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#1 2021-12-11 22:09:32

Registered: 2008-08-03
Posts: 6,965

System Administration Topics

This forum is intended for issues related to system administration not covered by the other subforums. For example, the following topics which typically include aspects of system administration already have dedicated subforums:

This subforum is reserved for questions that involve system-wide configuration that normally requires root access. If you can handle the issue as a regular user, it probably doesn't belong here. Here are some examples of acceptable topics:

  • System-wide (i.e. non-user) systemd configuration, such as unit creation, hardening and ordering, systemctl and journalctl usage and configuration, sysusers management, etc.

  • General user management such as creating, modifying or removing users and groups, issues related to passwd, group or shadow entries, monitoring or restricting user activities, etc.

  • Software issues related to disks and filesystem management such as fstab issues, swap management, LVM and encryption setups, btrfs usage and configuration, raid setups, etc. Basically, if your issue depends on the specific type of hardware that you're using, post in Kernel & Hardware instead.

  • Udev configuration such as creating custom rules to generate notifications on different events.

  • General ACPI issues. Laptop-specific ACPI hooks should still be posted in the Laptop subforum.

The list is not exclusive. Check the other subforums for a better fit and exercise good judgement when posting. The previous iteration of this forum was not specific enough in what was allowed which led to chaos and closing. Let's try to keep it organized this time.

I'm leaving this thread open for now so that everyone can suggest and discuss acceptable topics for inclusion in this list.

Last edited by 2ManyDogs (2021-12-11 23:17:21)

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