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alright, I am having problems configuring pacman to work with a squid proxy server on my machine. i used export http_proxy="http://gwennevre:3128" and export ftp_proxy="http://gwennevre:3128" but i couldn't get it to work. so i do some research, and i decide that i need to upgrade my version of pacman. i download the source for pacman 2.8 and compile it. i then run it, but get errors. i do some more searching and i come up with uncommenting the xfercommand line, but now when i run pacman, i get a syntax error pointing to the xfercommand line. anyone have any suggestions. i would like to get this working, but if i cant i can get to a routed connection in about 2 weeks. id rather not wait that long. i like arch otherwise, but i think i jumped into it too fast and i refuse to go back to windows.
Can you post error form pacman ???
Did you check server settings in pacman.conf ??
Mr Green
Mr Green I like Landuke!
it says syntax: error: line 26
and the error goes away when i comment XferCommand again, but i get other errors stemming from not being able to reach the ftp servers due to not having the xfercommand parameters. . .
XferCommand = /usr/bin/wget --passive-ftp -c -nv -O %o %u
I assume you have wget installed ???
Mr Green
Mr Green I like Landuke!
yes, i have wget installed, and i can grab pages with it.
All I can say is you have set up new server settings in pacman.conf?
ie /os/i686/current ???
Mr Green
Mr Green I like Landuke!
im not sure what you mean. is there any documentation that i can find on the net for pacman? it would be much appreciated. im thinking that the reason that the xfercommand line in pacman isnt working because i dled it and compiled it. arch seems to have something against this
Mr Green I like Landuke!
I would suggest you to download the package and manually install it.
Basically package are tar.gz of the install tree, so just decompress it in a dir and manualy copy the file in their location.
I suspet that the error is due to a non updated pacman.
If you do
pacman -V
which version give you?
well i know nothing about proxies but perhaps the options passed for the transfer line do not work with a/your proxy? have you looked into that at all pacman may just be passing you errors that are related to your tranfer options.
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend
Ok, I spoke too soon about no,t beine to get to a routed connection. I'm over at a frinds house and I just updated everythng. Feels good, i've been struggling with this for awhile. I still can't get X to work though, it's starting to make me mad. I'll make a new topic, or bump my old one.
well X.... if you are talking about Xfree config they try
pacman -S hwd
that will create a basic one for you...
you should then hopefully be able to startx
then you can load up Desktop
Mr Green
Mr Green I like Landuke!
Pages: 1