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I installed Arch Linux on my laptop (it's an HP Elitebook 850 G1). From time to time, the boot hangs. To investigate the problem in more detail, I enabled debug, but unfortunately this did not help to figure out the root cause. When the problem occurs, the system seems to be in an endless loop. The following messages are printed on the screen endlessly:
[ 250.982527] systemd-journal[301]: Journal effective settings seal=no compress=yes compress_threshold_byte=512B
Of course, the number at the beginning is different for each of these rows.
From time to time, such a row is printed:
[ 250.982527] systemd-journal[301]: Sent WATCHDOG=1 notification.
I looked at the debug messages that have been printed before, but I couldn't see any strange things. Last activity that seemed to be done before these message started was the wlan setup, which was OK (no warnings or errors).
What can I do to find out the cause of that behavior?
- mipi
hi mipi,
Did you make any progress on this issue? I have it as well. (Almost?) every time I have this problem while trying to boot. I managed to get it to boot with, so i suspect that problem has something to do with gnome/gdm, but I haven't gotten around to investigate it too closely yet.
Followup, the problem for me was this issue
TL;DR, uncomment the "WaylandEnable=false" line in /etc/gdm/custom.conf … 9#p1796289
Not sure if that'll fix your problem though.
Hi skiguy0123,
I did not find out the root cause of the problem. It only occurred from time to time during boot, and was not really reproducible. Now, after upgrading to kernel 4.18 it seems to be solved. Thanks for posting your solution.
Last edited by mipi (2018-09-06 02:01:55)
Pages: 1