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Pages: 1
Hi, i don't know if this kind of off-topic, if it is move it somewhere else. I have installed with wine a rat program (Dark Comet), not trying to be a hacker or anything, just a professor in college told me to try it. A weird "victim" appeared today, a computer in Russia, it was like i had sent a client to somebody and he connected. But no, i hadn't sent anything other than my other computer just to test the program. The connection comes on and off all the time, when i reopen the wifi, i see that in Wireshark my laptop sends TCP packets to this computer and it answers back. I don't know if someone tries to take access or anything or if this is nothing. Any help would be appreciated.
I live at the Internet
-Edward Snowden
Well first off, I'd recommend playing with these things on an isolated network.
If you don't, you might want to do some research. Did you do a whois lookup on that Russian IP? Did you check its reputation? Could you post some more info on the connection that you keep seeing? Port numbers? Maybe you can disect the protocol?
Pages: 1