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#1 2007-05-18 22:51:50

Registered: 2007-03-09
Posts: 94

networkmanager wireless stopped working [SOLVED]

I'm not sure what happened, but within the last week or two networkmanager decided to stop working  with wireless networks - I use knetworkmanager-svn primarily so that's where I first noticed the problem.  When trying to connect to my home WEP-protected network (haven't tried with non-WEP yet), it immediately flashes a message - and I mean flash, it's up for milliseconds - and then returns to the disconnected icon.  With the gnome applet it similarly fails - the rotating blue icon and then the disconnected icon.  I have no idea why these aren't working, although I assume it's something underneath the frontends as both of the applets fail.  There hasn't been a recent update to networkmanager, so perhaps it's the latest wireless_tools package.  I'll check on that and report the results.

As of 5/18/07, my system is i686 and completely up-to-date (non-testing).

Thanks for any help on this issue!


Edit:  As for the [SOLVED] tag - I'm not sure what I did, but after reordering my DAEMONS line and commencting everything in /etc/conf.d/wireless, it started working!  Networkmanager is awfully finicky...

Last edited by Shirakawasuna (2007-05-19 06:27:14)


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