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Hey community I know this easy firewall generator since ten years and it was a helpfull tool for Slackware until I switched to Arch...
Now I thought iptables keeps iptables, and tested it for an arch firewall, I just did it like Bob wrote chmod it and ./startit ...
It works fine I think, have a try...
It would be nice to have it available for systemctl ...
maybe like this:
# cp /etc/iptables/empty.rules /etc/iptables/iptables.rules
# systemctl start iptables.service
# iptables --list
# ./your_generated_firewall
# iptables-save > /etc/iptables/iptables.rules
# iptables --list
Last edited by carlitoco (2017-03-10 17:38:45)
What do you mean by "available for systemctl" ?
I really don’t get it. Iptables will load the rules you saved in /etc/iptables/iptables.rules, according to the systemd service you start/enable.
You can make a specific iptables.service from /usr/lib/systemd/system/iptables.service to load rules on demand...
Could you clarify what you intend to do ?