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helo!:)i want install xfce4 but how i can remove gnome?thanks:)
pacman -Rsn gnome? It's not hard...
im try and..
error: failed to prepare transaction
(could not satisfy dependencies)
::eel: reqires gnome-desktop>:2.24.0
::gnome-vfs:requires gnome-mime-data>=218.0-2
Last edited by firmakrk (2009-02-13 05:54:08)
pacman -Rscn gnome
Make sure to take a closer look at what packages are removed. It's possible that you have to reinstall some important ones.
Last edited by Barghest (2009-02-13 06:40:34)
im try and..
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies) ::eel: reqires gnome-desktop>:2.24.0 ::gnome-vfs:requires gnome-mime-data>=218.0-2
You will probably have to uninstall eel and gnome-vfs as well since they depend on the gnome group. You can use the command that Barghest provided, if you are sure you want all the gnome dependencies to be removed. But please take a close look at what packages it is removing, since the -c option in pacman -R, can also remove packages that you might need.
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
ok Thanks:))
i always do "pacman -R gnome" and when it asks if i want to remove all of it i say no.
Then i remve all but gnome-mime-data, gnome-desktop, gnome-icon-theme and probably 1 more, cant remember right now. The errors will guide you
He hoped and prayed that there wasn't an afterlife. Then he realized there was a contradiction involved here and merely hoped that there wasn't an afterlife.
Douglas Adams
pacman -Rns gnome gnome-extra
Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.
I found that
pacman -Runs gnome
works best and is preferable to "pacman -Rcns gnome":
-u, --unneeded
Removes the targets that are not required by any other packages.
This is mostly useful when removing a group without using the -c
option, to avoid breaking any dependencies.
-c, --cascade
Remove all target packages, as well as all packages that depend on
one or more target packages. This operation is recursive, and must
be used with care since it can remove many potentially needed
Last edited by Kasumi_Ninja (2010-01-23 18:37:45)
I found that
pacman -Runs gnome
works best and is preferable to "pacman -Rcns gnome":
-u, --unneeded Removes the targets that are not required by any other packages. This is mostly useful when removing a group without using the -c option, to avoid breaking any dependencies.
-c, --cascade Remove all target packages, as well as all packages that depend on one or more target packages. This operation is recursive, and must be used with care since it can remove many potentially needed packages.
Nice, that one worked perfectly for me. Thanks
this thread should be locked.
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
C'mon, it's OP's first post, (s)he will have bad memories of his / her first time ;P
@Kasumi_Ninja - Thanks for that information and for helping out the OP. I believe you missed the fact that this thread is more than a year old and therefore the OP either solved the problem or isn't interested in it anymore. Your desire to help and actual help is commendable though.
I'm closing the thread for necro-bump.
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Griemak-Bleeding edge, not bleeding flat. Edge denotes falls will occur from time to time. Bring your own parachute.
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