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#1 2006-11-24 17:48:58

Forum Fellow
From: Here
Registered: 2006-06-16
Posts: 7,942

Gimp scripting help (Scheme) [SOLVED]

I just upgraded to Gimp 2.3.13, and the Tiny-Fu Scheme interpreter has replaced the older Script-Fu. One of the changes has been much tighter variable instantiation. Before, this code worked to define and instantiate the variable "second-layer":

(set! second-layer (car (gimp-layer-copy drawable 0)))

This no longer functions.

My probelm is that I can't figure out how to declare that variable so the above code works. My first thought was to do this:

(let* (second-layer (car (gimp-layer-copy drawable 0))))

This works as far as not breaking, but I can't use this variable in any other function. ie:

(gimp-drawable-set-name second-layer "second")

In Scheme, how would I declare this variable so that it could be used somewhere? Any help will be greatly appreciated.


#2 2006-11-24 20:40:12

Forum Fellow
From: Here
Registered: 2006-06-16
Posts: 7,942

Re: Gimp scripting help (Scheme) [SOLVED]

Apparently the Scheme interpreter didn't like to have the variable defined locally. Once it was defined globally, it worked.


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