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#1 2007-10-15 22:07:11

Registered: 2007-02-14
Posts: 91

ibm t60, iwlwifi, 3945, iwlist wlan0 scan fails

Hi guys,

I'm having some problems setting up the wireless card of a IBM T60. Well it worked fine the past few weeks. Today when I went to university, I encountered that my notebook won't connect to the university wireless network anymore, a iwlist wlan0 scan returned with "no scan results".

Coming home from university, I decided to make a fresh installation of the latest arch on my notebook because I wanted to have a LUKS encrypted filesystem, so I hoped my wlan problems would vanish with the new setup, but they didn't... I can't figure out what's wrong, but here are the symptomatics:

- using a network-profile, connection to a wpa encrypted WLAN works fine (using wpa_supplicant)
- a iwlist wlan0 scan results in a "wlan0    No scan results"
- running the above command as root, the result is "wlan0    Interface doesn't support scanning: Network is down"

I didn't try with the ipw-drivers yet as I don't have a nerve to spend some time on that right now...


Last edited by rochus (2007-10-15 22:15:38)


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