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Using the large Arch 0.7 ISO and selecting build Kernel 2.6 from source, the command "make menuconfig" fails because the ncurses library is not present.
I am able to start the build of the kernel using the default .config file. There were a number of warnings for configuration variables no longer being used, and a number of features had been deprecated. Its not finished yet, but I suspect it will work ok.
I may install the pre-built kernels just in case the config file is incorrect.
Should I put this in as a problem, or is it already fixed in 0.8?
You must chroot in the environment from another vc in order to compile the kernel.:arrow:
If you simply go to /mnt/usr/src it wont work since the paths are not set that's why it does not find ncurses.?
chroot /mnt /bin/bash
cd /usr/src
make menuconfig
cp .config /boot/
cp arch/i328/boot/bzImage /boot/linux
cp /boot
** install grub **
** edit /boot/grub/menu.lst
title Arch Linux
root (hdX,x)
kernel /linux root=/dev/hdXx ro [devfs=nomount] [lapic]
Actually, the instructions are quite good and I did follow them
It's pretty easy, since you can alt between F1 and F2 and check what you have to type.
I going through the whole process again, since I did not like the error messages I was getting. As in the earlier case, I am only installing base (which includes ncurses.)
I am not going to build the kernel from source this time, but wait until the system is up before doing that.
I have never seen this problem before with the beta's of 0.7, so I am going to assume its a fluke. I have used beta's of Wombat on 9 machines and this was the first time it happened.
If no one else has had this problem, I am going to assume its my fault.
No big deal.