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Hello Archers!
I have a NAS which i would like to mount on boot in my everyday use system so i followed the dedicated WIKI page and all worked out flawlessly on first sight, i can find my NAS content in the path I specified in the service.
There are some down's tho:
1. The navigation of the mounted folder is terribly slow, not freezing but almost unusable (if i mount it on Thunar "by hand" is all blazingly fast in comparison) since every folder I open it makes me wait in relation of how big it is
2. Thunar don't recognize the guest fs which I'm not sure he should be but I would like it
For the rest it works perfectly: I can do whatever I want to the files, create them and then manage them from the NAS, modify them,...
Service status:
● mnt-webdav.mount - Mount WebDAV Service
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/mnt-webdav.mount; disabled; preset: disabled)
Active: active (mounted) since Sun 2023-10-01 11:17:09 CEST; 23min ago
Where: /mnt/webdav
Tasks: 1 (limit: 18666)
Memory: 2.9M
CPU: 259ms
CGroup: /system.slice/mnt-webdav.mount
└─3396 /usr/bin/mount.davfs /mnt/webdav -o rw uid=1000 file_mode=0664 dir_mode=2775 grpid
ott 01 11:17:04 main systemd[1]: Mounting Mount WebDAV Service...
ott 01 11:17:04 main mount.davfs[3394]: davfs2 1.7.0
ott 01 11:17:09 main mount[3394]: warning: the server does not support locks
ott 01 11:17:09 main systemd[1]: Mounted Mount WebDAV Service.
Mounted folder perms:
ls -l /mnt/webdav/
totale 6
drwxrwsr-x 8 mike root 392 1 ott 09.49 Documenti
drwxrwsr-x 4 mike root 0 1 ott 08.53 Immagini
drwx------ 2 mike root 64 1 ott 11.17 lost+found
drwxrwsr-x 80 mike root 3744 1 ott 10.31 Musica
drwxrwsr-x 2 mike root 0 1 ott 09.52 Note
drwxrwsr-x 3 mike root 96 30 set 04.49 Tech
Last edited by sick_mitch (2023-10-01 09:47:39)