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This is true. I'd really like to try and see how a corporate Linux looks like nowadays. My last experience was with RH9 which was pretty good, and with Mandrake 9.1 which was down right awful.
But I really don't feel like messing with a new distro, I like to feel home, like I do with Arch.
I was long time SuSE user and there are not much differencies compare with Arch. Okay you have gui settings tools but other not much. As I wrote before for my printer, I had same problem with SuSE too. last version was 10.0. I don't have wireless cartd but many Linux users complain if thwey have "exotic" card but Windows users don't...
And BTW my firs and last version of Windows was 3.0.
I don't really see why some of you feel that it's a *must* to push people towards Arch. The about Arch page summarises Arch as a distro "targeted at competent linux users" and so if the creators of Arch intended it as somewhat of a niche product then I think it's ok for the rest of use to accept that it may not be the ideal choice for everyone.
Exactly. I gave him an Ubuntu 6.06 Desktop CD (it's a live cd + live installer)
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As much as I enjoy using Linux, I'm not sure it's ready for everyday use. Kwin crashed on me today, for example, for no apparent reason. And I keep finding a lot of simple and obvious bugs.
[sarcasm]Yeah, I think that too, Banshee crashed the other day for me, ohh and I remember also my gnome-terminal slowing down a few nanoseconds too, yeah I can see it is not ready just yet we need to fix these 2 bugs.[/sarcasm]
OMG, if all people think like that the the software world is doomed. Have you never had Windows crash any single program? I have had lots of crashes even with Windows XP SP2 and all patches applied, so what you expect of a bleeding edge vanilla packages system like Arch Linux, please come on.