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#1 2016-01-18 15:59:47

Registered: 2011-06-01
Posts: 9

Postfix, PostfixAdmin and Fetchmail: not found

Hello everyone,

I set up a homeserver with an e-mail postix server for receiving e-mails (only). Also I want to use PostfixAdmin's fetchmail option to get my other e-mails from other accounts which are only available by POP3. I have a mySQL-Database for PostfixAdmin to manage e-mail accounts and other options.

The problem: The PostfixAdmin Perl script for using fetchmail does not work, because in line 9 there's a "link" (I don't know the correct terminus) to use LockFile/ But there's no such package or file in the usual repos (stable).

However it seems that this one is meant: … /

Has anyone an idea how to go on?

Thanks for every helpful answer.


PS: This is the code for PostfixAdmin:


use DBI;
use MIME::Base64;
# use Data::Dumper;
use File::Temp qw/ mkstemp /;
use Sys::Syslog;
# require liblockfile-simple-perl
use LockFile::Simple qw(lock trylock unlock);

########## Change the following variables to fit your needs ##########

# database settings

# database backend - uncomment one of these
#our $db_type = 'Pg';
#my $db_type = 'mysql';
our $db_type = 'mysql';

# host name
our $db_host="";
# database name
our $db_name="postfix";
# database username
our $db_username="mail";
# database password
our $db_password="CHANGE_ME!";

# instead of changing this script, you can put your settings to /etc/mail/postfixadmin/fetchmail.conf
# just use perl syntax there to fill the variables listed above (without the "our" keyword). Example:
# $db_username = 'mail';
if (-f "/etc/mail/postfixadmin/fetchmail.conf") {
	require "/etc/mail/postfixadmin/fetchmail.conf";

#################### Don't change anything below! ####################

openlog("fetchmail-all", "pid", "mail");

sub log_and_die {
	my($message) = @_;
  syslog("err", $message);
  die $message;

# read options and arguments

$configfile = "/etc/fetchmail-all/config";


while ($_ = shift @ARGS1) {
    if (/^-/) {
        if (/^--config$/) {
            $configfile = shift @ARGS1


# use specified config file
if (-e $configfile) {
    do $configfile;

if($db_type eq "Pg" || $db_type eq "mysql") {
	$dsn = "DBI:$db_type:database=$db_name;host=$db_host";
} else {
	log_and_die "unsupported db_type $db_type";

$lock_file=$run_dir . "/fetchmail-all.lock";

$lockmgr = LockFile::Simple->make(-autoclean => 1, -max => 1);
$lockmgr->lock($lock_file) || log_and_die "can't lock ${lock_file}";

# database connect
$dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $db_username, $db_password) || log_and_die "cannot connect the database";

if($db_type eq "Pg") {
	$sql_cond = "active = 1 AND date_part('epoch',now())-date_part('epoch',date)";
} elsif($db_type eq "mysql") {
	$sql_cond = "active = 't' AND unix_timestamp(now())-unix_timestamp(date)";

$sql = "
	SELECT id,mailbox,src_server,src_auth,src_user,src_password,src_folder,fetchall,keep,protocol,mda,extra_options,usessl, sslcertck, sslcertpath, sslfingerprint
	FROM fetchmail
	WHERE $sql_cond  > poll_time*60

my (%config);
	my ($id,$mailbox,$src_server,$src_auth,$src_user,$src_password,$src_folder,$fetchall,$keep,$protocol,$mda,$extra_options,$usessl,$sslcertck,$sslcertpath,$sslfingerprint)=@$_;

	syslog("info","fetch ${src_user}@${src_server} for ${mailbox}");

	$cmd="user '${src_user}' there with password '".decode_base64($src_password)."'";
	$cmd.=" folder '${src_folder}'" if ($src_folder);
	$cmd.=" mda ".$mda if ($mda);

#	$cmd.=" mda \"/usr/local/libexec/dovecot/deliver -m ${mailbox}\"";
	$cmd.=" is '${mailbox}' here";

	$cmd.=" keep" if ($keep);
	$cmd.=" fetchall" if ($fetchall);
	$cmd.=" ssl" if ($usessl);
	$cmd.=" sslcertck" if($sslcertck);
	$cmd.=" sslcertpath $sslcertpath" if ($sslcertck && $sslcertpath);
	$cmd.=" sslfingerprint \"$sslfingerprint\"" if ($sslfingerprint);
	$cmd.=" ".$extra_options if ($extra_options);

set postmaster "postmaster"
set nobouncemail
set no spambounce
set properties ""
set syslog

poll ${src_server} with proto ${protocol}


  ($file_handler, $filename) = mkstemp( "/tmp/fetchmail-all-XXXXX" ) or log_and_die "cannot open/create fetchmail temp file";
  print $file_handler $text;
  close $file_handler;

  $ret=`/usr/bin/fetchmail -f $filename -i $run_dir/`;

  unlink $filename;

  $sql="UPDATE fetchmail SET returned_text=".$dbh->quote($ret).", date=now() WHERE id=".$id;


Last edited by BastardLawyerFromHell (2016-01-18 16:10:43)


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