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Hey, i can't figure out how to display my CPU Cores like on the picture:
Here is config i'm currently using:
And this is how it looks like for me:
My working resolution is 1920x1080, CPU is i5-4690 so it's 4C/4T, also other stuff is cut on the right side like the memory processes etc.
Anyone could help me getting this right? Really appreciated..
cpu count starts with 0 doesn't it? It looks like you have input only on core 1 because you have cpu1 and cpu2. I think it should be cpu0 and cpu1. I have something similar in lua and I begin with cpu0 for the first core (or thread if you'll multi-threaded).
Ok but that would be still only 2 cores + main issue here is that the right side of the widget is "cut".
For some reason font on my conky looks way bigger..
I see what you mean. Maybe scale the fonts down, or widen your minimum width, or a combination of both? It's a matter of playing with the sizes and see what works best. Also I would recommend using 'goto' instead of just using spaces for formatting. It's easier to line things up for formatting.
I see what you mean. Maybe scale the fonts down, or widen your minimum width, or a combination of both? It's a matter of playing with the sizes and see what works best. Also I would recommend using 'goto' instead of just using spaces for formatting. It's easier to line things up for formatting.
I tried widening minimum width but it seems to have no effect whatsoever.
How do you scale fonts down?
You have to widen the maximum width not the minimum width. The minimum width is the smallest width conky will show but if you have more objects, conky will expand up to the maximum width. You can for set maximum_width 290 to maximum_width 600. You can experiment with larger numbers since you can scale it down later. You already have an exampe of font sizing in your file:
${font Monospace:style=Bold:pixelsize=16}
That uses pixelsize. Just use normal sizing like: ${font Cantarell Light:size=24}
I suggest having a read of the conky variables and conky objects.
If you still have questions, post your updated conky file and we'll have a look.