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neotuli wrote:phrakture wrote:Yeah, I noticed that after the fact - blame me for not staying on the ball.
You said it, I didn't.
/me hides
Actually I'm pretty sure that's Allan's fault.
Finally, we can blame Allan, is his fault, I just know.
Installer (FTP/ISO) works fine, as usual
Thanks, devs!
P.S. I don't like BASE by default, choice is always better.
There were only two things I noticed, both are trivial.
1. The FTP install does not put .bash_profile and .bashrc files in /root. Just a minor inconvience. Don't know if the CD install method does the same or not.
2. Like others, I am not a big fan of the complete base install. However, it just requires a little time with pacman to remove what is not wanted, so no biggie.
Other than that, great .iso and .img files.
Last edited by Pudge (2008-07-08 01:58:28)
for those of you who don't like the base by default thing, there is a bug report you can vote on to express your opinion. i believe the link is in this thread somewhere.
archlinux - please read this and this — twice — then ask questions.
-- |
for those of you who don't like the base by default thing, there is a bug report you can vote on to express your opinion. i believe the link is in this thread somewhere.
This release worked perfectly for me.
The first time I tried to install it things didn't go so well due to no internet connection (see this post):
...but after installing a spare NIC in order to have a working connection, the FTP install went without a hitch, and no installation guide was needed.
Quick and easy, it was!
The FTP install does not put .bash_profile and .bashrc files in /root. Just a minor inconvience.
Hi, Pudge!
I ran into that issue as well, so I just copied them from /etc/skel to /root.
Just curious, though... is that the proper way to do it, or should it have been done a different way?
with Arch iso "releases" generally loosely linked to kernel updates, does the recent 2.6.26 kernel mean that quite soon after the 2008.06 iso we will see a 2008.08 iso or something, or a 2008.06-1? Or will 2.6.26 be skipped iso-wise?
anyway it would be great to see it in the repos.
"root# su - bofh"
OS: F10_x64, Arch, Centos5.3, RHEL4.7, RHEL5.3
Desktop Hardware: Dell Precision M65 laptop, core2duo, 2gb, 80gb 7200rpm
Registered linux user #459910 since 1998
with Arch iso "releases" generally loosely linked to kernel updates, does the recent 2.6.26 kernel mean that quite soon after the 2008.06 iso we will see a 2008.08 iso or something, or a 2008.06-1? Or will 2.6.26 be skipped iso-wise?
anyway it would be great to see it in the repos.
Highly doubt there will be a new iso release.
Whats the new feature in 2.6.26 you are so anxious about?
There shouldn't be any reason to learn more editor types than emacs or vi -- mg (1)
[You learn that sarcasm does not often work well in international forums. That is why we avoid it. -- ewaller (arch linux forum moderator)
Actually, yes. There will be. While there was one very recently, I actually believe in sticking to the established schedule. You can expect a release soon after the kernel hits core.
The suggestion box only accepts patches.
dont forget to fix then
There shouldn't be any reason to learn more editor types than emacs or vi -- mg (1)
[You learn that sarcasm does not often work well in international forums. That is why we avoid it. -- ewaller (arch linux forum moderator)
dont forget to fix then
Yes my reply was posted here before that email reached my gmail inbox
There shouldn't be any reason to learn more editor types than emacs or vi -- mg (1)
[You learn that sarcasm does not often work well in international forums. That is why we avoid it. -- ewaller (arch linux forum moderator)
I've tried the new release, both the i686 img and i686 ISO, but I think it has a bug. My hardware clock is set to UTC. Every time after an install when I boot the newly installed system, my clock is off by a few hours. I then need to install the 'ntp'-package and use 'ntpdate' to set my system clock and then 'hwclock --systohc' to set my hardware clock. Could you please look into my problem? I think it is not related to my computer or other OS'es.
Last edited by jealma (2008-07-25 10:56:22)
The time is correct in your bios(that was my problem)?
Last edited by Vintendo (2008-07-25 11:13:15)
I've tried the new release, both the i686 img and i686 ISO, but I think it has a bug. My hardware clock is set to UTC. Every time after an install when I boot the newly installed system, my clock is off by a few hours. I then need to install the 'ntp'-package and use 'ntpdate' to set my system clock and then 'hwclock --systohc' to set my hardware clock. Could you please look into my problem? I think it is not related to my computer or other OS'es.
I just installed Arch for the first time and can confirm this, i actually considered putting it in the wiki as it's kind of confusing at first (didn't know if it was by design or whatnot).
Also, resetting UTC and syncing with openntpd produced some unconvenient Ext3 metadata errors on my new SSD ('attempt to access beyond end of device'), which couldn't be corrected without booting into single user and forcing a full check.
correction: the last part didn't have anything to do with the system time
Last edited by litemotiv (2008-08-02 11:35:24)
ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ
Any news on the 2008.08 release?
There shouldn't be any reason to learn more editor types than emacs or vi -- mg (1)
[You learn that sarcasm does not often work well in international forums. That is why we avoid it. -- ewaller (arch linux forum moderator)
Any news on the 2008.08 release?
Any news on the 2008.08 release?
Pierre has started to work on it. I don't know how advanved it is.
Actually what Pierre is working on is a special Froscon release. Gerhard (gerbra) is also working on this effort. The froscon release will be a special dual-architecture core cd, using the latest kernel/packages and the previous installer scripts. So if you happen to be going to Froscon this year, be sure to check it out!
As for a regular 2008.08 release, it's coming, no worries.
The suggestion box only accepts patches.
As neotuile mentioned its a special release for the upcoming FrOSCon. I have provided a torrent because it might be usefull for somone; not everybody might be to travel to Bonn/germany to get such a CD. ;-)
I was watching this Archlinux install on google videos, following a link on Archux, reading a text from a recent Debian convert … 0565640601
And then I remembered installing Arch a couple of times myself and I thought:
Wouldn't it be better to change the yes/no dialog questions (In the video those questions are asked at 08:07-08:50) about booting from:
-software raid
-software raid mdb partition arrays
-lvm2 volumes
-kernels with custom dsdt file
Into a checkbox layout? Since most users answer those with "no" anyway that would spare some ticking time wouldn't it?
Also I found, that after you choose "no" (or "yes" I guess) for the last question, the installer starts thinkering...
...for quite some time...
...leaving me a little bit worried about what's going on. (which maid me think once that I didn't answered the question yet after which I pressed [enter] again which was not good, because it influenced the latter question, about vi/nano).
So my second suggestion is to put a dialog "thinking..." screen right behind the questions, before the thinkering starts.
What do you think?
As for a regular 2008.08 release, it's coming, no worries.
2008.09, now