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Hello, I hope you are having a great day.
I use Hyprland with Wayland and I am trying to setup waybar, however, whatever happens this error show up:
$ waybar
(waybar:9927): Gtk-WARNING **: 17:16:39.845: cannot open display: :1
what I tried to do to fix it:
unset display
set wayland display to wayland-0
uninstall and reinstall waybar with all it's dependencies and orphan deps
run xhost
check if Xwayland is running
Please help me, thank you for your time.
error show up
... means that the waybar doesn't start at all?
Not sure if it solves the issue, but does your ~/.config/waybar/config file contain the following line?
"output": "<display device>", # example: "output": "eDP-1",
I don't know hyprland, but my Sway config has such line as well.
Have you looked here?
Add-it: You have re-loaded your session between those changes, right? Again, my experience is limited to Sway, but reloading is crucial there.
Last edited by archlynovice (2024-11-18 17:06:54)
Pages: 1