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would it be useful if pacman looked at locally installed packages with -cvs or -svn endings and printed the current version of a package if it is available in the searched repositories without cvs/svn suffex during a -Syu
perhaps for this to be useful, upon installing a -cvs/svn package, pacman would have to record the current pkg version of the reciprocal version numbered release
for instance, say I have mpd-svn from the aur so it doesn't update with a pacman -Syu. When mpd 11.6 (or whatever the next release is > than current 11.5 will be) I'd be cool if pacman could see the svn package as out of date and then update to the newer package.
Thinking about it: is this addressed in the provides field of a PKGBUILD? if mpd-svn provides "mpd 11.5", will pacman know to update by replacing the mpd-svn with mpd from current or testing when the version number is > 11.5?
sorry if this is mentioned/questioned/addressed somewhere else. its not something that i saw containing a searchable term
cvs/svn support in pacman is way unofficial so it is unlikely that this would be readily incorporated by the dev team. It's not a bad idea, possibly a bit in practicable though.
ah, makes sense