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does anyone know how to change the mixer on the panel to use the master volume instead of master1? (or alternatively, i guess, change applications to be volume controlled by master1 instead of master? )
before the latest upgrade i could control overall volume and things like web browser plugin volume, etc. with the indicator on the panel, now i have to actually open the mixer (which kind of defeats the purpose of having the level meter on the panel ). i checked the various ~/.xfce4 config files, but i didn't see anything that assigned that in any of them. i changed the value in xfce4rc to id="0" and id="1" (default seems to be id="-1") but that didn't work. (i'd like to change the icon too, if anyone knows how.)
otherwise xfce4 4.2.0 rocks! icons on the context menu are awesome, and a lot of the interface is much better. kudos to the xfce4 team!
does anyone know how to change the mixer on the panel to use the master volume instead of master1? (or alternatively, i guess, change applications to be volume controlled by master1 instead of master?
mixer on the panel = volume control ?
What is master1 ? I only have Master;0
You can choose "wannabe master" in the properties of volume control item.
You can also mark "useful controls" in sound section of xfce settings manager.
I guess I don't really understand what's your problem with mixer settings (I'm assuming you have xfce4-mixer 4.2.0-1). You can't see
all mixer controls in xfce sound settings and/or mixer (volume control) properties ?
i checked the various ~/.xfce4 config files, but i didn't see anything that assigned that in any of them.
BTW it's now ~/.config/xfce4
otherwise xfce4 4.2.0 rocks! icons on the context menu are awesome, and a lot of the interface is much better. kudos to the xfce4 team!
You can also try new xfce4-terminal:
The only problem I'm having with 4.2 is that it now starts on all screens and displays (I have :0.0 (crt) and :0.1 (tv)) and I don't know how to start it only on crt (I don't need it on the tv). The previous version didn't do it. I already modified all settings and I'm using my own .xinitrc (startx). When I remove session manager it still starts xfdesktop on the tv. Anyone knows a solution????
thanks, i just found it in the properties. all that looking through config files and it was right in front of my face. [edit: to clarify, the problem was that the panel volume control was set to wannabe Master,1 instead of Master,0 and was therefore failing to control my apps.]
BTW it's now ~/.config/xfce4
thanks! that would explain a few things, too.
don't know about multiple displays, as i only use one. is it an X setting by any chance?
p.s. if anyone cares, the icon that's associated with the panel mixer is xfce-sound, not xfce4-mixer (makes sense, right? ). cheers.
BTW it's now ~/.config/xfce4
thanks! that would explain a few things, too.
Read for all the details.
don't know about multiple displays, as i only use one. is it an X setting by any chance?
Yes and no. It's connected with session management and new mulihead support in xfce. I only hope they didn't forget to include some switch to turn it off :-)
Looks like I need to read more to find some solution...
what's in your ~/.config/xfce4/mcs_settings/display.xml file?
Not much. At least nothing useful.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mcs-option SYSTEM "mcs-option.dtd">
<option name="XDisplay/bgamma" type="int" value="100"/>
<option name="XDisplay/ggamma" type="int" value="100"/>
<option name="XDisplay/rate" type="int" value="0"/>
<option name="XDisplay/rgamma" type="int" value="100"/>
<option name="XDisplay/size" type="int" value="0"/>
<option name="XDisplay/syncGamma" type="int" value="1"/>
I know the problem is related to session management. It should be possible to eliminate taskpad and panel but not xfdesktop (only one instance).
I'll keep searching but this is a new release and xfce forums is not very helpful.
This is the closest solution that I've found: … 11939.html
But it's still not exactly what I want. I'll try to experiment with sessions.
Also lineakd doesn't want to start with sessions enabled. I guess I have finally move to xbindkeys :-)
Other things work quite well. A nice thing is that you can manipulate brightness of the wallpaper from desktop settings (good for transparency). BTW I can see two subtabs here for each screen (screen0 and screen1). I guess this controls xfdesktop but it can't turn it off for a given screen.
slackhack Q:
I'm having a similiar problem. I have sound for xmms and whatever program but my panel mixer doesn't have any "wannabe" device listed at all. My ~/.config/xfce4/panel/contents.xml doesn't have any device listed. I think this is where I need to put the "Master,0" at but would like some confirmation b4 I really mess anythng up. Any clarification would be welcome!
Edit: Well, I guess all I needed was to reboot and then all my settings were available. Patience! Yep, that's what I need.
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