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I installed kernel cko from comunity and hibernate-script from aur (compilate it) but...
I have a problem... somebody can help me?
I'm using KDE.
In console I write:
[cesar@cesar boot]$ sudo hibernate --kill --force
Some modules failed to unload: nvidia
hibernate: Suspend reported the following errors:
- Suspend was aborted (see dmesg).
why? Somebody use nvidia?
I use nvidia, haven't got it totally working, but to get back to your questions..
you will have to change a little in your hibernate.conf
it lies in /etc/hibernate/
if you look in your dmesg (at the end) you will find the problem(the problem is not nvidia, it is the compression)
I had to manually tell hibernate that I wanted to use comåpression (otherwise I got the same error as you) -> Linux Help portal for Linux and ArchLinux (in swedish)
Dell Inspiron 8500
Kernel 2.6.14-archck1 (selfcompiled)
Enlightenment 17
Thank you for your answer!!!!!
I add "ProcSetting compressor lzf" in .conf
It crash system when shutdown.
Can you paste your .conf file?
my config are, unfortunatly, not able to suspend/hibernate at all..
I have similiar problems as you are right now...but I have always had problems with standby/hibernate, and Now I finally have some time to look into it, i'll let you know how it is going -> Linux Help portal for Linux and ArchLinux (in swedish)
Dell Inspiron 8500
Kernel 2.6.14-archck1 (selfcompiled)
Enlightenment 17
try the userui scripts from UNSUPPORTED - they can help you find config errors
I have those installed, but don't kow how to use them?! -> Linux Help portal for Linux and ArchLinux (in swedish)
Dell Inspiron 8500
Kernel 2.6.14-archck1 (selfcompiled)
Enlightenment 17
ummmm - if you do pacman -Ql userui you'll see the scripts listed - trying running them iwith --help
ok, now I have tried around a bit, and I have gotten my script to once again suspending, now the problem is resuming
it hangs when info says: "Copying original kernel back"
any ideas?
Update: gotten it to resume when I havent entered it is probaly an nvidia problem... -> Linux Help portal for Linux and ArchLinux (in swedish)
Dell Inspiron 8500
Kernel 2.6.14-archck1 (selfcompiled)
Enlightenment 17
ok, now I have tried around a bit, and I have gotten my script to once again suspending, now the problem is resuming
it hangs when info says: "Copying original kernel back"
any ideas?
Update: gotten it to resume when I havent entered it is probaly an nvidia problem...
im sure the dudes who wrote the hibernate script included a few hacks to work around nvidia.
theres one which is like a fake or secondary or demo X, and theres another option to swap out of X, try enabling them.
tried that, doesn't change anything unfortunatly, still has the same error when resuming -> Linux Help portal for Linux and ArchLinux (in swedish)
Dell Inspiron 8500
Kernel 2.6.14-archck1 (selfcompiled)
Enlightenment 17
cybertron > I have same problem... resume correctly when hibernate without X... whne hibernate in KDE, resume don't work!
### suspend2 (for Software Suspend 2)
UseSuspend2 yes
# Reboot no
#EnableEscape yes
# DefaultConsoleLevel 1
# ImageSizeLimit 200
## useful for initrd usage:
SuspendDevice swap:/dev/hdc6
# LoadSuspendModules suspend_swap suspend_lzf suspend_text
# UnloadSuspendModulesAfterResume yes
## Powerdown method - 3 for suspend-to-RAM, 4 for ACPI S4 sleep, 5 for poweroff
PowerdownMethod 5
## If you experience hangs on resume due to write caching, try this:
# AsyncIOLimit 128
## Any other /proc/software_suspend setting can be set like so:
#ProcSetting expected_lzf_compression 50
ProcSetting compressor lzf
ProcSetting disable_encryption 1
#ProcSetting disable_textmode_support 1
ProcSetting userui_program /usr/sbin/suspend2ui_text
## Or traditionally like this:
# Suspend2AllSettings 0 0 2056 65535 5
## Or even from the results of hibernate --save-settings with this:
# Suspend2AllSettingsFile /etc/hibernate/suspend-settings.conf
## For filewriter:
# FilewriterLocation /suspend_file 1000
# VerifyFilewriterResume2 yes
### sysfs_power_state
## To use /sys/power/state to suspend your machine (which may offer
## suspend-to-RAM, suspend-to-disk, standby, etc) comment out all the options
## above for Software Suspend 2, below for acpi_sleep, and uncomment this line.
## You may replace mem with any one of the states from "cat /sys/power/state"
#UseSysfsPowerState disk
#PowerdownMethod shutdown
### acpi_sleep
## To use ACPI to suspend your machine (via /proc/acpi/sleep), comment out
## all the options above for Software Suspend 2 and sysfs, and uncomment this
## line. The number refers to the ACPI sleep state - 3 is suspend-to-RAM and
## 4 is suspend-to-disk.
# UseACPISleep 4
### Some global settings
Verbosity 1
LogFile /var/log/hibernate.log
LogVerbosity 1
# AlwaysForce yes
# AlwaysKill yes
# HibernateVT 15
# Distribution debian (not required - autodetection should work)
# XDisplay :0
### Scriptlets
### Scriptlets provide support for doing all sorts of things before and after
### suspending. The defaults settings here should work for most people, but
### you may wish to edit these to taste. Consult "hibernate -h" for help on
### the configuration settings.
### bootsplash
## If you use bootsplash, also enabling SwitchToTextMode is recommended if
## you use X, otherwise you may end up with a garbled X display.
# Bootsplash on
# BootsplashConfig
### clock
SaveClock restore-only
### devices
# IncompatibleDevices /dev/dsp /dev/video*
### diskcache
#DisableWriteCacheOn /dev/hda
### fbsplash (enable SwitchToTextMode if you use this)
# FBSplash on
# FBSplashTheme suspend2
### filesystems
#Unmount /mnt/windows
# UnmountFSTypes smbfs nfs
# UnmountGraceTime 1
# Mount /windows
### grub
# ChangeGrubMenu yes
# GrubMenuFile /boot/grub/menu.lst
# AlternateGrubMenuFile /boot/grub/menu-suspended.lst
# BackupGrubMenuFile /boot/grub/menu.lst.hibernate.bak
### hardware_tweaks
# IbmAcpi yes
# RadeonTool yes
### lilo
# EnsureLILOResumes yes
### lock (generally you only want one of the following options)
# LockConsoleAs root
# LockXScreenSaver yes
#LockKDE yes
### misclaunch
# OnSuspend 20 echo "Good night!"
# OnResume 20 echo "Good morning!"
### modules
#UnloadModules ipw2200 fan thermal ohci_hcd uhci_hcd ehci_hcd
#UnloadAllModules yes
UnloadBlacklistedModules yes
# LoadModules auto
# LoadModulesFromFile /etc/modules
### modules-gentoo
#GentooModulesAutoload yes
### network
#DownInterfaces eth0 eth1
#UpInterfaces auto
### programs
# IncompatiblePrograms xmms
### services
#StopServices ifplugd net.eth1 net.eth0 bluetooth
#StartServices ifplugd bluetooth
### vbetool
#EnableVbetool yes
# RestoreVbeStateFrom /var/lib/vbetool/vbestate
#VbetoolPost yes
### xhacks
#SwitchToTextMode yes
#UseDummyXServer yes
### xstatus
## This can be set to gnome, kde or x:
XStatus kde
#XSuspendText Preparing to suspend...
#XResumeText Resuming from suspend...
## When using XStatus x, and you have xosd installed:
#XosdSettings --font -misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--*-120-*-*-c-*-*-* --colour=Green -shadow 1 --pos bottom --align center --offset 50