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#1 2017-09-07 08:59:36

Registered: 2017-05-08
Posts: 9

Broken LXC after upgrade to 2.1.0

After the recent upgrade to LXC 2.1.0, the already existing machines do not start anymore, and the `lxc-ls` is complaining about the usage of the old configuration format.

The command `lxc-update-config -c /var/lib/lxc/your-machine-name-code/config` can help to update your configuration to the new format, but it is unable to deal with the removed parameters (see: … tion-keys)
Note: do not forget to update your deault configuration in `/etc/lxc/default.conf` too.

Running `lxc-ls` is (in my case) returning:

The configuration file contains legacy configuration keys.
Please update your configuration file!
lxc-ls: confile.c: parse_line: 1982 Unknown configuration key "lxc.pivotdir"
lxc-ls: parse.c: lxc_file_for_each_line: 58 Failed to parse config: lxc.pivotdir = lxc_putold

Trying to restart an existing container, or creating a new one from scratch is leading to the following error:

DEBUG driver: Creating container...
 INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/sudo", "/usr/bin/env", "lxc-create", "-B", "best", "--template", "/home/ema/.vagrant.d/gems/2.3.4/gems/vagrant-lxc-1.2.3/scripts/lxc-template", "--name", "my_fancy_container_87829", "--", "--tarball", "/home/ema/.vagrant.d/boxes/drifter-VAGRANTSLASH-trusty64-php7/1.0.4/lxc/rootfs.tar.gz", "--config", "/home/ema/.vagrant.d/boxes/drifter-VAGRANTSLASH-trusty64-php7/1.0.4/lxc/lxc-config"]
 INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
DEBUG subprocess: stderr: The configuration file contains legacy configuration keys.
Please update your configuration file!
DEBUG subprocess: stderr: lxc-create: my_fancy_container_87829: storage/btrfs.c: btrfs_create: 860 Inappropriate ioctl for device - Failed to create btrfs subvolume "/var/lib/lxc/my_fancy_container_87829/rootfs"
DEBUG subprocess: stderr: lxc-create: my_fancy_container_87829: storage/zfs.c: zfs_create: 758 Failed to create zfs dataset "zfs:lxc/my_fancy_container_87829": lxc-create: my_fancy_container_87829:
DEBUG subprocess: stderr: The configuration file contains legacy configuration keys.
Please update your configuration file!
DEBUG subprocess: stderr: lxc-create: my_fancy_container_87829: storage/zfs.c: zfs_mount: 256 No such device - Failed to mount "lxc/my_fancy_container_87829" on "/usr/lib/lxc/rootfs"
lxc-create: my_fancy_container_87829: lxccontainer.c: create_run_template: 1294 Failed to mount rootfs
DEBUG subprocess: stderr: lxc-create: my_fancy_container_87829: lxccontainer.c: create_run_template: 1473 container creation template for my_fancy_container87829 failed
DEBUG subprocess: stderr: lxc-create: my_fancy_container_87829: storage/zfs.c: zfs_destroy: 613 Failed to detect zfs dataset "lxc/my_fancy_container_87829": lxc-create: my_fancy_container_87829:
lxc-create: my_fancy_container_87829: lxccontainer.c: container_destroy: 2653 Error destroying rootfs for my_fancy_container_87829
lxc-create: my_fancy_container_87829: tools/lxc_create.c: main: 326 Error creating container my_fancy_container_87829
DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 1
ERROR warden: Error occurred: There was an error executing ["sudo", "/usr/bin/env", "lxc-create", "-B", "best", "--template", "/home/ema/.vagrant.d/gems/2.3.4/gems/vagrant-lxc-1.2.3/scripts/lxc-template", "--name", "my_fancy_container_87829", "--", "--tarball", "/home/ema/.vagrant.d/boxes/drifter-VAGRANTSLASH-trusty64-php7/1.0.4/lxc/rootfs.tar.gz", "--config", "/home/ema/.vagrant.d/boxes/drifter-VAGRANTSLASH-trusty64-php7/1.0.4/lxc/lxc-config"]

For more information on the failure, enable detailed logging by setting
the environment variable VAGRANT_LOG to DEBUG.
 INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
 INFO warden: Recovery complete.
 INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
 INFO warden: Recovery complete.
 INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
 INFO warden: Recovery complete.
ERROR warden: Error occurred: There was an error executing ["sudo", "/usr/bin/env", "lxc-create", "-B", "best", "--template", "/home/ema/.vagrant.d/gems/2.3.4/gems/vagrant-lxc-1.2.3/scripts/lxc-template", "--name", "my_fancy_container_87829", "--", "--tarball", "/home/ema/.vagrant.d/boxes/drifter-VAGRANTSLASH-trusty64-php7/1.0.4/lxc/rootfs.tar.gz", "--config", "/home/ema/.vagrant.d/boxes/drifter-VAGRANTSLASH-trusty64-php7/1.0.4/lxc/lxc-config"]

Any idea why?


#2 2017-09-08 08:43:11

Registered: 2017-09-08
Posts: 4

Re: Broken LXC after upgrade to 2.1.0

when you run

(sudo) lxc-start -n <c name>

what's the behaviour?

which are the configs broken?

could you show us which is the content of template 'my-fancy-container', please?

could you show us the log of starting an already existing container, please? (if I read well, the log was only for container creation)


#3 2017-09-09 11:19:44

Wiki Maintainer
From: :wq
Registered: 2008-12-01
Posts: 10,691

Re: Broken LXC after upgrade to 2.1.0

@OP - Some of the output of your post indicates that you haven't updated your config for the changes in 2.1.0.  See: … did=484819

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