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#1 2015-09-08 08:22:14

Registered: 2012-12-06
Posts: 43

dnsmasq does not reply to dhclient

Hi there.
I have two computers which are connected to LAN. There is a DHCP server in LAN. And now I need to share network from one computer to another. I make a Shared connection in the Network manager at one computer and when I try to switch on a connection in the Network manager at another computer it gets an IP from LAN's DHCP (not from my one which started by the Network manager at computer 1). I tried to run

#dhclient -s <IP> eth0

at the second computer, but only DHCP discover packets was got at computer one. I.e. dnsmasq which launched by the Network manager as a DHCP server at computer one does not respond to this queries. But if I connect this two computers directly and run

#dhclient eth0

at the second computer all works as expected.


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