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My experiences with the N220 (UK), this version uses the Realtek 8192e wireless chip and has a Crystal HD chip for full HD playback of media.
I've had this netbook for three weeks now, and my conclusion is to keep Windows on it!
First problem, the realtek r8192e wireless chip has to rely on staging drivers and buggy firmware, which means disconnections every 10 mins or so as well as horrendous spam in messages.log firing off umpteen times a second.
Apr 1 16:05:39 Meyithi-NB kernel: ========>ieee80211_parse_info_param(): athros AP is exist
WICD will also occasionally go into a scanning spasm, burning away your battery like no tomorrow.
Next up is the Intel Atom N450, which acpi-cpufreq can only scale down to a minimum of 1000 Mhz, kiss goodbye to your 12 hrs battery life, at 1000 Mhz you'll get 4-5 hours tops.
And then we have the Broadcom Crystal HD chip, most media players in Windows will utilise this, but in Linux, Mplayer and FFMPEG devs seem to be unable to agree whether they want to support it or not, the only Linux app which uses this chip is XBMC.
In short, if you want to use the N220 as a netbook, you'll be very frustrated. Plugged into AC and with an ethernet connection you'll be OK, but this defeats the purpose of owning a netbook in the first place. made no improvements to the situation, an since I need this netbook to be a netbook I've had no choice but to put Windows back on it.
NOTE: The OP seems to have solved all these problems see his post at
Two years solves a lot of problems. Glad he is doing well.
Moderator: I am going to go ahead and close this old thread.
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