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Hello, I've managed to install ArchLinux succesfully, booted to the system and configured without any hassle.
I have 2 HDDs - 1 IDE /dev/sdb and 1 SATA /dev/sda. On /dev/sdb11 i have installed ArchLinux ( no separate boot partition ). The bootloader is from my Ubuntu installation on /dev/sda8.
The problem is that whenever i reboot and try to start archlinux I get a kernel panic, system not being able to find /dev/sda11 at initramfs ( wait for 10s for /dev/sda ) . The system freezes completely trying to kill init. I shutdown the PC all-together and when i try to boot-up archlinux everything works alright.
Unfortunately, now am I at work and can't check the contents of /etc/mkinitcpio.conf, but maybe one of you has a previous experience. If not, I will check tonight and see what's wrong.
Any ideas were I might have screwed up?
P.S. I didn't modify at all in the installation process /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
Edit: forgot to mention, the root partition is ext4.
Last edited by Shay (2009-10-20 09:27:13)
Perhaps your system needs UUID for your drives to prevent the ID of the drive from changing at every boot or so.
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Hard work does not kill people but why risk it: Charlie Mccarthy
A man is not complete until he is married..then..he is finished.
When ALL is lost, what can be found? Even bytes get lonely for a little bit! X-ray confirms Iam spineless!
Yes you were right, setting UUID in GRUB's menu.lst solved the problem. Afterwards, it booted but the SATA drive was set to /dev/sda and the IDE to /dev/sdb ( viceversa as initially ) , so other partitions couldn't be mounted. Changed in /etc/fstab aswell and all worked alright.
I still have no idea how booting to XP and then rebooting to Arch influenced the mapping of devices for Arch. They kept changing between /dev/sda and /dev/sdb .
Thank you for your help though.
Last edited by Shay (2009-10-24 12:42:15)
Pages: 1