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I'm trying to build an arch-linux boot-server which boots up clients with an copy-on-write root-file-system. COW is mandatory due to external constraints.
First I tried nbd diskless system but the initrd-hook of nbd or nbd itself is not reliable. I had to alter the hook-script by hand as every first connection of nbd if failing.
So I went to NFS.
I looked at nfs diskless system but the nfs-share it not mounted ro. I searched around and found some Debian/Ubuntu howtos.
To export a ro-nfs-share is trivial. But at looking the debian-howto from above I see an aufs-hook:
modprobe aufs
mkdir /ro /rw /aufs
mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /rw -o noatime,mode=0755
mount --move $rootmnt /ro
mount -t aufs aufs /aufs -o noatime,dirs=/rw:/ro=ro
mkdir -p /aufs/rw /aufs/ro
mount --move /ro /aufs/ro
mount --move /rw /aufs/rw
mount --move /aufs /root
exit 0
Is there any hook available in Arch Linux or any other way within Arch?