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I am currently trying to configure sudo to not use a password for specific commands. I am specifically doing this for netcfgGUI, however I will use more basic independent commands to demonstrate my issue.
If I do the following sudo does not require a password for any commands for any user in group wheel as expected.
Now if I change this to affect only a certain command like so:
%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /bin/ls
%wheel ALL=NOPASSWD: /bin/ls
I get the following error:
sudo: sorry, you are not allowed to preserve the environment
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
Last edited by Tyriel (2009-11-17 14:52:04)
The software required Windows XP or better, so I installed archlinux.
Are you using the 'visudo' command ?
Do you use sudo -E? Or have set an alias like
alias sudo="sudo -E"
Who we are is but a stepping stone to what we can become.
Are you using the 'visudo' command ?
Yes I am using visudo
Do you use sudo -E? Or have set an alias like
alias sudo="sudo -E"
Ahh that was it, I forgot I did not commented out the alias of "sudo -E" in my .bashrc. Thanks for the help guys
Last edited by Tyriel (2009-11-17 14:51:29)
The software required Windows XP or better, so I installed archlinux.