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#1 2021-06-16 00:42:32

Registered: 2021-06-08
Posts: 72

What is the best way to enable vsync globally for every application?

I want that every application uses vsync.
I want that for OpenGL and Vulkan applications and every other api.


#2 2021-06-16 01:04:51

From: Catalunya
Registered: 2020-07-31
Posts: 523

Re: What is the best way to enable vsync globally for every application?

What desktop environment are you using?
Is it using Wayland or an Xorg session?


#3 2021-06-16 01:12:55

Registered: 2021-06-08
Posts: 72

Re: What is the best way to enable vsync globally for every application?

I use kde with wayland.


#4 2021-06-16 06:01:16

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 61,477

Re: What is the best way to enable vsync globally for every application?

Most likely not. … equests/65

Be more specific about the environment, in particular the used clients and those who bother you.
And provide what the system tells you, not what you believe you're using because quite frankly: there's no reason to assume that you actually *know* that.

And your harware/drivers (since it matters) … on_(VSYNC) … g_TwinView

Also "every other API" isn't a thing, all of X11 doesn't know the concept of "vsync" because it's a network protocol w/ attached display server - originally the monitor typically wasn't attached to the display server.

Also stop asking these generic "how do i do thing and I won't provide details" questions that trigger a game of 20 follow up questions.
The relevant sticky has been pointed out to you multiple times.

And learn how to use the wiki.

If you cannot adhere to even that, don't expect too much help in the future.


#5 2021-06-16 17:22:51

Registered: 2021-06-08
Posts: 72

Re: What is the best way to enable vsync globally for every application?

seth wrote:

Most likely not. … equests/65

Be more specific about the environment, in particular the used clients and those who bother you.
And provide what the system tells you, not what you believe you're using because quite frankly: there's no reason to assume that you actually *know* that.

And your harware/drivers (since it matters) … on_(VSYNC) … g_TwinView

Also "every other API" isn't a thing, all of X11 doesn't know the concept of "vsync" because it's a network protocol w/ attached display server - originally the monitor typically wasn't attached to the display server.

Also stop asking these generic "how do i do thing and I won't provide details" questions that trigger a game of 20 follow up questions.
The relevant sticky has been pointed out to you multiple times.

And learn how to use the wiki.

If you cannot adhere to even that, don't expect too much help in the future.

My whole system info is:

OS: Arch Linux x86_64 
Kernel: 5.12.10-arch1-1 
Uptime: 2 hours, 14 mins 
Packages: 1733 (pacman), 4 (flatpak) 
Shell: bash 5.1.8 
Resolution: 1920x1080 
DE: Plasma 5.22.1 
WM: kwin 
WM Theme: WhiteSur-Sharp-dark 
Theme: WhiteSurDark [Plasma], Breeze-gtk [GTK2], Breeze [GTK3] 
Icons: Windows-XP-master [Plasma], Windows-XP-master [GTK2/3] 
Terminal: konsole 
Terminal Font: Monospace 14 
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 (12) @ 3.600GHz 
GPU: AMD ATI Radeon RX 470/480/570/570X/580/580X/590 
GPU: AMD ATI Radeon R7 240/340 
Memory: 3087MiB / 15995MiB

I found that out with neofetch.
I use mesa 21.1.2-1 when I look it up via pacman.
When I search for "vsync" on the archwiki,then I don't find anything.


#6 2021-06-16 18:03:46

Registered: 2016-03-07
Posts: 232

Re: What is the best way to enable vsync globally for every application?

I second seth's view on your approach to use this forum.

Rules for problems.
Everyone has problems. Animals have problems. And buildings. And cats, and trees.
Problems are your friends. Treat them well.


#7 2021-06-16 20:46:38

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 61,477

Re: What is the best way to enable vsync globally for every application? … al_support

loginctl session-status

When I search for "vsync" on the archwiki,then I don't find anything.

Maybe you don't but the wiki spits our 62 results and some deal w/ a multi-gpu situation…

But first provide some actually useful data and not the "abusing arch, btw." nonsense that people post on reddit and 4chan.


#8 2021-06-17 01:42:41

Registered: 2007-09-28
Posts: 6,231

Re: What is the best way to enable vsync globally for every application?

seth wrote:

Also stop asking these generic "how do i do thing and I won't provide details" questions that trigger a game of 20 follow up questions.



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