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Thanks alot for your prompt reply, mate!
Yes, I will for sure check out the develop branch then...
About dwb, then sorry for bad wording on my part, and I just meant that jumanji was imho functioning a bit on the strange side with regards to this, compared to other browsers, e.g. dwb...
Again, much appreciated; thanks again!
Yes, I will for sure check out the develop branch then...
OK, you might want to take a look at Installation. There are some other features already implemented like quickmarks or ad blocking, but those haven't been documented yet.
About dwb, then sorry for bad wording on my part, and I just meant that jumanji was imho functioning a bit on the strange side with regards to this, compared to other browsers, e.g. dwb...
Don't be. I just haven't seen the link.
Best regards
Last edited by mlq (2011-10-07 06:19:36)
Thanks again mate, and nice doumentation section you guys have made there!
I have made a pkgbuild of jumanji-develop-git which I use myself, but i'm not comfortable by sending it to the aur myself, but if anyone else would want that, then by all means do that...
It's just mlq's original pkgbuild for jumanji-git, with added develop branch to the clone command, and overhauled the deps after the readme and also the conflicts line...
# Maintainer: mlq <>
pkgdesc="a web browser"
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
depends=('gtk3>=3.0.11' 'libwebkit3>=1.4.1' 'libsoup>=2.22.4' 'girara-gtk3-git')
conflicts=('jumanji' 'jumanji-git' 'jumanji-new_webgtk-git')
_branchname="-b develop"
build() {
cd "$srcdir"
msg "Connecting to GIT server...."
if [ -d $_gitname ] ; then
cd $_gitname && git pull origin
msg "The local files are updated."
git clone $_gitroot $_gitname $_branchname
msg "GIT checkout done or server timeout"
msg "Starting make..."
rm -rf "$srcdir/$_gitname-build"
git clone "$srcdir/$_gitname" "$srcdir/$_gitname-build"
cd "$srcdir/$_gitname-build"
make DESTDIR="$pkgdir/" install
install -D -m664 LICENSE "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE"
I haven't encountered any problems with this branch and it feels perfectly stable to me, so again many thanks to the pwmt crew for their nice work and continued dedication and efforts!
Last edited by mhertz (2011-10-08 00:53:31)
Something in the most recent update to jumanji-git in the AUR stopped it from opening for me. When I try to launch it I just get:
error: could not parse user script: /home/kyla/.config/jumanji/scripts/hints.js
error: Could not open configuration file '/etc/jumanjirc'
error: Could not initialize database
error: coult not initialize jumanji
Any ideas?
Any ideas?
Okay, this is a bit odd, since the newer version should work with old bookmarks/history files. Can you try to backup them and removing them and check if that works? Maybe you can join the IRC channel some time, so that we can track this error down.
Best regards
Hmm, for some reason the issue seems to have been caused by the fact that I had linked cookies to /dev/null to create session cookies. With that removed jumanji opens and runs fine. Did something change with jumanjirc though? Jumanji seems to be completely ignoring the file
Hmm, for some reason the issue seems to have been caused by the fact that I had linked cookies to /dev/null to create session cookies. With that removed jumanji opens and runs fine. Did something change with jumanjirc though? Jumanji seems to be completely ignoring the file
Okay, good to know. Yes, some parts have changed in the jumanjirc file - You should find the necessary information on
Best regards
Something in the most recent update to jumanji-git in the AUR stopped it from opening for me. When I try to launch it I just get:
error: could not parse user script: /home/kyla/.config/jumanji/scripts/hints.js error: Could not open configuration file '/etc/jumanjirc' error: Could not initialize database error: coult not initialize jumanji
Any ideas?
Hi kyla,
I am and have been using /dev/null for cookies for a long time and have never seen your error. In fact, I just rebuilt jumanji from git to see if I could reproduce your error and I can't. I'm curious, where does /etc/jumanjirc come from? Maybe what you're seeing is a permission error?
Last edited by skottish (2011-10-29 21:55:17)
I could and it should be fixed now. Just pull the latest changes.
Best regards
Having WolframAlpha open when closing a session breaks keyboard acceleration on session restore.
Update: Manually clicking a link on session restore repairs keyboard acceleration.
Last edited by ntness (2011-10-29 22:46:28)
transcend to the fifth abode
I have previously just used the master branch version, but now with the newly installed develop branch, then it simply frezzes upon loading(I used the jumanji-git pkgbuild on aur, which I see has changed to now use the develop branch).
It shows it's gui and with a white screen and that's it, with no responce to keystrokes, and I need to kill it from htop.
I can see in the output that it also complains about /etc/jumanjirc, just like the previous poster reported, and in everything.log I get a message about dwm segfaulting in libx11...
Edit: Hmm, I uninstalled it and then reinstalled it, and then rebooted before loading it, and now it works fine, so all is good, and sorry for wrong report...
Edit2: It still though complains about not being able to load /etc/jumanjirc, and there isn't one there either, nor being generated at boot...
Also, I have my startpage as, so I can have a google startpage with added new mail notifications from gmail, but when I try to log in there, then google states that I have cookies disabled in my browser and so it will not let me login and so I cannot use it to get new mail notifications unfortunetly? However, the cookies must be working, because after closing and restarting jumanji, then the arch forum still "remebers" me...
Last edited by mhertz (2011-10-30 03:58:20)
You can simply ignore the /etc/jumanjirc message.
I will check on the google issue.
Best regards
Also, I have my startpage as, so I can have a google startpage with added new mail notifications from gmail, but when I try to log in there, then google states that I have cookies disabled in my browser and so it will not let me login and so I cannot use it to get new mail notifications unfortunetly? However, the cookies must be working, because after closing and restarting jumanji, then the arch forum still "remebers" me...
Please pull the latest changes and try again, but I suggest to delete your cookies file first. Please let me know if it works for you.
Best regards
Thanks for your help again, mate!
I've just now reinstalled jumanji-git from aur(i.e. develop branch), so as to get the new change, and I have also deleted the old cookies file additionally.
Now it does let me login to my account(thanks!), but unfortunetly, then there still is an issue which the master branch dosen't have, and that's whenever closing jumanji and starting it again, then I loose that google login, and google states that i've been loged out of my account and if I want to login again, and so I need to do that upon each time I start jumanji...
If that could possible be fixed in some way, then I would really appreciate it...
Edit: I've found another issue, which is that even though I have setup searchengines in jumanjirc, then when pressing 'o' and entering a search phrase, then nothing happens, and I have to press 'o' and then 'ggl' and then the searchphrase(and where ggl is the keyword i've choosen for the first searchengine i.e. google)...
Edit2: Btw, i've just checked the gtk3/libwebkit3 edition of dwb, and it also logs me out of google's igoogle page upon restarting the browser...
Last edited by mhertz (2011-10-30 22:54:24)
If that could possible be fixed in some way, then I would really appreciate it... [...] Edit2: Btw, i've just checked the gtk3/libwebkit3 edition of dwb, and it also logs me out of google's igoogle page upon restarting the browser...
We will look into this.
Edit: I've found another issue, which is that even though I have setup searchengines in jumanjirc, then when pressing 'o' and entering a search phrase, then nothing happens, and I have to press 'o' and then 'ggl' and then the searchphrase(and where ggl is the keyword i've choosen for the first searchengine i.e. google)...
Should be fixed now.
Best regards
Edit2: Btw, i've just checked the gtk3/libwebkit3 edition of dwb, and it also logs me out of google's igoogle page upon restarting the browser...
It doesn't log you out if you allow cookies from google, the default behaviour is that only session cookies are allowed.
Thank alot, mate! Much appreciated...
Sorry, I forgot to state that I had enabled cookies fully, before testing it...
Last edited by mhertz (2011-10-31 14:13:02)
Today I've upgraded my browser.
When I start it I get this message:
error: Could not open configuration file '/etc/jumanjirc'
WARNING: no socket to connect to
My history, bookmark and config data completely ignored, without further error messages. Should I use a new jumanjirc for this version?
Thanks for mlq the fast help.
I've got a corrupted jumanjirc, so It changed completely.
The history file has been deleted. (caused performance problems)
The two error message should be ignored. (The "WARNING: no socket to connect to" message doesn't belong to jumanji)
Last edited by docker (2011-11-14 19:30:17)
Hi! I've just pulled the last version of jumanji-git and I'm having trouble configuring it. None of changes in config.c seems to take effect. What have I missed?
Hi! I've just pulled the last version of jumanji-git and I'm having trouble configuring it. None of changes in config.c seems to take effect. What have I missed?
What have you modified? Please give more details.
Best regards
I've modified some keybindings, i.e. I use CTRL + t to open tabs, I also changed the homepage to google. None of these had any effect.
EDIT: I changed the config.c back to it's original state and just changed
string_value = "";
girara_setting_add(gsession, "homepage", string_value, STRING,false, "Home page", NULL, NULL);
string_value = "";
girara_setting_add(gsession, "homepage", string_value, STRING,false, "Home page", NULL, NULL);
It just loads anyways.
Last edited by Tarffull (2011-11-07 19:00:32)
I've modified some keybindings, i.e. I use CTRL + t to open tabs, I also changed the homepage to google. None of these had any effect.
First of all you can add those changes just in your ~/.config/jumanji/jumanjirc file:
map <C-t> focus_inputbar ":tabopen"
set homepage ""
Regarding changing the code...
EDIT: I changed the config.c back to it's original state and just changed
Is it possible that you are overwriting the homepage value in your jumanjirc file and therefore it doesnt work? Otherwise your change set should work if you have rebuild jumanji correctly.
Best regards
Last edited by mlq (2011-11-07 19:31:06)
I have no zathurarc, so that's a no go. So you're saying that if i clone it from github, change the homepagestring in config.c and build jumanji is *should* work? I'll try that once more. It's really confusing since my jumanjirc is blank, I don't have a zathurarc and the homepage is only defined in config.c.
I have no zathurarc, so that's a no go. So you're saying that if i clone it from github, change the homepagestring in config.c and build jumanji is *should* work? I'll try that once more. It's really confusing since my jumanjirc is blank, I don't have a zathurarc and the homepage is only defined in config.c.
Of course, I meant jumanjirc and not zathurarc. But I think I am a bit confused right now:
1) The source code is not hosted on github, but on our server and I think you already got the source code otherwise you would not be able to modify it.
2) You have modified config.c but you haven't rebuild jumanji afterwards? Just type 'make' or if you want to install it 'make install'.
3) You can overwrite the default settings with the jumanjirc file
Best regards