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This was working fine before but has now started giving trouble.
[Remote site ]
mybox === internet=== server1 - server2 - server3
server3 has my_files
server2 links to these files using nfs
Uid and Gid of user is same on server2 and server3
my_files on server3 is accessible from server2 and can read/write to the directory/ subdirectories
I create a tunnel to a remote server from mybox with
ssh [server1] -p [port] -l [login] -nN -L21000:[IP4quadserver2]:22 -ConnectTimeout=5 -o NumberOfPasswordPrompts=1
I then use sshfs to connect
mybox $ sshfs -p 21000 myuser@localhost:/myfiles mountpoint/
mybox $ ls mountpoint/ works fine
I can read all the files
mybox $ touch mountpoint/file.txt returns
touch: cannot touch 'mountpoint/file.txt': Permission denied
As I said this has been working for ages and now it is not. I don't recall changing anything.
I have seen other posts about /etc/fuse.conf and uncommenting #user_allow_other. I tried no difference, so I went back.
I have seen posts about the fuse group so I created that group and made sure I was a member. No difference, so I went back.
I have looked at several -o options to sshfs such as
-o allow_other,default_permissions
-o idmap=user
-o workaround=rename
-o uid=[remoteuserid] -o gid=[remotegroupid]
None of these fixed the problem.
What bugs me is this was working fine and it is not now. Anyone else noted a change recently?
Any pointers?