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I'm trying to setup a non-anonymous pserver, without SSH.
I got my CVS server running ok, but other then local commands on the server, I can only connect when using SSH ext from a Windows client with WinCVS. I don't mind the SSH part, other then I don't want to have to set up SSH up on all of the Windows machines, and everyone connecting is internal. I can't remember having this much trouble setting up a pserver before.
Is there anything in Arch that I'm missing or forgetting to turn on/off?
Anyway, here is my connect string
[me@vader www]$ cvs -d :pserver:me@ login
Logging in to :pserver:me@
CVS password:
cvs [login aborted]: connect to failed: Connection refused
[me@vader www]$
My xinetd file looks like:
service cvspserver
socket_type = stream
wait = no
user = root
server = /usr/bin/cvs -f --allow-root=/usr/local/CVS pserver
log_on_success += HOST DURATION
log_on_failure += HOST
disable = no
I have an entry in /etc/services:
cvspserver 2401/tcp
cvs entry in /etc/hosts.allow, and an ALL:ALL for the client IP.
I used 'cvsadmin' to create the passwd file in $CVSROOT/CVSROOT, and have tried with and without a password.
I don't have a firewall on the CVS server.
Any tips would be appreciated, I'm pretty annoyed at this point.. hehe :x
My hosts.allow file entry wasn't correct. Works as expected now
I should punish myself by using Windows for a week...
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