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#1 2009-05-26 11:41:14

From: UK
Registered: 2008-06-27
Posts: 51

Getting xmonad to play with tint2...

Hello, you wonderful people!

Currently, I'm working with Xmonad for the first time as my WM with KDE 4.2.3 underneath and I'm very much liking it! I've got Xmonad to nearly how I want it. I have xmobar running for my statuses and time, and trayer for my system tray.

But I really miss a taskbar...

I've installed tint2 and have configured, but it simply doesn't display when I run it, and I know it IS running.

How do I get Xmonad to play with tint2, please?


"Eliciting positive quotes about Apple products is a bit like asking children for their view on Christmas; whatever you hear is going to be predictable and pretty much devoid of insight." -- Bill Ray


#2 2009-05-26 13:51:31

From: Denmark
Registered: 2007-06-13
Posts: 1,229

Re: Getting xmonad to play with tint2...

I think you'd have to make room for tint with ManageDocks or Layout-Gaps and also use the EwmhDesktops hook to get workspaces shown with tint.

Last edited by Ashren (2009-05-26 14:00:57)


#3 2009-05-26 14:13:44

From: UK
Registered: 2008-06-27
Posts: 51

Re: Getting xmonad to play with tint2...

Thanks for that! I shall look into those. A further question: how do I get xmobar to display my workspace names?


"Eliciting positive quotes about Apple products is a bit like asking children for their view on Christmas; whatever you hear is going to be predictable and pretty much devoid of insight." -- Bill Ray


#4 2010-10-16 11:50:27

Registered: 2008-04-28
Posts: 71

Re: Getting xmonad to play with tint2...

i'm also interested in figuring out how to implement tint2 with my xmonad...

as for xmobar displaying workspace names

you can find the answer by reading on from … use_xmobar

/me goes back to reading the links ashren posted.

fave quote of the mo': "Man's reach should exceed his grasp, else what's a heaven for." - Robert Browning


#5 2010-10-19 08:26:08

Registered: 2008-04-28
Posts: 71

Re: Getting xmonad to play with tint2...

ok, so i've managed to get xmonad to play with tint2, but now it seems i need to get tint2 to play with xmonad.

import XMonad
import XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog
import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks
import XMonad.Util.Run(spawnPipe)
import XMonad.Util.EZConfig(additionalKeys)
import System.IO

-- initially created with help of:
-- use "xmonad --recompile" to check it's syntactically correct if making changes (better than just modQ)
    -- list of key codes
    -- may also prove useful for some keys and commands
        -- may want to encorporate:
myManageHook = composeAll
    [ className =? "Gimp"      --> doFloat
    , className =? "pidgin"    --> doFloat
    , className =? "skype"     --> doFloat
    , className =? "vlc"       --> doFloat
    , className =? "tilda"     --> doFloat
    , className =? "Vncviewer" --> doFloat

main = do
    xmproc <- spawnPipe "/usr/bin/tint2 /home/digit/.config/tint2/tint2rc"
    xmonad $ defaultConfig
        { manageHook = manageDocks <+> myManageHook -- make sure to include myManageHook definition from above
                        <+> manageHook defaultConfig
        , layoutHook = avoidStruts  $  layoutHook defaultConfig
        , modMask = mod4Mask     -- Rebind Mod to the Windows key
        } `additionalKeys`
        [ ((mod4Mask, xK_F2), spawn "gmrun")
        , ((mod4Mask .|. controlMask .|. mod1Mask, xK_F2), spawn "gedit ~/.gmrunrc")
        , ((mod4Mask, xK_F3), spawn "~/.config/dmenu/")
        , ((mod4Mask .|. controlMask .|. mod1Mask, xK_F3), spawn "gedit ~/.config/dmenu/") -- edit dmenu
        , ((mod4Mask, xK_F4), spawn "close")
        , ((mod4Mask, xK_F5), spawn "xfce4-appfinder")
        , ((mod4Mask, xK_F6), spawn "xkill")
        , ((mod4Mask, xK_a), spawn "audacity")
        , ((mod4Mask, xK_b), spawn "firefox")
        , ((mod4Mask .|. mod1Mask, xK_b), spawn "seamonkey")
        , ((mod4Mask, xK_c), spawn "pidgin & skype")
        , ((mod4Mask, xK_d), spawn "gedit")
        , ((mod4Mask .|. controlMask, xK_d), spawn "gksudo gedit")
        , ((mod4Mask, xK_f), spawn "pcmanfm")
        , ((mod4Mask .|. controlMask, xK_f), spawn "gksudo pcmanfm")
        , ((mod4Mask .|. shiftMask, xK_f), spawn "searchmonkey")
        , ((mod4Mask, xK_g), spawn "gimp")
        , ((mod4Mask, xK_m), spawn "vlc")
        , ((mod4Mask, xK_n), sendMessage ToggleStruts) -- toggle panel visability.
        , ((mod4Mask .|. controlMask .|. mod1Mask, xK_n), spawn "gedit ~/.config/tint2/tint2rc") -- edit panel config
        , ((mod4Mask .|. mod1Mask, xK_n), spawn "pkill tint2 && tint2") -- restart panel.
        , ((mod4Mask .|. shiftMask, xK_p), spawn "gksudo gparted")
        , ((mod4Mask, xK_p), spawn "gksudo synaptic")
        , ((mod4Mask, xK_q), spawn "xmonad --restart")
        , ((mod4Mask .|. controlMask .|. mod1Mask, xK_x), spawn "gedit ~/.xmonad/xmonad.hs") -- edit xmonad config
        , ((0, xK_Print), spawn "scrot '%Y-%m-%d--%s_$wx$h_scrot.png' -e 'mv $f ~/images/screenshots/ &amp; gpicview ~/images/screenshots/$f'")

(if you're eagle eyed enough, you'll likely notice evidence in there that suggest i'm not currently in arch... dont beat me up please. ^_^ heh.)

so, as well as xmonad now respecting tint2 enough to give it space, i can toggle it's visibility with a keypress.   which is nice.

however, tint2's looking a tad useless at the moment.  just shows a blank single desktop pane, rather than the 9, populated with my currently open apps, as it aught to.

i'm not sure if i need to edit stuff in my tint2rc or my xmonad.hs to get this working.

tried fiddling a few bits n pieces to no avail.

any ideas?

here's my tint2rc too, for what it's worth, considering it doesnt fit the bill yet.


rounded = 0
border_width = 1
background_color = #333333 19
border_color = #999999 70

rounded = 0
border_width = 1
background_color = #000000 00
border_color = #000000 00

rounded = 0
border_width = 1
background_color = #ffffff 60
border_color = #ffffff 99

panel_monitor = all
panel_position = bottom right
panel_size = 100% 19
panel_margin = 0 0
panel_padding = -1 -1 7
font_shadow = 0
panel_background_id = 2
#wm_menu = 1

taskbar_mode = multi_desktop
#taskbar_mode = single_desktop
taskbar_padding = -1 -1 -1
taskbar_background_id = 1

task_icon = 1
task_text = 0
task_maximum_size = 144 19
task_centered = 1
task_padding = -1 2
task_font = sans 8
task_font_color = #111111 100
task_active_font_color = #ffffff 100
task_background_id = 1
task_active_background_id = 3

systray_padding = -1 -1 -1
systray_background_id = 1

time1_format = %H:%M:%S %A %d %B
time1_font = sans 13
#time2_format = %A %d
#time2_font = sans 8
clock_font_color = #ffffff 100
clock_padding = 0 0
clock_background_id = 1
clock_lclick_command = xclock
clock_rclick_command = zenity --calendar

battery = 1
battery_low_status = 10
battery_low_cmd = notify-send "battery low"
bat1_font = sans 7
bat2_font = sans 7
battery_font_color = #ffffff 100
battery_padding = 0 0
battery_background_id = 1

mouse_middle = close
mouse_right = none
mouse_scroll_up = toggle
mouse_scroll_down = iconify

fave quote of the mo': "Man's reach should exceed his grasp, else what's a heaven for." - Robert Browning


#6 2010-10-24 10:17:29

From: Denmark
Registered: 2007-06-13
Posts: 1,229

Re: Getting xmonad to play with tint2...

You need to implement Ewmhdesktops in order to see the desktops with tint2.


#7 2010-11-10 06:10:10

Forum Fellow
From: Chicago
Registered: 2008-06-09
Posts: 9,183

Re: Getting xmonad to play with tint2...

Digit, you also need to stop bumping year old threads. Please start new threads and link to the old related ones to let people know what you have tried. Arch is rolling release and what was relevant a year ago might not be anymore. So posting in old threads might not make sense to other users and might also lead to disconnect in understanding what the thread is trying to solve etc...


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There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !


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