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#1 2023-08-25 17:34:25

Registered: 2018-02-09
Posts: 29

connecting to VPN through Cisco Secure Client 5.0.02075 fails on Arch

My university is making me connect through their VPN in order to access their resources from off-campus. They have recently disabled access through "third-party" applications such as OpenConnect, so that is not an option. The only game in town is Cisco Secure Client, which, although officially supported only on Ubuntu and Red Hat, should theoretically work on my own Arch machine as follows:

- untar this archive

- cd to cisco-secure-client-linux64-5.0.02075/vpn/

- run

sudo ./

(and accept a licence, etc.)

I can do all of that and the executables run:


will open the command-line version and


the visual-ui version. The problem is that after entering the right server and my credentials, the connection simply fails. In the command-line executable (the plain 'vpn' command above) entering the right credentials (username, password and 2FA item) results in this:

 >> state: Connecting
  >> notice: Establishing VPN session...
The Cisco Secure Client - Downloader is analyzing this computer. Please wait...
Initializing the Cisco Secure Client - Downloader...
The Cisco Secure Client - Downloader is performing update checks...
The Cisco Secure Client - Downloader update checks have been completed.
  >> notice: The Cisco Secure Client - Downloader is performing update checks...
  >> notice: Checking for profile updates...
  >> notice: Checking for customization updates...
  >> notice: Performing any required updates...
  >> notice: The Cisco Secure Client - Downloader update checks have been completed.
Please wait while the VPN connection is established...
  >> state: Connecting
  >> notice: Establishing VPN session...
  >> notice: Establishing VPN - Initiating connection...
  >> notice: Establishing VPN - Examining system...
  >> notice: Establishing VPN - Activating VPN adapter...
  >> state: Disconnecting
  >> notice: Disconnect in progress, please wait...
  >> error: The VPN client driver encountered an error.  Please restart your computer or device, then try again.
  >> state: Disconnected
  >> notice: Ready to connect.
  >> notice: Connection attempt has failed.
  >> error: Cisco Secure Client was not able to establish a connection to the specified secure gateway. Please try connecting again.
  >> state: Disconnected
  >> state: Disconnected
  >> notice: Ready to connect.

I'll also mention that the exact same procedure completes successfully on a Ubuntu 22.04 machine on the same home network (so behind the same public IP). This suggests the issue is Arch-specific, but I do not know how to debug further.

There's much noise out there RE: Cisco for Arch and Arch-based distros, but I can find nothing that resolves this.

Last edited by grobber (2023-08-25 17:37:19)


#2 2024-08-30 17:10:20

Registered: 2024-08-30
Posts: 1

Re: connecting to VPN through Cisco Secure Client 5.0.02075 fails on Arch

Did you ever figure out this issue? I am in a similar boat with University banning 3rd party connection services. I have gotten secure client to work fine and reliably on debian based distros, but never arch.


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