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I would like to update the following section of the wiki for people like me who are not 100% clear - Nftables: Working with Docker.
I have three parts I am confused about:
1. "Adjust the 10.0.0.* IP addresses if they are not appropriate for your setup."
Is this adjusted to the IP of the host interface, or the docker interface?
2. "Enable IP forwarding and set-up NAT for docker0 with the following postrouting rule"
Does this mean create a new chain in my current table, like so?
table inet filter{
chain postrouting {
iifname docker0 oifname eth0 masquerade
3. "Now you can setup a firewall and port forwarding..."
Isn't that what the rule above would do, or does this mean additional setup is required?
Thank you in advance!
Make a wiki account, and write on
The thread isn't exactly out of place here, but there can tend to be people dedicating time to maintaining wiki pages, and they should be notified if you make an edit to the talk page to ask questions. That'll increase your chances of getting the answers you need.
Last edited by Ammako (2021-10-14 23:43:08)
Was thinking that originally but after reading here: … not_belong (bullet point #3)... I kinda figured this was asking for help, but perhaps you're right. Will post there as well, in hopes to get an prompt reply.
Still hoping someone here could provide a little feedback as I've tried a few things and it doesn't seem to working.
Yeah, I can see your point. tbh I didn't even know there were guidelines on what would be accepted in Talk pages (aside from the obvious.)
I think in your case though, there is value to what you're asking, because if the information on the page can be improved, with more information for example, this benefits everyone, and not just you. Your question pertains directly to the information that's written on the wiki page, and if something isn't clear enough for you, chances are you're not the only one who would find it unclear too.
I *think* the spirit of the rule is that Talk pages shouldn't be used to ask for general help about a subject, it needs to be relevant to the article. Since your question is about the article itself, and its wording, I think there is merit to it; maybe the article could be improved.
Then again, I don't moderate the wiki, so I don't really have a say in this.
Last edited by Ammako (2021-10-15 00:59:15)