[1]: Dependency failed for Network connectivity (eth1).
lip 10 18:46:37 linux systemd[1]: network@eth1.service: Job network@eth1.service/start failed with result 'dependency'.
lip 10 18:46:37 linux systemd[1]: sys-subsystem-net-devices-eth1.device: Job sys-subsystem-net-devices-eth1.device/start failed with result 'timeout'.
lip 10 18:46:37 linux systemd[1]: Reached target Network.
lip 10 18:46:37 linux systemd[1]: Starting Network.
But I should not be using network@eth1.service, I should use systemd-networkd.service instead. I thought I disabled previous one. But I didn't:
[root@linux mk]# systemctl status network@eth1.service
● network@eth1.service - Network connectivity (eth1)
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/network@.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: inactive (dead)
lip 10 18:46:37 linux systemd[1]: Dependency failed for Network connectivity (eth1).
lip 10 18:46:37 linux systemd[1]: network@eth1.service: Job network@eth1.service/start failed with result 'dependency'.
So I'm disabling it now:
[root@linux mk]# systemctl disable network@eth1.service
Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/
I'll see if this helps. I'm leaving the thread here if someone would search for solution.