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I just upgraded to Gimp 2.3.13, and the Tiny-Fu Scheme interpreter has replaced the older Script-Fu. One of the changes has been much tighter variable instantiation. Before, this code worked to define and instantiate the variable "second-layer":
(set! second-layer (car (gimp-layer-copy drawable 0)))
This no longer functions.
My probelm is that I can't figure out how to declare that variable so the above code works. My first thought was to do this:
(let* (second-layer (car (gimp-layer-copy drawable 0))))
This works as far as not breaking, but I can't use this variable in any other function. ie:
(gimp-drawable-set-name second-layer "second")
In Scheme, how would I declare this variable so that it could be used somewhere? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Apparently the Scheme interpreter didn't like to have the variable defined locally. Once it was defined globally, it worked.