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Tried to install Arch Linux on my netbook.
Relevant commands:
gdisk /dev/sdx
-> 1) 1GB BIOS boot - code: ef02
-> 2) Rest Linux
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdx2
mkdir /mnt/boot
mount /dev/sdx2 /mnt
mount /dev/sdx1 /mnt/boot
pacstrap /mnt base
genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
arch-chroot /mnt
pacman -S grub
mkinitcpio -p linux
grub-install --target=i386-pc /dev/sdx
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
When I reboot, I only see a black screen with the word GRUB. Did I do something wrong? I've installed Arch before on this machine...
Last edited by TheChosenOne (2017-10-13 13:50:49)
Could you explain more accurately your scenario, please? I'm assuming you're trying to install grub on a UEFI firmware, since mounting and creating a boot directory wouldn't be necessary otherwise..give us some details, i'm sure you're missing some steps of this
Last edited by lo1 (2017-10-13 13:00:49)
I don't think I have UEFI firmware. How do I know that?
Could you explain more accurately your scenario, please? I'm assuming you're trying to install grub on a UEFI firmware, since mounting and creating a boot partition wouldn't be necessary otherwise..give us some details, i'm sure you're missing some steps of this
Looks like BIOS to me. To use GRUB on a GPT/BIOS set up you need a special GRUB boot partition type (ef02), although it only needs to be 2MB, not 1GB. Note that this is different to a system /boot partition, which isn't needed for this setup.This GRUB partition shouldn't be mounted at all, by mounting it at /mnt/boot you've messed up your installation.
Try installing again without mounting /dev/sdx1.
Enter your bios settings (usually hit "Canc" immediately after booting your pc) and see if you see something called "UEFI" under boot preferences. Sometimes having a gpt scheme (instead of the usual MBR) "MAY" indicate that you're running on a UEFI firmware but really, read carefully the wiki relating grub, uefi and setting up a bootloader according to your system
lo1 wrote:Could you explain more accurately your scenario, please? I'm assuming you're trying to install grub on a UEFI firmware, since mounting and creating a boot partition wouldn't be necessary otherwise..give us some details, i'm sure you're missing some steps of this
Looks like BIOS to me. To use GRUB on a GPT/BIOS set up you need a special GRUB boot partition type (ef02), although it only needs to be 2MB, not 1GB. Note that this is different to a system /boot partition, which isn't needed for this setup.This GRUB partition shouldn't be mounted at all, by mounting it at /mnt/boot you've messed up your installation.
Try installing again without mounting /dev/sdx1.
I do apologize, i'm no fan nor expert of anything else which isn't classic BIOS/MBR, also note that i edited my post since i meant boot directory, not boot partition, which is clearly a mess at this point.
To use GRUB on a GPT/BIOS set up you need a special GRUB boot partition type (ef02), although it only needs to be 2MB, not 1GB. Note that this is different to a system /boot partition, which isn't needed for this setup.This GRUB partition shouldn't be mounted at all, by mounting it at /mnt/boot you've messed up your installation.
Try installing again without mounting /dev/sdx1.
This is the correct answer. It works.
Pages: 1