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I have installed a Brother network printer HL-L3210CW but I am getting an error when I try to print. The error I get (in the cups error log) is:
E [22/Jan/2019:08:11:23 +0000] Unable to open listen socket for address [v1.::1]:631 - Address family not supported by protocol.
E [22/Jan/2019:08:14:37 +0000] [cups-deviced] PID 5416 (cups-brf) stopped with status 13!
W [22/Jan/2019:08:15:22 +0000] CreateProfile failed: org.freedesktop.ColorManager.AlreadyExists:profile id \'Brother_HL-L3210CW_series-Gray..\' already exists
W [22/Jan/2019:08:15:22 +0000] CreateProfile failed: org.freedesktop.ColorManager.AlreadyExists:profile id \'Brother_HL-L3210CW_series-RGB..\' already exists
Now, I have another network Brother colour laser printer (HL-3150CDW) and if I use that driver with this printer, it prints fine. But I’m trying to troubleshoot the driver that should accompany this printer.
Here’s how I installed it. I got the corresponding rpm driver from Brother and I modified the PKGBUILD, which I’ll attach below. (I used the PKGBUILD from the HL-3150CDW driver as a template.) The installation worked and successfully installed the driver. So, I guess I modified the PKGBUILD correctly. But again, when I print, it looks from the cups web interface like it printed, but nothing happens – I just see the error in the log.
Again, if I modify the printer to use the other driver, it works - no errors.
Did I modify the PKGBUILD correctly?
Any ideas would be most appreciated.
pkgdesc="LPR and CUPS driver for the Brother HLL3210CW"
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
license=('custom:brother commercial license')
if test "$CARCH" == x86_64; then
prepare() {
# do not install in '/usr/local'
if [ -d $srcdir/usr/local/Brother ]; then
install -d $srcdir/usr/share
mv $srcdir/usr/local/Brother/ $srcdir/usr/share/brother
rm -rf $srcdir/usr/local
sed -i 's|/usr/local/Brother|/usr/share/brother|g' `grep -lr '/usr/local/Brother' ./`
# setup cups-directories
install -d $srcdir/usr/share/cups/model
install -d $srcdir/usr/lib/cups/filter
# go to the cupswrapper directory and find the source file from wich to generate a ppd- and wrapper-file
cd `find . -type d -name 'cupswrapper'`
if [ -f cupswrapper* ]; then
_wrapper_source=`ls cupswrapper*`
sed -i '/^\/etc\/init.d\/cups/d' $_wrapper_source
sed -i '/^sleep/d' $_wrapper_source
sed -i '/^lpadmin/d' $_wrapper_source
sed -i 's|/usr|$srcdir/usr|g' $_wrapper_source
sed -i 's|/opt|$srcdir/opt|g' $_wrapper_source
sed -i 's|/model/Brother|/model|g' $_wrapper_source
sed -i 's|lpinfo|echo|g' $_wrapper_source
export srcdir=$srcdir
sed -i 's|$srcdir||' $srcdir/usr/lib/cups/filter/*lpdwrapper*
sed -i "s|$srcdir||" $srcdir/usr/lib/cups/filter/*lpdwrapper*
rm $_wrapper_source
# /etc/printcap is managed by cups
rm `find $srcdir -type f -name 'setupPrintcap*'`
package() {
cp -R $srcdir/usr $pkgdir
if [ -d $srcdir/opt ]; then cp -R $srcdir/opt $pkgdir; fi
install -m 644 -D cupswrapper-license.txt $pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/cupswrapper-licence.txt
install -m 644 -D lpr-license.txt $pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/lpr-licence.txt