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As Andy suggested I´ll start this new topic in this section in hope that you can help me.
My problems are mentioned in this thread:
I´ve collected lots of information, maybe it might help to solve my problem.
alias eth0 8139too
MODULES=(8139too mii ...)
gateway="default gw"
DAEMONS=(!pcmcia network crond netd)
order hosts,bind
multi on
couldn´t find anything of interest - error was empty
output of: ifconfig -a
lo Link encap: Local Loopback
LOOPBACK MTU:16436 Metric:1
... lots of things, everything with 0
output of: route -n
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags_Metric_Ref User_Iface
output of: ps ax | egrep | dhc
164 vc/1 s 0:00 egrep dhc
output of: dmesg | egrep "net|eth"
Initializing RT netlink socket
Internal IP number of my router:
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I have a setup similar to you - I've always used static IP addresses.
So, for example I just load my nic module in rc.conf (you already have this set up) then
eth0="eth0 static.IP.address netmask broadcast"
then my gateway address is the IP address of my router -
then just remove the ! in front of gateway.
This should work as long as your nic module is being loaded properly...
Can you paste the output of /etc/rc.d/network restart? Also the output of lsmod.
I have discovered that all of mans unhappiness derives from only one source, not being able to sit quietly in a room
- Blaise Pascal
I´ve found the answer to my problem... it´s so awkward :oops:
I had a typo in my /etc/rc.conf ... namely MODULES=(8138too)
I wanted to type a 8139too, that´s why I realized it so late :cry:
After that I made a lsmod which resulted in
8138too (unused)
When I make
modprobe 8139too
modprobe dummy
dhcpcd eth0
I have my internet connection
But now I´m not sure in which file I should wite these commands so that I don´t have to type them after every start. :?:
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Well, that's how it goes :-) ... in fact, one reason I asked you to give all that information is to make you actually look at all the information in the hope that you find it yourself ;-) ... and I didn't want to be mean or so, but these would have been the steps I had performed - and I myself often realize the errors once I start collecting info for a potetntial report ....
Anyways, as it looks, your setup is ok (with the fixed MODULES line in rc.conf !), and the network should come up on next reboot.
Oh, and once your network is up, if you repeat the checks, you should find something with
route -n
and /etc/hosts should contain a namesrver or two.
Thx, but in which file should I insert the following commands?
modprobe 8139too
modprobe dummy
dhcpcd eth0
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German Arch Linux HowTo - Installation and first steps
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Don't. Having 8139too in MODULES and eth0="dhcp" runs basically those commands (except the dummy modprobe, but do you really need it?).
I have discovered that all of mans unhappiness derives from only one source, not being able to sit quietly in a room
- Blaise Pascal
No, I don´t need the "dummy" command.
But still I have to make a "dhcpcd eth0" or "dhcpcd"! If I do not 8139too remains unused, as a lsmod shows me. :cry:
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As I said, if you have eth0="dhcp" then it should be run when you first start up. Make sure your network script isn't failing on startup.
I have discovered that all of mans unhappiness derives from only one source, not being able to sit quietly in a room
- Blaise Pascal
You mean my /etc/rc.conf?
There I have loaded the module 8139too [MODULES=(8139too ...)] and eth0="dhcp" all the time.
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errr, what exactly is your situation now ? Does it work on reboot or does it not ?
Having the correctly spelled module name in
in /etc/rc.conf is equivalent to issuing modprobe 8139too on the commandline.
Also, having
in /etc/rc.conf is equivalent of issuing dhcpcd eth0 on the command line.
Internet does not work after reboot although I have MODULES=(8139too) and eth0="dhcp" in my /etc/rc.conf - that is the situation :-(
But it works if I type "dhcpcd" or "dhcpcd eth0" after every reboot manually.
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German Arch Linux HowTo - Installation and first steps
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How about entering 'dhcpd' in the daemons section of rc.conf to start dhcp everytime you boot?
@robot5x : dhcpd in the daemons section does not make the machine a dhcp client. Instead you only need "network" in the daemons section, which Tannjew already has
the exact command that the boot script issues for eth0 is (assuming HOSTNAME is set to myhost) :
/usr/sbin/dhcpcd -t 10 -h myhost eth0
What happens if you issue this line ? There may be issues with the timeout of 10 seconds and/or the passing of the hostname when talking to your SMC router. In fact I remember some very old discussion here on the forum where the timeout of 10 seconds was too short.
What is in resolv.conf?
Do you need to use Gateway..?
Have a modem or Router ?
Different ways to connect need very different set ups....
USB,LAN ,Serial .....
If one thing is set wrong no connection I know from personal experience...... :cry:
Mr Green
Mr Green
A number of questions
Please, let's not complicate this - all these questions are answered in the very first post of this thread ....
I am sorry but if the problem is a single user on a single router/modem then there is little point using DHCP.....
If the person is using a network of more than one pc then DHCP is the way to go.....
Come on someone tell me If I am wrong
Mr Green
Mr Green
@robot5x : dhcpd in the daemons section does not make the machine a dhcp client. Instead you only need "network" in the daemons section, which Tannjew already has
That's right, I already tested a dhcpcd in may daemons section and it didn't work.
the exact command that the boot script issues for eth0 is (assuming HOSTNAME is set to myhost) :/usr/sbin/dhcpcd -t 10 -h myhost eth0
What happens if you issue this line ?
It works fine - as well as a simple "dhcpcd".
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I´ve found the problem (I seems that I´m getting good at this thing *g*).
My /etc/rc.conf missed the line INTERFACES=(lo eth0)
No, as everything works fine, this thread my be closed
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