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#1 2024-11-18 15:22:58

Registered: 2024-11-18
Posts: 1

Waybar: GTK cannot open display :1

Hello, I hope you are having a great day.
I use Hyprland with Wayland and I am trying to setup waybar, however, whatever happens this error show up:

$ waybar
(waybar:9927): Gtk-WARNING **: 17:16:39.845: cannot open display: :1

what I tried to do to fix it:
unset display
set wayland display to wayland-0
uninstall and reinstall waybar with all it's dependencies and orphan deps
run xhost
check if Xwayland is running
Please help me, thank you for your time.


#2 2024-11-18 17:03:25

Registered: 2023-10-22
Posts: 28

Re: Waybar: GTK cannot open display :1

error show up

... means that the waybar doesn't start at all?

Not sure if it solves the issue, but does your ~/.config/waybar/config file contain the following line?

"output": "<display device>",               # example: "output": "eDP-1",

I don't know hyprland, but my Sway config has such line as well.

Have you looked here?

Add-it: You have re-loaded your session between those changes, right? Again, my experience is limited to Sway, but reloading is crucial there.

Last edited by archlynovice (2024-11-18 17:06:54)


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