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#1 2011-12-01 10:18:23

Registered: 2011-10-16
Posts: 28

Yet another: Very low sound on my laptops, back to normal after resume

Please begin to see my post  from the 9th floor, I have confronted new problem and updated my post.

I have installed the alsa audio driver and done what the Arch wiki tells me to do. Nevertheless,the system volume of my notebook is still too low comparing with using headphone or runing it on windows7. I can hardly hear the sound even if the volume slider  was moved to maximum. -:( 
In addition, the internal microphone doesn't work.Has anyone a good idea? THAKNS!!
FYI,attach my config files below:
My ALSA Information Script :

!!ALSA Information Script v 0.4.60

!!Script ran on: Thu Dec  1 08:05:33 UTC 2011

!!Linux Distribution

Arch Linux \r (\n) (\l)

!!DMI Information

Manufacturer:      LENOVO                          
Product Name:      ZHAOYANG E46    
Product Version:   Rev 1.0                 

!!Kernel Information

Kernel release:    3.1.3-1-ARCH
Operating System:  GNU/Linux
Architecture:      x86_64
Processor:         Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU M 370 @ 2.40GHz
SMP Enabled:       Yes

!!ALSA Version

Driver version:     1.0.24
Library version:
Utilities version:

!!Loaded ALSA modules


!!Sound Servers on this system

      Installed - Yes (/usr/bin/pulseaudio)
      Running - Yes

ESound Daemon:
      Installed - Yes (/usr/bin/esd)
      Running - No

      Installed - Yes (/usr/bin/jackd)
      Running - No

!!Soundcards recognised by ALSA

 0 [Intel          ]: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel
                      HDA Intel at 0xf0620000 irq 44

!!PCI Soundcards installed in the system

00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High Definition Audio (rev 05)

!!Advanced information - PCI Vendor/Device/Subsystem ID's

00:1b.0 0403: 8086:3b56 (rev 05)
	Subsystem: 17aa:38af

!!Modprobe options (Sound related)

snd-hda-intel: model=auto

!!Loaded sound module options

!!Module: snd_hda_intel
	bdl_pos_adj : 1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1
	beep_mode : 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
	enable : Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y
	enable_msi : -1
	id : (null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null)
	index : -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1
	model : (null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null)
	patch : (null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null),(null)
	position_fix : 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
	power_save : 0
	power_save_controller : Y
	probe_mask : -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1
	probe_only : 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
	single_cmd : N

!!HDA-Intel Codec information

Codec: IDT 92HD81B1C5
Address: 0
AFG Function Id: 0x1 (unsol 1)
Vendor Id: 0x111d76d5
Subsystem Id: 0x17aa4007
Revision Id: 0x100104
No Modem Function Group found
Default PCM:
    rates [0x5e0]: 44100 48000 88200 96000 192000
    bits [0xe]: 16 20 24
    formats [0x1]: PCM
Default Amp-In caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x03, stepsize=0x27, mute=0
Default Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x7f, nsteps=0x7f, stepsize=0x02, mute=1
GPIO: io=3, o=0, i=0, unsolicited=1, wake=1
  IO[0]: enable=0, dir=0, wake=0, sticky=0, data=0, unsol=0
  IO[1]: enable=0, dir=0, wake=0, sticky=0, data=0, unsol=0
  IO[2]: enable=0, dir=0, wake=0, sticky=0, data=0, unsol=0
Power-Map: 0x00
Node 0x0a [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x400583: Stereo Amp-In
  Control: name="Front Mic Jack Mode", index=0, device=0
    ControlAmp: chs=0, dir=In, idx=0, ofs=0
  Control: name="Mic Capture Volume", index=0, device=0
    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=0, ofs=0
  Amp-In caps: N/A
  Amp-In vals:  [0x00 0x00]
  Pincap 0x0001173c: IN OUT HP EAPD Detect
    Vref caps: HIZ 50 GRD 80
  EAPD 0x2: EAPD
  Pin Default 0x02a1902e: [Jack] Mic at Ext Front
    Conn = 1/8, Color = Pink
    DefAssociation = 0x2, Sequence = 0xe
  Pin-ctls: 0x24: IN VREF_80
  Unsolicited: tag=02, enabled=1
  Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
  Connection: 3
     0x13* 0x14 0x1c
Node 0x0b [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x400581: Stereo
  Pincap 0x0001001c: OUT HP EAPD Detect
  EAPD 0x2: EAPD
  Pin Default 0x0221401f: [Jack] HP Out at Ext Front
    Conn = 1/8, Color = Green
    DefAssociation = 0x1, Sequence = 0xf
  Pin-ctls: 0xc0: OUT HP
  Unsolicited: tag=01, enabled=1
  Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
  Connection: 3
     0x13 0x14* 0x1c
Node 0x0c [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x400583: Stereo Amp-In
  Control: name="Internal Mic Capture Volume", index=0, device=0
    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=0, ofs=0
  Amp-In caps: N/A
  Amp-In vals:  [0x03 0x03]
  Pincap 0x00011734: IN OUT EAPD Detect
    Vref caps: HIZ 50 GRD 80
  EAPD 0x2: EAPD
  Pin Default 0x90a10120: [Fixed] Mic at Int N/A
    Conn = 1/8, Color = Unknown
    DefAssociation = 0x2, Sequence = 0x0
    Misc = NO_PRESENCE
  Pin-ctls: 0x24: IN VREF_80
  Unsolicited: tag=00, enabled=0
  Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
  Connection: 3
     0x13* 0x14 0x1c
Node 0x0d [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x400501: Stereo
  Pincap 0x00010050: OUT EAPD Balanced
  EAPD 0x2: EAPD
  Pin Default 0x90130110: [Fixed] Speaker at Int N/A
    Conn = ATAPI, Color = Unknown
    DefAssociation = 0x1, Sequence = 0x0
    Misc = NO_PRESENCE
  Pin-ctls: 0x00:
  Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
  Connection: 3
     0x13* 0x14 0x1c
Node 0x0e [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x400583: Stereo Amp-In
  Amp-In caps: N/A
  Amp-In vals:  [0x00 0x00]
  Pincap 0x00010034: IN OUT EAPD Detect
  EAPD 0x2: EAPD
  Pin Default 0x40000000: [N/A] Line Out at Ext N/A
    Conn = Unknown, Color = Unknown
    DefAssociation = 0x0, Sequence = 0x0
  Pin-ctls: 0x00:
  Unsolicited: tag=00, enabled=0
  Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
  Connection: 3
     0x13* 0x14 0x1c
Node 0x0f [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x400583: Stereo Amp-In
  Amp-In caps: N/A
  Amp-In vals:  [0x00 0x00]
  Pincap 0x00010034: IN OUT EAPD Detect
  EAPD 0x2: EAPD
  Pin Default 0x40000000: [N/A] Line Out at Ext N/A
    Conn = Unknown, Color = Unknown
    DefAssociation = 0x0, Sequence = 0x0
  Pin-ctls: 0x00:
  Unsolicited: tag=00, enabled=0
  Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
  Connection: 3
     0x13* 0x14 0x1c
Node 0x10 [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x400500: Mono
  Pincap 0x00000010: OUT
  Pin Default 0x40000000: [N/A] Line Out at Ext N/A
    Conn = Unknown, Color = Unknown
    DefAssociation = 0x0, Sequence = 0x0
  Pin-ctls: 0x00:
  Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
  Connection: 1
Node 0x11 [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x400483: Stereo Amp-In
  Amp-In caps: N/A
  Amp-In vals:  [0x00 0x00]
  Pincap 0x00000024: IN Detect
  Pin Default 0x40000000: [N/A] Line Out at Ext N/A
    Conn = Unknown, Color = Unknown
    DefAssociation = 0x0, Sequence = 0x0
  Pin-ctls: 0x00:
  Unsolicited: tag=00, enabled=0
  Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
Node 0x12 [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00503: Stereo Amp-In
  Amp-In caps: N/A
  Amp-In vals:  [0x00 0x00]
  Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
  Connection: 1
Node 0x13 [Audio Output] wcaps 0xd0c05: Stereo Amp-Out R/L
  Control: name="Speaker Playback Volume", index=0, device=0
    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=63
  Control: name="Speaker Playback Switch", index=0, device=0
    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0
  Device: name="STAC92xx Analog", type="Audio", device=0
  Amp-Out caps: N/A
  Amp-Out vals:  [0x64 0x64]
  Converter: stream=5, channel=0
  Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
  Delay: 13 samples
Node 0x14 [Audio Output] wcaps 0xd0c05: Stereo Amp-Out R/L
  Control: name="Headphone Playback Volume", index=0, device=0
    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=63
  Control: name="Headphone Playback Switch", index=0, device=0
    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0
  Amp-Out caps: N/A
  Amp-Out vals:  [0x64 0x64]
  Converter: stream=5, channel=0
  Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
  Delay: 13 samples
Node 0x15 [Audio Input] wcaps 0x1d0541: Stereo
  Device: name="STAC92xx Analog", type="Audio", device=0
  Converter: stream=0, channel=0
  SDI-Select: 0
  Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
  Delay: 13 samples
  Connection: 1
  Processing caps: benign=0, ncoeff=0
Node 0x16 [Audio Input] wcaps 0x1d0541: Stereo
  Converter: stream=0, channel=0
  SDI-Select: 0
  Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
  Delay: 13 samples
  Connection: 1
  Processing caps: benign=0, ncoeff=0
Node 0x17 [Audio Selector] wcaps 0x300d0d: Stereo Amp-Out R/L
  Control: name="Capture Volume", index=0, device=0
    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0
  Control: name="Capture Switch", index=0, device=0
    ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0
  Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x0f, stepsize=0x05, mute=1
  Amp-Out vals:  [0x0f 0x0f]
  Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
  Connection: 7
     0x0c* 0x0e 0x0f 0x1b 0x11 0x12 0x0a
Node 0x18 [Audio Selector] wcaps 0x300d0d: Stereo Amp-Out R/L
  Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x0f, stepsize=0x05, mute=1
  Amp-Out vals:  [0x80 0x80]
  Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
  Connection: 7
     0x0c* 0x0e 0x0f 0x1b 0x11 0x12 0x0a
Node 0x19 [Audio Selector] wcaps 0x300501: Stereo
  Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
  Connection: 3
     0x13* 0x14 0x1c
Node 0x1a [Audio Mixer] wcaps 0x200500: Mono
  Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
  Connection: 1
Node 0x1b [Audio Mixer] wcaps 0x20050b: Stereo Amp-In
  Amp-In caps: ofs=0x17, nsteps=0x1f, stepsize=0x05, mute=1
  Amp-In vals:  [0x97 0x97] [0x97 0x97] [0x97 0x97] [0x97 0x97] [0x97 0x97] [0x97 0x97]
  Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
  Connection: 6
     0x0c 0x0e 0x0f 0x13 0x14 0x0a
Node 0x1c [Audio Selector] wcaps 0x30050d: Stereo Amp-Out
  Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x1f, nsteps=0x1f, stepsize=0x05, mute=1
  Amp-Out vals:  [0x9f 0x9f]
  Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
  Connection: 1
Node 0x1d [Audio Output] wcaps 0x4061d: Stereo Digital Amp-Out
  Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x00, stepsize=0x00, mute=1
  Amp-Out vals:  [0x00 0x00]
  Converter: stream=0, channel=0
  Digital category: 0x0
    rates [0x5e0]: 44100 48000 88200 96000 192000
    bits [0xe]: 16 20 24
    formats [0x5]: PCM AC3
  Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
  Delay: 4 samples
Node 0x1e [Audio Output] wcaps 0x4061d: Stereo Digital Amp-Out
  Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x00, stepsize=0x00, mute=1
  Amp-Out vals:  [0x00 0x00]
  Converter: stream=0, channel=0
  Digital category: 0x0
    rates [0x5e0]: 44100 48000 88200 96000 192000
    bits [0xe]: 16 20 24
    formats [0x5]: PCM AC3
  Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
  Delay: 4 samples
Node 0x1f [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x400781: Stereo Digital
  Pincap 0x00000014: OUT Detect
  Pin Default 0x40000000: [N/A] Line Out at Ext N/A
    Conn = Unknown, Color = Unknown
    DefAssociation = 0x0, Sequence = 0x0
  Pin-ctls: 0x00:
  Unsolicited: tag=00, enabled=0
  Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
  Connection: 1
Node 0x20 [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x400781: Stereo Digital
  Pincap 0x00000034: IN OUT Detect
  Pin Default 0x40000000: [N/A] Line Out at Ext N/A
    Conn = Unknown, Color = Unknown
    DefAssociation = 0x0, Sequence = 0x0
  Pin-ctls: 0x00:
  Unsolicited: tag=00, enabled=0
  Power: setting=D0, actual=D0
  Connection: 1
Node 0x21 [Beep Generator Widget] wcaps 0x70000c: Mono Amp-Out
  Control: name="Beep Playback Switch", index=0, device=0
    ControlAmp: chs=1, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0
  Control: name="Beep Playback Volume", index=0, device=0
    ControlAmp: chs=1, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0
  Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x03, nsteps=0x03, stepsize=0x17, mute=1
  Amp-Out vals:  [0x00]
Node 0x22 [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono

!!ALSA Device nodes

crw-rw---T  1 root audio 116,  5 Dec  1 02:09 /dev/snd/controlC0
crw-rw---T  1 root audio 116,  4 Dec  1 02:09 /dev/snd/hwC0D0
crw-rw---T  1 root audio 116,  3 Dec  1 02:09 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0c
crw-rw---T  1 root audio 116,  2 Dec  1 15:03 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p
crw-rw---T  1 root audio 116,  1 Dec  1 02:09 /dev/snd/seq
crw-rw---T  1 root audio 116, 33 Dec  1 02:09 /dev/snd/timer

total 0
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  60 Dec  1 02:09 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 180 Dec  1 02:09 ..
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  12 Dec  1 02:09 pci-0000:00:1b.0 -> ../controlC0

!!ALSA configuration files

!!System wide config file (/etc/asound.conf)

# Use PulseAudio by default
pcm.!default {
  type pulse

ctl.!default {
  type pulse

# Explicit PulseAudio device
pcm.pulse {
  type pulse

ctl.pulse {
  type pulse

# vim:set ft=alsaconf:

!!Aplay/Arecord output


**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: STAC92xx Analog [STAC92xx Analog]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0


**** List of CAPTURE Hardware Devices ****
card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: STAC92xx Analog [STAC92xx Analog]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

!!Amixer output

!!-------Mixer controls for card 0 [Intel]

Card hw:0 'Intel'/'HDA Intel at 0xf0620000 irq 44'
  Mixer name	: 'IDT 92HD81B1C5'
  Components	: 'HDA:111d76d5,17aa4007,00100104'
  Controls      : 14
  Simple ctrls  : 9
Simple mixer control 'Master',0
  Capabilities: pvolume pvolume-joined pswitch pswitch-joined penum
  Playback channels: Mono
  Limits: Playback 0 - 64
  Mono: Playback 37 [58%] [-20.25dB] [on]
Simple mixer control 'Headphone',0
  Capabilities: pvolume pswitch penum
  Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
  Limits: Playback 0 - 64
  Front Left: Playback 64 [100%] [0.00dB] [on]
  Front Right: Playback 64 [100%] [0.00dB] [on]
Simple mixer control 'Speaker',0
  Capabilities: pvolume pswitch penum
  Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
  Limits: Playback 0 - 64
  Front Left: Playback 64 [100%] [0.00dB] [on]
  Front Right: Playback 64 [100%] [0.00dB] [on]
Simple mixer control 'PCM',0
  Capabilities: pvolume penum
  Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
  Limits: Playback 0 - 255
  Front Left: Playback 255 [100%] [0.00dB]
  Front Right: Playback 255 [100%] [0.00dB]
Simple mixer control 'Front Mic Jack Mode',0
  Capabilities: enum
  Items: 'Mic In' 'Line In'
  Item0: 'Mic In'
Simple mixer control 'Mic',0
  Capabilities: cvolume penum
  Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right
  Limits: Capture 0 - 3
  Front Left: Capture 0 [0%] [0.00dB]
  Front Right: Capture 0 [0%] [0.00dB]
Simple mixer control 'Beep',0
  Capabilities: pvolume pvolume-joined pswitch pswitch-joined penum
  Playback channels: Mono
  Limits: Playback 0 - 3
  Mono: Playback 0 [0%] [-18.00dB] [off]
Simple mixer control 'Capture',0
  Capabilities: cvolume cswitch penum
  Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right
  Limits: Capture 0 - 15
  Front Left: Capture 15 [100%] [22.50dB] [on]
  Front Right: Capture 15 [100%] [22.50dB] [on]
Simple mixer control 'Internal Mic',0
  Capabilities: cvolume penum
  Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right
  Limits: Capture 0 - 3
  Front Left: Capture 3 [100%] [30.00dB]
  Front Right: Capture 3 [100%] [30.00dB]

!!Alsactl output

state.Intel {
	control.1 {
		iface MIXER
		name 'Speaker Playback Volume'
		value.0 64
		value.1 64
		comment {
			access 'read write'
			type INTEGER
			count 2
			range '0 - 64'
			dbmin -4800
			dbmax 0
			dbvalue.0 0
			dbvalue.1 0
	control.2 {
		iface MIXER
		name 'Speaker Playback Switch'
		value.0 true
		value.1 true
		comment {
			access 'read write'
			type BOOLEAN
			count 2
	control.3 {
		iface MIXER
		name 'Front Mic Jack Mode'
		value 'Mic In'
		comment {
			access 'read write'
			count 1
			item.0 'Mic In'
			item.1 'Line In'
	control.4 {
		iface MIXER
		name 'Beep Playback Switch'
		value false
		comment {
			access 'read write'
			type BOOLEAN
			count 1
	control.5 {
		iface MIXER
		name 'Beep Playback Volume'
		value 0
		comment {
			access 'read write'
			type INTEGER
			count 1
			range '0 - 3'
			dbmin -1800
			dbmax 0
			dbvalue.0 -1800
	control.6 {
		iface MIXER
		name 'Headphone Playback Volume'
		value.0 64
		value.1 64
		comment {
			access 'read write'
			type INTEGER
			count 2
			range '0 - 64'
			dbmin -4800
			dbmax 0
			dbvalue.0 0
			dbvalue.1 0
	control.7 {
		iface MIXER
		name 'Headphone Playback Switch'
		value.0 true
		value.1 true
		comment {
			access 'read write'
			type BOOLEAN
			count 2
	control.8 {
		iface MIXER
		name 'Capture Volume'
		value.0 15
		value.1 15
		comment {
			access 'read write'
			type INTEGER
			count 2
			range '0 - 15'
			dbmin 0
			dbmax 2250
			dbvalue.0 2250
			dbvalue.1 2250
	control.9 {
		iface MIXER
		name 'Capture Switch'
		value.0 true
		value.1 true
		comment {
			access 'read write'
			type BOOLEAN
			count 2
	control.10 {
		iface MIXER
		name 'Mic Capture Volume'
		value.0 0
		value.1 0
		comment {
			access 'read write'
			type INTEGER
			count 2
			range '0 - 3'
			dbmin 0
			dbmax 3000
			dbvalue.0 0
			dbvalue.1 0
	control.11 {
		iface MIXER
		name 'Internal Mic Capture Volume'
		value.0 3
		value.1 3
		comment {
			access 'read write'
			type INTEGER
			count 2
			range '0 - 3'
			dbmin 0
			dbmax 3000
			dbvalue.0 3000
			dbvalue.1 3000
	control.12 {
		iface MIXER
		name 'Master Playback Volume'
		value 37
		comment {
			access 'read write'
			type INTEGER
			count 1
			range '0 - 64'
			dbmin -9999999
			dbmax 0
			dbvalue.0 -2025
	control.13 {
		iface MIXER
		name 'Master Playback Switch'
		value true
		comment {
			access 'read write'
			type BOOLEAN
			count 1
	control.14 {
		iface MIXER
		name 'PCM Playback Volume'
		value.0 255
		value.1 255
		comment {
			access 'read write user'
			type INTEGER
			count 2
			range '0 - 255'
			tlv '0000000100000008ffffec1400000014'
			dbmin -5100
			dbmax 0
			dbvalue.0 0
			dbvalue.1 0

!!All Loaded Modules


!!Sysfs Files

0x0a 0x02a1902e
0x0b 0x0221401f
0x0c 0x90a10120
0x0d 0x90130110
0x0e 0x40000000
0x0f 0x40000000
0x10 0x40000000
0x11 0x40000000
0x1f 0x40000000
0x20 0x40000000




!!ALSA/HDA dmesg

[    7.812625] iwlagn 0000:03:00.0: Tunable channels: 13 802.11bg, 0 802.11a channels
[    8.091452] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:1b.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 22 (level, low) -> IRQ 22
[    8.091522] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:1b.0: irq 44 for MSI/MSI-X
[    8.091559] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:1b.0: setting latency timer to 64
[    8.200140] iwlagn 0000:03:00.0: loaded firmware version build 35138
[    8.244379] ieee80211 phy0: Selected rate control algorithm 'iwl-agn-rs'
[   10.002422] input: HDA Digital PCBeep as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1b.0/input/input10
[   10.009544] input: HDA Intel Mic at Ext Front Jack as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1b.0/sound/card0/input11
[   10.009646] input: HDA Intel HP Out at Ext Front Jack as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1b.0/sound/card0/input12
[   11.452743] EXT4-fs (sda6): re-mounted. Opts: (null)
[  197.697060] e1000e 0000:00:19.0: wake-up capability enabled by ACPI
[  197.771148] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:1b.0: PCI INT A disabled
[  197.782918] PM: freeze of devices complete after 116.092 msecs
[  198.265033] usb usb1: root hub lost power or was reset
[  198.265041] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:1b.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 22 (level, low) -> IRQ 22
[  198.265057] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:1b.0: setting latency timer to 64
[  198.268921] ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.0: setting latency timer to 64
[  198.272865] ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.0: cache line size of 64 is not supported
[  198.272874] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:1b.0: irq 42 for MSI/MSI-X
[  198.272941] iwlagn 0000:03:00.0: RF_KILL bit toggled to enable radio.
[  239.735021] serial 00:08: disabled
[  239.735257] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:1b.0: PCI INT A disabled
[  239.760974] e1000e 0000:00:19.0: PME# enabled
[  240.168078] ehci_hcd 0000:00:1a.0: setting latency timer to 64
[  240.168093] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:1b.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 22 (level, low) -> IRQ 22
[  240.168101] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:1b.0: setting latency timer to 64
[  240.168111] usb usb1: root hub lost power or was reset
[  240.172058] ehci_hcd 0000:00:1a.0: cache line size of 64 is not supported
[  240.172067] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:1b.0: irq 42 for MSI/MSI-X
[  240.172090] iwlagn 0000:03:00.0: RF_KILL bit toggled to enable radio.

$amixer -c0
Print F5-all,  the Mic In bar is empty and can not be moved.
$amixer contents

numid=4,iface=MIXER,name='Master Playback Switch'
  ; type=BOOLEAN,access=rw------,values=1
  : values=on
numid=3,iface=MIXER,name='Master Playback Volume'
  ; type=INTEGER,access=rw------,values=2,min=0,max=65536,step=1
  : values=32846,32846
numid=2,iface=MIXER,name='Capture Switch'
  ; type=BOOLEAN,access=rw------,values=1
  : values=on
numid=1,iface=MIXER,name='Capture Volume'
  ; type=INTEGER,access=rw------,values=2,min=0,max=65536,step=1
  : values=65533,65533

$sudo head -1 /proc/asound/card0/codec#0

Codec: IDT 92HD81B1C5

aplay -l

**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: STAC92xx Analog [STAC92xx Analog]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

And I tried many times to edit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf
options snd-hda-intel model=ref/generic/ideapad/asus/dell-s14/dell-vostro/dell-3stack...  It doesn't work at all.
My /var/log/boot file:

INIT: Entering runlevel: 5
Thu Dec  1 17:37:14 2011: :: Starting alsa    [BKGD] :: Starting hwclock    [BKGD^[[0;
Thu Dec  1 17:37:15 2011: acpid: 1 rule loaded
Thu Dec  1 17:37:15 2011: acpid: waiting for events: event logging is off
Thu Dec  1 17:37:15 2011:    [DONE] 
Thu Dec  1 17:37:15 2011: :: Starting NetworkManager    [BUSY]    [DONE] 
Thu Dec  1 17:37:16 2011: :: Starting syslog-ng    [BKGD] :: Starting crond    [BKGD^[
Thu Dec  1 17:37:18 2011: ALSA lib pulse.c:229:(pulse_connect) PulseAudio: Unable to connect: Connection refused
Thu Dec  1 17:37:18 2011: 
Thu Dec  1 17:37:18 2011: amixer: Mixer attach default error: Connection refused
Thu Dec  1 17:37:18 2011: ALSA lib pulse.c:229:(pulse_connect) PulseAudio: Unable to connect: Connection refused
Thu Dec  1 17:37:18 2011: 
Thu Dec  1 17:37:18 2011: amixer: Mixer attach default error: Connection refused

Last edited by hooluupog (2011-12-27 05:43:51)


#2 2011-12-01 17:04:09

From: israel
Registered: 2010-09-11
Posts: 456

Re: Yet another: Very low sound on my laptops, back to normal after resume

your master is only 50.



#3 2011-12-01 18:06:13

Registered: 2011-10-16
Posts: 28

Re: Yet another: Very low sound on my laptops, back to normal after resume

shulamy wrote:

your master is only 50.


Thanks for your reply. The volume is still low after I moved the master bar to maximum. But the sound can be heard clearly with headphone even if the master is 50.

Last edited by hooluupog (2011-12-01 18:10:42)


#4 2011-12-01 21:47:31

From: A comfortable couch
Registered: 2010-10-09
Posts: 1,033

Re: Yet another: Very low sound on my laptops, back to normal after resume

I noticed

!!Sound Servers on this system

      Installed - Yes (/usr/bin/pulseaudio)
      Running - Yes

so maybe the Pulse audio wiki will help.

You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me.


#5 2011-12-02 15:19:43

Registered: 2011-10-16
Posts: 28

Re: Yet another: Very low sound on my laptops, back to normal after resume

moetunes wrote:

so maybe the Pulse audio wiki will help.

Hi moetunes,
I followed the pulse audio wiki  but  it  doesn't work yet, the speaker volume is still low. Paste some output info:
$ pulseaudio --log-level=4 --log-target=stderr

pulseaudio --log-level=4 --log-target=stderr
I: [pulseaudio] main.c: setrlimit(RLIMIT_NICE, (31, 31))  failed: Operation not permitted
D: [pulseaudio] core-rtclock.c: Timer slack is set to 50 us.
D: [pulseaudio] core-util.c: RealtimeKit worked.
I: [pulseaudio] core-util.c: Successfully gained nice level -11.
I: [pulseaudio] main.c:  This is PulseAudio 1.1
D: [pulseaudio] main.c: Compilation host:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
D: [pulseaudio] main.c: Compilation CFLAGS:-march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wall -W -Wextra -Wno-long-long -Wvla -Wno-overlength-strings -Wunsafe-loop-optimizations -Wundef -Wformat=2 -Wlogical-op -Wsign-compare -Wformat-security -Wmissing-include-dirs -Wformat-nonliteral -Wpointer-arith -Winit-self -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wfloat-equal -Wmissing-prototypes -Wredundant-decls -Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-noreturn -Wshadow -Wendif-labels -Wcast-align -Wstrict-aliasing -Wwrite-strings -Wno-unused-parameter -ffast-math -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fno-common -fdiagnostics-show-option
D: [pulseaudio] main.c: Running on host:Linux x86_64 3.1.3-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Nov 27 21:08:51 CET 2011
D: [pulseaudio] main.c: Found 4 CPU。
I: [pulseaudio] main.c: Page size is 4096bytes
D: [pulseaudio] main.c: Compiled with Valgrind support: no
D: [pulseaudio] main.c: Running in valgrind mode: no
D: [pulseaudio] main.c: Running in VM: no
D: [pulseaudio] main.c: Optimized build: yes
D: [pulseaudio] main.c: All asserts enabled.
I: [pulseaudio] main.c: machine ID is 1892958c3ba258df861dfa6700001088。
I: [pulseaudio] main.c: session ID 1892958c3ba258df861dfa6700001088-1322837236.619390-261119786。
I: [pulseaudio] main.c: Using runtime directory/home/darkblue/.pulse/1892958c3ba258df861dfa6700001088-runtime。
I: [pulseaudio] main.c: Using state directory /home/darkblue/.pulse。
I: [pulseaudio] main.c: Using modules directory /usr/lib/pulse-1.1/modules。
I: [pulseaudio] main.c: Running in system mode: no
I: [pulseaudio] main.c: Fresh high-resolution timers available! Bon appetit!
D: [pulseaudio] memblock.c: Using shared memory pool with 1024 slots of size 64.0 KiB each, total size is 64.0 MiB, maximum usable slot size is 65472audio] cpu-x86.c: CPU flags: CMOV MMX SSE SSE2 SSE3 SSSE3 SSE4_1 SSE4_2 
I: [pulseaudio] svolume_mmx.c: Initialising MMX optimized volume functions.
I: [pulseaudio] remap_mmx.c: Initialising MMX optimized remappers.
I: [pulseaudio] svolume_sse.c: Initialising SSE2 optimized volume functions.
I: [pulseaudio] remap_sse.c: Initialising SSE2 optimized remappers.
I: [pulseaudio] sconv_sse.c: Initialising SSE2 optimized conversions.
I: [pulseaudio] svolume_orc.c: Initialising ORC optimized volume functions.
D: [pulseaudio] database-tdb.c: Opened TDB database '/home/darkblue/.pulse/1892958c3ba258df861dfa6700001088-device-volumes.tdb'
I: [pulseaudio] module-device-restore.c: Successfully opened database file '/home/darkblue/.pulse/1892958c3ba258df861dfa6700001088-device-volumes'.seaudio] module.c: Loaded "module-device-restore" (index: #0; argument: "").
D: [pulseaudio] database-tdb.c: Opened TDB database '/home/darkblue/.pulse/1892958c3ba258df861dfa6700001088-stream-volumes.tdb'
I: [pulseaudio] module-stream-restore.c: Successfully opened database file '/home/darkblue/.pulse/1892958c3ba258df861dfa6700001088-stream-volumes'.seaudio] protocol-dbus.c: Interface org.PulseAudio.Ext.StreamRestore1 added for object /org/pulseaudio/stream_restore1
I: [pulseaudio] module.c: Loaded "module-stream-restore" (index: #1; argument: "").
I: [pulseaudio] module.c: Loaded "module-card-restore" (index: #2; argument: "").
I: [pulseaudio] module.c: Loaded "module-augment-properties" (index: #3; argument: "").
D: [pulseaudio] cli-command.c: Checking for existence of '/usr/lib/pulse-1.1/modules/': success
D: [pulseaudio] module-udev-detect.c: /dev/snd/controlC0 is accessible: yes
D: [pulseaudio] module-udev-detect.c: /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1b.0/sound/card0 is busy: no
D: [pulseaudio] module-udev-detect.c: Loading module-alsa-card with arguments 'device_id="0" name="pci-0000_00_1b.0" card_name="alsa_card.pci-0000_00_1b.0" namereg_fail=false tsched=yes ignore_dB=no deferred_volume=yes card_properties="module-udev-detect.discovered=1"'
D: [pulseaudio] dbus-util.c: Successfully connected to D-Bus session bus 132dd601469eb502a9f4694600000027 as :1.142
D: [pulseaudio] reserve-wrap.c: Successfully acquired reservation lock on device 'Audio0'
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:analog-mono
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for playback on  analog-mono
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying hw:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open hw:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(1) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying hw:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open hw:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(1) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:hw:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:hw:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(1) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:hw:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:hw:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(1) failed: Invalid arguments
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Failed to set hardware parameters on plug:hw:0: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:analog-mono+input:analog-mono
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for playback on  analog-mono
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying hw:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open hw:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(1) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying hw:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open hw:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(1) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:hw:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:hw:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(1) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:hw:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:hw:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(1) failed: Invalid arguments
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Failed to set hardware parameters on plug:hw:0: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:analog-mono+input:analog-stereo
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for playback on  analog-mono
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying hw:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open hw:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(1) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying hw:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open hw:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(1) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:hw:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:hw:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(1) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:hw:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:hw:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(1) failed: Invalid arguments
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Failed to set hardware parameters on plug:hw:0: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:analog-mono+input:iec958-stereo
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for playback on  analog-mono
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying hw:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open hw:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(1) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying hw:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open hw:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(1) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:hw:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:hw:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(1) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:hw:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:hw:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(1) failed: Invalid arguments
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Failed to set hardware parameters on plug:hw:0: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:analog-stereo
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for playback on analog-stereo
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying front:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open front:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Maximum hw buffer size is 23777 ms
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Set buffer size first (to 4408 samples), period size second (to 1102 samples).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Profile output:analog-stereo supported.
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:analog-stereo+input:analog-mono
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for recording on  analog-mono
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying hw:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open hw:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(1) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying hw:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open hw:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(1) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:hw:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:hw:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(1) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:hw:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:hw:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(1) failed: Invalid arguments
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Failed to set hardware parameters on plug:hw:0: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:analog-stereo+input:analog-stereo
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for recording on analog-stereo
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying front:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open front:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Maximum hw buffer size is 23777 ms
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Set buffer size first (to 4408 samples), period size second (to 1102 samples).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Profile output:analog-stereo+input:analog-stereo supported.
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:analog-stereo+input:iec958-stereo
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for recording on IEC958 (iec958-stereo)
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying iec958:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
I: [pulseaudio] (alsa-lib)pcm_hw.c: open '/dev/snd/pcmC0D1c' failed (-2)
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Error opening PCM device iec958:0: No such or file or directory
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:analog-surround-40
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for playback on  4.0 (analog-surround-40)
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying surround40:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open surround40:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(4) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying surround40:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open surround40:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(4) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:surround40:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:surround40:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(4) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:surround40:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:surround40:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(4) failed: Invalid arguments
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Failed to set hardware parameters on plug:surround40:0: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:analog-surround-40+input:analog-mono
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for playback on  4.0 (analog-surround-40)
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying surround40:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open surround40:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(4) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying surround40:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open surround40:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(4) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:surround40:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:surround40:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(4) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:surround40:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:surround40:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(4) failed: Invalid arguments
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Failed to set hardware parameters on plug:surround40:0: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:analog-surround-40+input:analog-stereo
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for playback on  4.0 (analog-surround-40)
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying surround40:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open surround40:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(4) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying surround40:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open surround40:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(4) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:surround40:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:surround40:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(4) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:surround40:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:surround40:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(4) failed: Invalid arguments
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Failed to set hardware parameters on plug:surround40:0: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:analog-surround-40+input:iec958-stereo
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for playback on  4.0 (analog-surround-40)
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying surround40:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open surround40:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(4) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying surround40:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open surround40:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(4) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:surround40:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:surround40:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(4) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:surround40:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:surround40:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(4) failed: Invalid arguments
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Failed to set hardware parameters on plug:surround40:0: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:analog-surround-41
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for playback on  4.1 (analog-surround-41)
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying surround41:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open surround41:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_any() failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying surround41:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open surround41:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_any() failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:surround41:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:surround41:0
I: [pulseaudio] (alsa-lib)pcm_params.c: Slave PCM not usable
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_any() failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:surround41:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:surround41:0
I: [pulseaudio] (alsa-lib)pcm_params.c: Slave PCM not usable
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_any() failed: Invalid arguments
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Failed to set hardware parameters on plug:surround41:0: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:analog-surround-41+input:analog-mono
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for playback on  4.1 (analog-surround-41)
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying surround41:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open surround41:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_any() failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying surround41:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open surround41:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_any() failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:surround41:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:surround41:0
I: [pulseaudio] (alsa-lib)pcm_params.c: Slave PCM not usable
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_any() failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:surround41:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:surround41:0
I: [pulseaudio] (alsa-lib)pcm_params.c: Slave PCM not usable
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_any() failed: Invalid arguments
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Failed to set hardware parameters on plug:surround41:0: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:analog-surround-41+input:analog-stereo
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for playback on  4.1 (analog-surround-41)
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying surround41:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open surround41:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_any() failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying surround41:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open surround41:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_any() failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:surround41:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:surround41:0
I: [pulseaudio] (alsa-lib)pcm_params.c: Slave PCM not usable
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_any() failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:surround41:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:surround41:0
I: [pulseaudio] (alsa-lib)pcm_params.c: Slave PCM not usable
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_any() failed: Invalid arguments
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Failed to set hardware parameters on plug:surround41:0: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:analog-surround-41+input:iec958-stereo
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for playback on  4.1 (analog-surround-41)
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying surround41:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open surround41:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_any() failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying surround41:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open surround41:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_any() failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:surround41:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:surround41:0
I: [pulseaudio] (alsa-lib)pcm_params.c: Slave PCM not usable
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_any() failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:surround41:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:surround41:0
I: [pulseaudio] (alsa-lib)pcm_params.c: Slave PCM not usable
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_any() failed: Invalid arguments
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Failed to set hardware parameters on plug:surround41:0: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:analog-surround-50
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for playback on  5.0 (analog-surround-50)
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying surround50:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open surround50:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_any() failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying surround50:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open surround50:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_any() failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:surround50:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:surround50:0
I: [pulseaudio] (alsa-lib)pcm_params.c: Slave PCM not usable
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_any() failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:surround50:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:surround50:0
I: [pulseaudio] (alsa-lib)pcm_params.c: Slave PCM not usable
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_any() failed: Invalid arguments
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Failed to set hardware parameters on plug:surround50:0: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:analog-surround-50+input:analog-mono
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for playback on  5.0 (analog-surround-50)
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying surround50:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open surround50:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_any() failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying surround50:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open surround50:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_any() failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:surround50:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:surround50:0
I: [pulseaudio] (alsa-lib)pcm_params.c: Slave PCM not usable
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_any() failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:surround50:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:surround50:0
I: [pulseaudio] (alsa-lib)pcm_params.c: Slave PCM not usable
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_any() failed: Invalid arguments
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Failed to set hardware parameters on plug:surround50:0: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:analog-surround-50+input:analog-stereo
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for playback on  5.0 (analog-surround-50)
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying surround50:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open surround50:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_any() failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying surround50:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open surround50:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_any() failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:surround50:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:surround50:0
I: [pulseaudio] (alsa-lib)pcm_params.c: Slave PCM not usable
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_any() failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:surround50:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:surround50:0
I: [pulseaudio] (alsa-lib)pcm_params.c: Slave PCM not usable
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_any() failed: Invalid arguments
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Failed to set hardware parameters on plug:surround50:0: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:analog-surround-50+input:iec958-stereo
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for playback on  5.0 (analog-surround-50)
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying surround50:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open surround50:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_any() failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying surround50:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open surround50:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_any() failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:surround50:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:surround50:0
I: [pulseaudio] (alsa-lib)pcm_params.c: Slave PCM not usable
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_any() failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:surround50:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:surround50:0
I: [pulseaudio] (alsa-lib)pcm_params.c: Slave PCM not usable
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_any() failed: Invalid arguments
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Failed to set hardware parameters on plug:surround50:0: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:analog-surround-51
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for playback on  5.1 (analog-surround-51)
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying surround51:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open surround51:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(6) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying surround51:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open surround51:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(6) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:surround51:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:surround51:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(6) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:surround51:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:surround51:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(6) failed: Invalid arguments
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Failed to set hardware parameters on plug:surround51:0: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:analog-surround-51+input:analog-mono
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for playback on  5.1 (analog-surround-51)
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying surround51:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open surround51:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(6) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying surround51:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open surround51:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(6) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:surround51:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:surround51:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(6) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:surround51:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:surround51:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(6) failed: Invalid arguments
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Failed to set hardware parameters on plug:surround51:0: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:analog-surround-51+input:analog-stereo
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for playback on  5.1 (analog-surround-51)
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying surround51:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open surround51:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(6) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying surround51:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open surround51:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(6) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:surround51:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:surround51:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(6) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:surround51:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:surround51:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(6) failed: Invalid arguments
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Failed to set hardware parameters on plug:surround51:0: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:analog-surround-51+input:iec958-stereo
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for playback on  5.1 (analog-surround-51)
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying surround51:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open surround51:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(6) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying surround51:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open surround51:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(6) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:surround51:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:surround51:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(6) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:surround51:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:surround51:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(6) failed: Invalid arguments
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Failed to set hardware parameters on plug:surround51:0: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:analog-surround-71
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for playback on Analog Surround 7.1 (analog-surround-71)
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying surround71:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open surround71:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(8) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying surround71:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open surround71:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(8) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:surround71:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:surround71:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(8) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:surround71:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:surround71:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(8) failed: Invalid arguments
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Failed to set hardware parameters on plug:surround71:0: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:analog-surround-71+input:analog-mono
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for playback on Analog Surround 7.1 (analog-surround-71)
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying surround71:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open surround71:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(8) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying surround71:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open surround71:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(8) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:surround71:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:surround71:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(8) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:surround71:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:surround71:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(8) failed: Invalid arguments
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Failed to set hardware parameters on plug:surround71:0: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:analog-surround-71+input:analog-stereo
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for playback on Analog Surround 7.1 (analog-surround-71)
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying surround71:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open surround71:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(8) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying surround71:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open surround71:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(8) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:surround71:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:surround71:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(8) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:surround71:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:surround71:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(8) failed: Invalid arguments
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Failed to set hardware parameters on plug:surround71:0: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:analog-surround-71+input:iec958-stereo
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for playback on Analog Surround 7.1 (analog-surround-71)
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying surround71:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open surround71:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(8) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying surround71:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open surround71:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(8) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:surround71:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:surround71:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(8) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:surround71:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:surround71:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(8) failed: Invalid arguments
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Failed to set hardware parameters on plug:surround71:0: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:iec958-stereo
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for playback on (IEC958) (iec958-stereo)
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying iec958:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
I: [pulseaudio] (alsa-lib)pcm_hw.c: open '/dev/snd/pcmC0D1p' failed (-2)
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Error opening PCM device iec958:0: No such or file or directory
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:iec958-stereo+input:analog-mono
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for playback on (IEC958) (iec958-stereo)
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying iec958:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
I: [pulseaudio] (alsa-lib)pcm_hw.c: open '/dev/snd/pcmC0D1p' failed (-2)
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Error opening PCM device iec958:0: No such or file or directory
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:iec958-stereo+input:analog-stereo
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for playback on (IEC958) (iec958-stereo)
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying iec958:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
I: [pulseaudio] (alsa-lib)pcm_hw.c: open '/dev/snd/pcmC0D1p' failed (-2)
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Error opening PCM device iec958:0: No such or file or directory
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:iec958-stereo+input:iec958-stereo
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for playback on (IEC958) (iec958-stereo)
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying iec958:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
I: [pulseaudio] (alsa-lib)pcm_hw.c: open '/dev/snd/pcmC0D1p' failed (-2)
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Error opening PCM device iec958:0: No such or file or directory
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:iec958-ac3-surround-40
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for playback on  4.0(IEC958/AC3) (iec958-ac3-surround-40)
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying a52:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
I: [pulseaudio] (alsa-lib)pcm.c: Unknown PCM a52:0
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Error opening PCM device a52:0: No such or file or directory
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:iec958-ac3-surround-40+input:analog-mono
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for playback on  4.0(IEC958/AC3) (iec958-ac3-surround-40)
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying a52:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
I: [pulseaudio] (alsa-lib)pcm.c: Unknown PCM a52:0
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Error opening PCM device a52:0: No such or file or directory
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:iec958-ac3-surround-40+input:analog-stereo
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for playback on  4.0(IEC958/AC3) (iec958-ac3-surround-40)
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying a52:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
I: [pulseaudio] (alsa-lib)pcm.c: Unknown PCM a52:0
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Error opening PCM device a52:0: No such or file or directory
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:iec958-ac3-surround-40+input:iec958-stereo
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for playback on  4.0(IEC958/AC3) (iec958-ac3-surround-40)
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying a52:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
I: [pulseaudio] (alsa-lib)pcm.c: Unknown PCM a52:0
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Error opening PCM device a52:0: No such or file or directory
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:iec958-ac3-surround-51
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for playback on  5.1(IEC958/AC3) (iec958-ac3-surround-51)
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying a52:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
I: [pulseaudio] (alsa-lib)pcm.c: Unknown PCM a52:0
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Error opening PCM device a52:0: No such or file or directory
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:iec958-ac3-surround-51+input:analog-mono
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for playback on  5.1(IEC958/AC3) (iec958-ac3-surround-51)
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying a52:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
I: [pulseaudio] (alsa-lib)pcm.c: Unknown PCM a52:0
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Error opening PCM device a52:0: No such or file or directory
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:iec958-ac3-surround-51+input:analog-stereo
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for playback on  5.1(IEC958/AC3) (iec958-ac3-surround-51)
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying a52:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
I: [pulseaudio] (alsa-lib)pcm.c: Unknown PCM a52:0
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Error opening PCM device a52:0: No such or file or directory
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:iec958-ac3-surround-51+input:iec958-stereo
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for playback on  5.1(IEC958/AC3) (iec958-ac3-surround-51)
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying a52:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
I: [pulseaudio] (alsa-lib)pcm.c: Unknown PCM a52:0
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Error opening PCM device a52:0: No such or file or directory
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:hdmi-stereo
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for playback on (HDMI) (hdmi-stereo)
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying hdmi:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
I: [pulseaudio] (alsa-lib)pcm_hw.c: open '/dev/snd/pcmC0D3p' failed (-2)
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Error opening PCM device hdmi:0: No such or file or directory
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:hdmi-stereo+input:analog-mono
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for playback on (HDMI) (hdmi-stereo)
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying hdmi:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
I: [pulseaudio] (alsa-lib)pcm_hw.c: open '/dev/snd/pcmC0D3p' failed (-2)
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Error opening PCM device hdmi:0: No such or file or directory
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:hdmi-stereo+input:analog-stereo
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for playback on (HDMI) (hdmi-stereo)
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying hdmi:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
I: [pulseaudio] (alsa-lib)pcm_hw.c: open '/dev/snd/pcmC0D3p' failed (-2)
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Error opening PCM device hdmi:0: No such or file or directory
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile output:hdmi-stereo+input:iec958-stereo
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for playback on (HDMI) (hdmi-stereo)
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying hdmi:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
I: [pulseaudio] (alsa-lib)pcm_hw.c: open '/dev/snd/pcmC0D3p' failed (-2)
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Error opening PCM device hdmi:0: No such or file or directory
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile input:analog-mono
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for recording on  (analog-mono)
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying hw:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open hw:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(1) failed: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying hw:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open hw:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying plug:hw:0 without SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open plug:hw:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(1) failed: Invalid arguments
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Failed to set hardware parameters on plug:hw:0: Invalid arguments
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile input:analog-stereo
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for recording on analog-stereo
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying front:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open front:0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Maximum hw buffer size is 23777 ms
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Set buffer size first (to 4408 samples), period size second (to 1102 samples).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Profile input:analog-stereo supported.
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Looking at profile input:iec958-stereo
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Checking for recording on (IEC958) (iec958-stereo)
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying iec958:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
I: [pulseaudio] (alsa-lib)pcm_hw.c: open '/dev/snd/pcmC0D1c' failed (-2)
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Error opening PCM device iec958:0: No such or file or directory
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Profile set 0xd09710, auto_profiles=yes, probed=yes, n_mappings=1, n_profiles=3, n_decibel_fixes=0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Mapping analog-stereo (analog-stereo), priority=60, channel_map=front-left,front-right, supported=yes, direction=0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Profile output:analog-stereo (analog-stereo Output), priority=6000, supported=yes n_input_mappings=0, n_output_mappings=1
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Output analog-stereo
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Profile output:analog-stereo+input:analog-stereo (analog-stereo Duplex), priority=6060, supported=yes n_input_mappings=1, n_output_mappings=1
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Input analog-stereo
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Output analog-stereo
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Profile input:analog-stereo (analog-stereo Input), priority=60, supported=yes n_input_mappings=1, n_output_mappings=0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Input analog-stereo
D: [pulseaudio] module-card-restore.c: Database contains invalid data for key: alsa_card.pci-0000_00_1b.0 (probably pre-v1.0 data)
D: [pulseaudio] module-card-restore.c: Attempting to load legacy (pre-v1.0) data for key: alsa_card.pci-0000_00_1b.0
D: [pulseaudio] module-card-restore.c: Size does not match.
D: [pulseaudio] module-card-restore.c: Unable to load legacy (pre-v1.0) data for key: alsa_card.pci-0000_00_1b.0. Ignoring.
I: [pulseaudio] card.c: Created 0 "alsa_card.pci-0000_00_1b.0"
D: [pulseaudio] reserve-wrap.c: Successfully create reservation lock monitor for device 'Audio0'
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying front:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open front:0
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying to disable ALSA period wakeups, using timers only
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Maximum hw buffer size is 23777 ms
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Set buffer size first (to 88200 samples), period size second (to 88200 samples).
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: ALSA period wakeups disabled
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-sink.c: Successfully opened device front:0.
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-sink.c: Selected mapping 'analog-stereo' (analog-stereo).
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-sink.c: Successfully enabled mmap() mode.
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-sink.c: Successfully enabled timer-based scheduling mode.
I: [pulseaudio] (alsa-lib)control.c: Invalid CTL front:0
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Unable to attach to mixer front:0: No such or file or directory
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Successfully attached to mixer 'hw:0'
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probing path 'analog-output'
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Hardware Master' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Master' succeeded (volume=1, switch=1, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Master Mono' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Line HP Swap' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Headphone' succeeded (volume=3, switch=1, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Headphone2' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Speaker' succeeded (volume=2, switch=1, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Desktop Speaker' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Front' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Rear' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Surround' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Side' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Center' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'LFE' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'PCM' succeeded (volume=1, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'External Amplifier' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Bass Boost' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'IEC958 Optical Raw' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Analog Output' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probing path 'analog-output-speaker'
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Hardware Master' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Master' succeeded (volume=1, switch=1, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Master Mono' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Headphone' succeeded (volume=3, switch=1, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Headphone2' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Speaker' succeeded (volume=1, switch=1, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Desktop Speaker' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Front' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Rear' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Surround' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Side' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Center' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'LFE' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'PCM' succeeded (volume=1, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'External Amplifier' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Bass Boost' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'IEC958 Optical Raw' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Analog Output' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probing path 'analog-output-speaker'
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Hardware Master' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Master' succeeded (volume=1, switch=1, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Master Mono' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Headphone' succeeded (volume=3, switch=1, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Headphone2' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Speaker' succeeded (volume=2, switch=2, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Desktop Speaker' failed.
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probing path 'analog-output-headphones'
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Hardware Master' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Master' succeeded (volume=1, switch=1, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Master Mono' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Headphone' succeeded (volume=1, switch=1, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Line HP Swap' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Headphone2' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Speaker' succeeded (volume=2, switch=2, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Desktop Speaker' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Front' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Rear' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Surround' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Side' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Center' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'LFE' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'PCM' succeeded (volume=1, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'External Amplifier' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Bass Boost' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'IEC958 Optical Raw' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Analog Output' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probing path 'analog-output-headphones'
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Hardware Master' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Element PCM, direction=1, switch=0, volume=1, volume_limit=-1, enumeration=0, required=0, required_any=0, required_absent=0, mask=0x3600000000f66, n_channels=2, override_map=yes
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Path analog-output-speaker (Analog Speakers), direction=1, priority=100, probed=yes, supported=yes, has_mute=yes, has_volume=yes, has_dB=yes, min_volume=0, max_volume=64, min_dB=-100099, max_dB=0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Element Master, direction=1, switch=1, volume=1, volume_limit=-1, enumeration=0, required=0, required_any=0, required_absent=0, mask=0x7ffffffffffff, n_channels=1, override_map=yes
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Element Headphone, direction=1, switch=1, volume=3, volume_limit=-1, enumeration=0, required=0, required_any=0, required_absent=0, mask=0x6, n_channels=2, override_map=no
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Element Speaker, direction=1, switch=1, volume=1, volume_limit=-1, enumeration=0, required=4, required_any=0, required_absent=0, mask=0x3600000000f66, n_channels=2, override_map=yes
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Element PCM, direction=1, switch=0, volume=1, volume_limit=-1, enumeration=0, required=0, required_any=0, required_absent=0, mask=0x3600000000f66, n_channels=2, override_map=yes
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Path analog-output-headphones (analog headphone), direction=1, priority=90, probed=yes, supported=yes, has_mute=yes, has_volume=yes, has_dB=yes, min_volume=0, max_volume=64, min_dB=-100099, max_dB=0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Element Master, direction=1, switch=1, volume=1, volume_limit=-1, enumeration=0, required=0, required_any=0, required_absent=0, mask=0x7ffffffffffff, n_channels=1, override_map=yes
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Element Headphone, direction=1, switch=1, volume=1, volume_limit=-1, enumeration=0, required=4, required_any=0, required_absent=0, mask=0x3600000000f66, n_channels=2, override_map=yes
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Element Speaker, direction=1, switch=2, volume=2, volume_limit=-1, enumeration=0, required=0, required_any=0, required_absent=0, mask=0x6, n_channels=2, override_map=no
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Element PCM, direction=1, switch=0, volume=1, volume_limit=-1, enumeration=0, required=0, required_any=0, required_absent=0, mask=0x3600000000f66, n_channels=2, override_map=yes
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Removing path 'analog-output' as it is a subset of 'analog-output-speaker'.
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Available mixer paths (after tidying):
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Path Set 0xd735f0, direction=1, probed=yes
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Path analog-output-speaker (Analog Speakers), direction=1, priority=100, probed=yes, supported=yes, has_mute=yes, has_volume=yes, has_dB=yes, min_volume=0, max_volume=64, min_dB=-100099, max_dB=0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Element Master, direction=1, switch=1, volume=1, volume_limit=-1, enumeration=0, required=0, required_any=0, required_absent=0, mask=0x7ffffffffffff, n_channels=1, override_map=yes
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Element Headphone, direction=1, switch=1, volume=3, volume_limit=-1, enumeration=0, required=0, required_any=0, required_absent=0, mask=0x6, n_channels=2, override_map=no
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Element Speaker, direction=1, switch=1, volume=1, volume_limit=-1, enumeration=0, required=4, required_any=0, required_absent=0, mask=0x3600000000f66, n_channels=2, override_map=yes
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Element PCM, direction=1, switch=0, volume=1, volume_limit=-1, enumeration=0, required=0, required_any=0, required_absent=0, mask=0x3600000000f66, n_channels=2, override_map=yes
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Path analog-output-headphones (analog headphone), direction=1, priority=90, probed=yes, supported=yes, has_mute=yes, has_volume=yes, has_dB=yes, min_volume=0, max_volume=64, min_dB=-100099, max_dB=0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Element Master, direction=1, switch=1, volume=1, volume_limit=-1, enumeration=0, required=0, required_any=0, required_absent=0, mask=0x7ffffffffffff, n_channels=1, override_map=yes
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Element PCM, direction=1, switch=0, volume=1, volume_limit=-1, enumeration=0, required=0, required_any=0, required_absent=0, mask=0x3600000000f66, n_channels=2, override_map=yes
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Added 2 ports
D: [pulseaudio] module-device-restore.c: Database contains invalid data for key: sink:alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo:null
I: [pulseaudio] sink.c: Created sink 0 "alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo" with sample spec s16le 2ch 44100Hz and channel map front-left,front-right
I: [pulseaudio] sink.c:     alsa.resolution_bits = "16"
I: [pulseaudio] sink.c:     device.api = "alsa"
I: [pulseaudio] sink.c:     device.class = "sound"
I: [pulseaudio] sink.c:     alsa.class = "generic"
I: [pulseaudio] sink.c:     alsa.subclass = "generic-mix"
I: [pulseaudio] sink.c: = "STAC92xx Analog"
I: [pulseaudio] sink.c: = "STAC92xx Analog"
I: [pulseaudio] sink.c:     alsa.subdevice = "0"
I: [pulseaudio] sink.c:     alsa.subdevice_name = "subdevice #0"
I: [pulseaudio] sink.c:     alsa.device = "0"
I: [pulseaudio] sink.c:     alsa.card = "0"
I: [pulseaudio] sink.c:     alsa.card_name = "HDA Intel"
I: [pulseaudio] sink.c:     alsa.long_card_name = "HDA Intel at 0xf0620000 irq 43"
I: [pulseaudio] sink.c:     alsa.driver_name = "snd_hda_intel"
I: [pulseaudio] sink.c:     device.bus_path = "pci-0000:00:1b.0"
I: [pulseaudio] sink.c:     sysfs.path = "/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1b.0/sound/card0"
I: [pulseaudio] sink.c:     device.bus = "pci"
I: [pulseaudio] sink.c: = "8086"
I: [pulseaudio] sink.c: = "Intel Corporation"
I: [pulseaudio] sink.c: = "5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High Definition Audio"
I: [pulseaudio] sink.c:     device.form_factor = "internal"
I: [pulseaudio] sink.c:     device.string = "front:0"
I: [pulseaudio] sink.c:     device.buffering.buffer_size = "352768"
I: [pulseaudio] sink.c:     device.buffering.fragment_size = "176384"
I: [pulseaudio] sink.c:     device.access_mode = "mmap+timer"
I: [pulseaudio] sink.c: = "analog-stereo"
I: [pulseaudio] sink.c:     device.profile.description = "analog-stereo"
I: [pulseaudio] sink.c:     device.description = "Internal audio analog-stereo"
I: [pulseaudio] sink.c:     alsa.mixer_name = "IDT 92HD81B1C5"
I: [pulseaudio] sink.c:     alsa.components = "HDA:111d76d5,17aa4007,00100104"
I: [pulseaudio] sink.c:     module-udev-detect.discovered = "1"
I: [pulseaudio] sink.c:     device.icon_name = "audio-card-pci"
D: [pulseaudio] core-subscribe.c: Dropped redundant event due to change event.
I: [pulseaudio] source.c:     alsa.long_card_name = "HDA Intel at 0xf0620000 irq 43"
I: [pulseaudio] source.c:     alsa.driver_name = "snd_hda_intel"
I: [pulseaudio] source.c:     device.bus_path = "pci-0000:00:1b.0"
I: [pulseaudio] source.c:     sysfs.path = "/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1b.0/sound/card0"
I: [pulseaudio] source.c:     device.bus = "pci"
I: [pulseaudio] source.c: = "8086"
I: [pulseaudio] source.c: = "Intel Corporation"
I: [pulseaudio] source.c: = "5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High Definition Audio"
I: [pulseaudio] source.c:     device.form_factor = "internal"
I: [pulseaudio] source.c:     device.string = "0"
I: [pulseaudio] source.c:     module-udev-detect.discovered = "1"
I: [pulseaudio] source.c:     device.icon_name = "audio-card-pci"
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-sink.c: Using 2.0 fragments of size 176384 bytes (999.91ms), buffer size is 352768 bytes (1999.82ms)
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-sink.c: Time scheduling watermark is 20.00ms
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-sink.c: hwbuf_unused=0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-sink.c: setting avail_min=87310
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Activating path analog-output-speaker
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Path analog-output-speaker (Analog Speakers), direction=1, priority=100, probed=yes, supported=yes, has_mute=yes, has_volume=yes, has_dB=yes, min_volume=0, max_volume=64, min_dB=-100099, max_dB=0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Element Master, direction=1, switch=1, volume=1, volume_limit=-1, enumeration=0, required=0, required_any=0, required_absent=0, mask=0x7ffffffffffff, n_channels=1, override_map=yes
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Element Headphone, direction=1, switch=1, volume=3, volume_limit=-1, enumeration=0, required=0, required_any=0, required_absent=0, mask=0x6, n_channels=2, override_map=no
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Element Speaker, direction=1, switch=1, volume=1, volume_limit=-1, enumeration=0, required=4, required_any=0, required_absent=0, mask=0x3600000000f66, n_channels=2, override_map=yes
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Element PCM, direction=1, switch=0, volume=1, volume_limit=-1, enumeration=0, required=0, required_any=0, required_absent=0, mask=0x3600000000f66, n_channels=2, override_map=yes
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-sink.c: Successfully enabled synchronous volume.
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-sink.c: Hardware volume ranges from -100098.99 dB to 0.00 dB.
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-sink.c: Fixing base volume to 0.00 dB
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-sink.c: Using hardware volume control. Hardware dB scale supported.
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-sink.c: Using hardware mute control.
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_dump():
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Soft volume PCM
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Control: PCM Playback Volume
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: min_dB: -51
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: max_dB: 0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: resolution: 256
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Its setup is:
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   stream       : PLAYBACK
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   access       : MMAP_INTERLEAVED
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   format       : S16_LE
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   subformat    : STD
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   channels     : 2
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   rate         : 44100
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   exact rate   : 44100 (44100/1)
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   msbits       : 16
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   buffer_size  : 88192
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   period_size  : 44096
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   period_time  : 999909
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   tstamp_mode  : ENABLE
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   period_step  : 1
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   avail_min    : 87310
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   period_event : 0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   start_threshold  : -1
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   stop_threshold   : 6205960286516543488
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   silence_threshold: 0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   silence_size : 0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   boundary     : 6205960286516543488
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Slave: Hardware PCM card 0 'HDA Intel' device 0 subdevice 0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Its setup is:
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   stream       : PLAYBACK
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   access       : MMAP_INTERLEAVED
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   format       : S16_LE
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   subformat    : STD
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   channels     : 2
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   rate         : 44100
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   exact rate   : 44100 (44100/1)
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   msbits       : 16
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   buffer_size  : 88192
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   period_size  : 44096
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   period_time  : 999909
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   tstamp_mode  : ENABLE
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   period_step  : 1
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   avail_min    : 87310
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   period_event : 0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   start_threshold  : -1
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   stop_threshold   : 6205960286516543488
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   silence_threshold: 0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   silence_size : 0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   boundary     : 6205960286516543488
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   appl_ptr     : 0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   hw_ptr       : 0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-sink.c: Read hardware volume: 0: 100% 1: 100%
D: [alsa-sink] alsa-sink.c: Thread starting up
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-sink.c:                in dB: 0: 0.00 dB 1: 0.00 dB
D: [alsa-sink] core-util.c: SCHED_RR|SCHED_RESET_ON_FORK worked.
I: [alsa-sink] core-util.c: Successfully enabled SCHED_RR scheduling for thread, with priority 5.
I: [alsa-sink] alsa-sink.c: Starting playback.
D: [alsa-sink] alsa-sink.c: Cutting sleep time for the initial iterations by half.
D: [pulseaudio] module-device-restore.c: Could not set format on sink alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo
D: [alsa-sink] alsa-sink.c: Cutting sleep time for the initial iterations by half.
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying front:0 with SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT ...
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Managed to open front:0
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Trying to disable ALSA period wakeups, using timers only
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Maximum hw buffer size is 23777 ms
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Set buffer size first (to 88200 samples), period size second (to 88200 samples).
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: ALSA period wakeups disabled
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-source.c: Successfully opened device front:0.
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-source.c: Selected mapping 'analog-stereo' (analog-stereo).
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-source.c: Successfully enabled mmap() mode.
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-source.c: Successfully enabled timer-based scheduling mode.
I: [pulseaudio] (alsa-lib)control.c: Invalid CTL front:0
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Unable to attach to mixer front:0: No such or file or directory
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Successfully attached to mixer 'hw:0'
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probing path 'analog-input-microphone-front'
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Front Mic Boost' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Front Mic' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Capture' succeeded (volume=1, switch=1, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Input Source' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Capture Source' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Mic' succeeded (volume=2, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Internal Mic' succeeded (volume=2, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Rear Mic' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Dock Mic' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Line' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Line Boost' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Aux' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Video' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Mic/Line' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'TV Tuner' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'FM' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Mic Jack Mode' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Skipping path 'analog-input-microphone-front', none of required-any elements preset.
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probing path 'analog-input-microphone-rear'
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Rear Mic Boost' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Rear Mic' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Capture' succeeded (volume=1, switch=1, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Input Source' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Capture Source' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Mic' succeeded (volume=2, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Internal Mic' succeeded (volume=2, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Front Mic' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Dock Mic' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Line' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Line Boost' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Aux' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Video' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Mic/Line' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'TV Tuner' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'FM' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Mic Jack Mode' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Skipping path 'analog-input-microphone-rear', none of required-any elements preset.
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probing path 'analog-input-microphone-internal'
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Internal Mic Boost' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Int Mic Boost' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Internal Mic' succeeded (volume=1, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Int Mic' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Capture' succeeded (volume=1, switch=1, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Input Source' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Capture Source' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Mic' succeeded (volume=2, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Dock Mic' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Front Mic' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Rear Mic' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Line' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Line Boost' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Aux' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Video' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Mic/Line' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'TV Tuner' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'FM' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Mic Jack Mode' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probing path 'analog-input-microphone-dock'
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Dock Mic Boost' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Dock Mic' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Capture' succeeded (volume=1, switch=1, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Input Source' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Capture Source' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Mic' succeeded (volume=2, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Internal Mic' succeeded (volume=2, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Front Mic' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Rear Mic' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Line' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Line Boost' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Aux' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Video' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Mic/Line' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'TV Tuner' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'FM' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Mic Jack Mode' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Skipping path 'analog-input-microphone-dock', none of required-any elements preset.
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probing path 'analog-input'
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Capture' succeeded (volume=1, switch=1, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Mic' failed.
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probing path 'analog-input-microphone'
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Mic Boost' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Mic' succeeded (volume=1, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Capture' succeeded (volume=1, switch=1, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Input Source' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Capture Source' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Mic Select' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Mic Boost (+20dB)' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Front Mic' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Internal Mic' succeeded (volume=2, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Rear Mic' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Dock Mic' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Line' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Line Boost' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Aux' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Video' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Mic/Line' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'TV Tuner' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'FM' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Mic Jack Mode' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probing path 'analog-input-linein'
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Capture' succeeded (volume=1, switch=1, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Mic' succeeded (volume=2, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Internal Mic' succeeded (volume=2, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Line Boost' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Line' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Input Source' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Capture Source' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Aux' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Video' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Mic/Line' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'TV Tuner' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'FM' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Mic Jack Mode' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Skipping path 'analog-input-linein', none of required-any elements preset.
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probing path 'analog-input'
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Capture' succeeded (volume=1, switch=1, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Mic' succeeded (volume=2, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Internal Mic' succeeded (volume=2, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Line' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Aux' failed.
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probing path 'analog-input-video'
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Capture' succeeded (volume=1, switch=1, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Mic' succeeded (volume=2, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Internal Mic' succeeded (volume=2, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Line' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Aux' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Video' failed.
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probing path 'analog-input-video'
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probing path 'analog-input-radio'
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Capture' succeeded (volume=1, switch=1, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Mic' succeeded (volume=2, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Internal Mic' succeeded (volume=2, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Line' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Aux' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Video' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Mic/Line' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'TV Tuner' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'FM' failed.
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probing path 'analog-input'
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Capture' succeeded (volume=1, switch=1, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Mic' succeeded (volume=2, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Internal Mic' succeeded (volume=2, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Line' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Line Boost' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Aux' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Video' succeeded (volume=0, switch=0, enumeration=0).
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Probe of element 'Mic/Line' failed.
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Found mixer paths (before tidying):
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Path Set 0xd37990, direction=2, probed=no
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Path analog-input-microphone-internal (internal microphone), direction=2, priority=89, probed=yes, supported=yes, has_mute=yes, has_volume=yes, has_dB=yes, min_volume=0, max_volume=3, min_dB=0, max_dB=52.5
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Element Internal Mic, direction=2, switch=0, volume=1, volume_limit=-1, enumeration=0, required=0, required_any=4, required_absent=0, mask=0x3600000000f66, n_channels=2, override_map=yes
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Element Capture, direction=2, switch=1, volume=1, volume_limit=-1, enumeration=0, required=0, required_any=0, required_absent=0, mask=0x3600000000f66, n_channels=2, override_map=yes
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Element Mic, direction=2, switch=0, volume=2, volume_limit=-1, enumeration=0, required=0, required_any=0, required_absent=0, mask=0x6, n_channels=2, override_map=no
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Path analog-input-microphone (analog microphone), direction=2, priority=87, probed=yes, supported=yes, has_mute=yes, has_volume=yes, has_dB=yes, min_volume=0, max_volume=3, min_dB=0, max_dB=52.5
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Element Mic, direction=2, switch=0, volume=1, volume_limit=-1, enumeration=0, required=0, required_any=4, required_absent=0, mask=0x3600000000f66, n_channels=2, override_map=yes
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Element Capture, direction=2, switch=1, volume=1, volume_limit=-1, enumeration=0, required=0, required_any=0, required_absent=0, mask=0x3600000000f66, n_channels=2, override_map=yes
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Element Internal Mic, direction=2, switch=0, volume=2, volume_limit=-1, enumeration=0, required=0, required_any=0, required_absent=0, mask=0x6, n_channels=2, override_map=no
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Available mixer paths (after tidying):
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Path Set 0xd37990, direction=2, probed=yes
has_volume=yes, has_dB=yes, min_volume=0, max_volume=3, min_dB=0, max_dB=52.5
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Element Mic, direction=2, switch=0, volume=1, volume_limit=-1, enumeration=0, required=0, required_any=4, required_absent=0, mask=0x3600000000f66, n_channels=2, override_map=yes
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Element Capture, direction=2, switch=1, volume=1, volume_limit=-1, enumeration=0, required=0, required_any=0, required_absent=0, mask=0x3600000000f66, n_channels=2, override_map=yes
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Element Internal Mic, direction=2, switch=0, volume=2, volume_limit=-1, enumeration=0, required=0, required_any=0, required_absent=0, mask=0x6, n_channels=2, override_map=no
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Added 2 ports
D: [pulseaudio] core-subscribe.c: Dropped redundant event due to change event.
D: [pulseaudio] module-device-restore.c: Database contains invalid data for key: source:alsa_input.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo:null
I: [pulseaudio] source.c: Created source 1 "alsa_input.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo" with sample spec s16le 2ch 44100Hz and channel map front-left,front-right
I: [pulseaudio] source.c:     alsa.resolution_bits = "16"
I: [pulseaudio] source.c:     device.api = "alsa"
I: [pulseaudio] source.c:     device.class = "sound"
I: [pulseaudio] source.c:     alsa.class = "generic"
I: [pulseaudio] source.c:     alsa.subclass = "generic-mix"
I: [pulseaudio] source.c: = "STAC92xx Analog"
I: [pulseaudio] source.c: = "STAC92xx Analog"
I: [pulseaudio] source.c:     alsa.subdevice = "0"
I: [pulseaudio] source.c:     alsa.subdevice_name = "subdevice #0"
I: [pulseaudio] source.c:     alsa.device = "0"
I: [pulseaudio] source.c:     alsa.card = "0"
I: [pulseaudio] source.c:     alsa.card_name = "HDA Intel"
I: [pulseaudio] source.c:     alsa.long_card_name = "HDA Intel at 0xf0620000 irq 43"
I: [pulseaudio] source.c:     alsa.driver_name = "snd_hda_intel"
I: [pulseaudio] source.c:     device.bus_path = "pci-0000:00:1b.0"
I: [pulseaudio] source.c:     sysfs.path = "/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1b.0/sound/card0"
I: [pulseaudio] source.c:     device.bus = "pci"
I: [pulseaudio] source.c: = "8086"
I: [pulseaudio] source.c: = "Intel Corporation"
I: [pulseaudio] source.c: = "5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High Definition Audio"
I: [pulseaudio] source.c:     device.form_factor = "internal"
I: [pulseaudio] source.c:     device.string = "front:0"
I: [pulseaudio] source.c:     device.buffering.buffer_size = "352768"
I: [pulseaudio] source.c:     device.buffering.fragment_size = "176384"
I: [pulseaudio] source.c:     device.access_mode = "mmap+timer"
I: [pulseaudio] source.c: = "analog-stereo"
I: [pulseaudio] source.c:     device.profile.description = "analog-stereo"
I: [pulseaudio] source.c:     device.icon_name = "audio-card-pci"
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-source.c: Using 2.0 fragments of size 176384 bytes (999.91ms), buffer size is 352768 bytes (1999.82ms)
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-source.c: Time scheduling watermark is 20.00ms
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-source.c: hwbuf_unused=0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-source.c: setting avail_min=87310
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Activating path analog-input-microphone-internal
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Path analog-input-microphone-internal (internal microphone), direction=2, priority=89, probed=yes, supported=yes, has_mute=yes, has_volume=yes, has_dB=yes, min_volume=0, max_volume=3, min_dB=0, max_dB=52.5
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Element Internal Mic, direction=2, switch=0, volume=1, volume_limit=-1, enumeration=0, required=0, required_any=4, required_absent=0, mask=0x3600000000f66, n_channels=2, override_map=yes
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Element Capture, direction=2, switch=1, volume=1, volume_limit=-1, enumeration=0, required=0, required_any=0, required_absent=0, mask=0x3600000000f66, n_channels=2, override_map=yes
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Element Mic, direction=2, switch=0, volume=2, volume_limit=-1, enumeration=0, required=0, required_any=0, required_absent=0, mask=0x6, n_channels=2, override_map=no
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-source.c: Successfully enabled synchronous volume.
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-source.c: Hardware volume ranges from 0.00 dB to 52.50 dB.
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-source.c: Fixing base volume to -52.50 dB
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-source.c: Using hardware volume control. Hardware dB scale supported.
I: [pulseaudio] alsa-source.c: Using hardware mute control.
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_dump():
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Soft volume PCM
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Control: PCM Playback Volume
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: min_dB: -51
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: max_dB: 0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: resolution: 256
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Its setup is:
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   stream       : CAPTURE
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   access       : MMAP_INTERLEAVED
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   format       : S16_LE
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   subformat    : STD
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   channels     : 2
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   rate         : 44100
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   exact rate   : 44100 (44100/1)
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   msbits       : 16
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   buffer_size  : 88192
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   period_size  : 44096
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   period_time  : 999909
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   tstamp_mode  : ENABLE
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   period_step  : 1
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   period_event : 0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   start_threshold  : -1
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   stop_threshold   : 6205960286516543488
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   silence_threshold: 0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   silence_size : 0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   boundary     : 6205960286516543488
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Slave: Hardware PCM card 0 'HDA Intel' device 0 subdevice 0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c: Its setup is:
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   stream       : CAPTURE
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   access       : MMAP_INTERLEAVED
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   format       : S16_LE
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   subformat    : STD
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   channels     : 2
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   rate         : 44100
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   exact rate   : 44100 (44100/1)
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   msbits       : 16
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   buffer_size  : 88192
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   period_size  : 44096
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   period_time  : 999909
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   tstamp_mode  : ENABLE
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   period_step  : 1
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   avail_min    : 87310
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   period_event : 0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   start_threshold  : -1
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   stop_threshold   : 6205960286516543488
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   silence_threshold: 0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   silence_size : 0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   boundary     : 6205960286516543488
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   appl_ptr     : 0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-util.c:   hw_ptr       : 0
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-source.c: Read hardware volume: 0: 100% 1: 100%
D: [pulseaudio] alsa-source.c:                in dB: 0: -0.00 dB 1: -0.00 dB
D: [alsa-source] alsa-source.c: Thread starting up
D: [alsa-source] core-util.c: SCHED_RR|SCHED_RESET_ON_FORK worked.
I: [alsa-source] core-util.c: Successfully enabled SCHED_RR scheduling for thread, with priority 5.
I: [alsa-source] alsa-source.c: Starting capture.
I: [pulseaudio] module.c: Loaded "module-alsa-card" (index: #4; argument: "device_id="0" name="pci-0000_00_1b.0" card_name="alsa_card.pci-0000_00_1b.0" namereg_fail=false tsched=yes ignore_dB=no deferred_volume=yes card_properties="module-udev-detect.discovered=1"").
I: [pulseaudio] module-udev-detect.c: Card /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1b.0/sound/card0 (alsa_card.pci-0000_00_1b.0) module loaded.
I: [pulseaudio] module-udev-detect.c: Found 1 cards.
I: [pulseaudio] module.c: Loaded "module-udev-detect" (index: #5; argument: "").
D: [pulseaudio] cli-command.c: Checking for existence of '/usr/lib/pulse-1.1/modules/': success
D: [pulseaudio] cli-command.c: Checking for existence of '/usr/lib/pulse-1.1/modules/': success
D: [pulseaudio] dbus-util.c: Successfully connected to D-Bus system bus 200d985d27367613119f64920000000f as :1.59
D: [pulseaudio] bluetooth-util.c: dbus: interface=org.freedesktop.DBus, path=/org/freedesktop/DBus, member=NameAcquired
D: [pulseaudio] bluetooth-util.c: Bluetooth daemon is apparently not available.
I: [pulseaudio] module.c: Loaded "module-bluetooth-discover" (index: #6; argument: "").
D: [pulseaudio] cli-command.c: Checking for existence of '/usr/lib/pulse-1.1/modules/': success
I: [pulseaudio] module.c: Loaded "module-esound-protocol-unix" (index: #7; argument: "").
I: [pulseaudio] module.c: Loaded "module-native-protocol-unix" (index: #8; argument: "").
D: [pulseaudio] cli-command.c: Checking for existence of '/usr/lib/pulse-1.1/modules/': success
I: [pulseaudio] module.c: Loaded "module-gconf" (index: #9; argument: "").
D: [pulseaudio] core-subscribe.c: Dropped redundant event due to change event.
I: [pulseaudio] module-default-device-restore.c: Restored default sink 'alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo'.
D: [pulseaudio] core-subscribe.c: Dropped redundant event due to change event.
I: [pulseaudio] module-default-device-restore.c: Restored default source 'alsa_input.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo'.
I: [pulseaudio] module.c: Loaded "module-default-device-restore" (index: #10; argument: "").
I: [pulseaudio] module.c: Loaded "module-rescue-streams" (index: #11; argument: "").
I: [pulseaudio] module.c: Loaded "module-always-sink" (index: #12; argument: "").
I: [pulseaudio] module.c: Loaded "module-intended-roles" (index: #13; argument: "").
D: [pulseaudio] module-suspend-on-idle.c: Sink alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo becomes idle, timeout in 5 seconds.
D: [pulseaudio] module-suspend-on-idle.c: Source alsa_input.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo becomes idle, timeout in 5 seconds.
I: [pulseaudio] module.c: Loaded "module-suspend-on-idle" (index: #14; argument: "").
D: [pulseaudio] cli-command.c: Checking for existence of '/usr/lib/pulse-1.1/modules/': success
I: [pulseaudio] client.c: Created 0 "ConsoleKit Session /org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Session2"
D: [pulseaudio] module-console-kit.c: Added new session /org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Session2
I: [pulseaudio] module.c: Loaded "module-console-kit" (index: #15; argument: "").
I: [pulseaudio] module.c: Loaded "module-position-event-sounds" (index: #16; argument: "").
I: [pulseaudio] module.c: Loaded "module-cork-music-on-phone" (index: #17; argument: "").
I: [pulseaudio] module.c: Loaded "module-filter-heuristics" (index: #18; argument: "").
I: [pulseaudio] module.c: Loaded "module-filter-apply" (index: #19; argument: "").
D: [pulseaudio] cli-command.c: Checking for existence of '/usr/lib/pulse-1.1/modules/': success
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-dbus.c: Interface org.PulseAudio.Core1.Memstats added for object /org/pulseaudio/core1/memstats
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-dbus.c: Interface org.PulseAudio.Core1.CardProfile added for object /org/pulseaudio/core1/card0/profile0
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-dbus.c: Interface org.PulseAudio.Core1.CardProfile added for object /org/pulseaudio/core1/card0/profile1
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-dbus.c: Interface org.PulseAudio.Core1.CardProfile added for object /org/pulseaudio/core1/card0/profile2
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-dbus.c: Interface org.PulseAudio.Core1.CardProfile added for object /org/pulseaudio/core1/card0/profile3
D: [pulsI: [pulseaudio] module.c: Loaded "module-intended-roles" (index: #13; argument: "").
D: [pulseaudio] module-suspend-on-idle.c: Sink alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo becomes idle, timeout in 5 seconds.
D: [pulseaudio] module-suspend-on-idle.c: Source alsa_input.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo becomes idle, timeout in 5 seconds.
I: [pulseaudio] module.c: Loaded "module-suspend-on-idle" (index: #14; argument: "").
D: [pulseaudio] cli-command.c: Checking for existence of '/usr/lib/pulse-1.1/modules/': success
I: [pulseaudio] client.c: Created 0 "ConsoleKit Session /org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Session2"
D: [pulseaudio] module-console-kit.c: Added new session /org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Session2
I: [pulseaudio] module.c: Loaded "module-console-kit" (index: #15; argument: "").
I: [pulseaudio] module.c: Loaded "module-position-event-sounds" (index: #16; argument: "").
I: [pulseaudio] module.c: Loaded "module-cork-music-on-phone" (index: #17; argument: "").
I: [pulseaudio] module.c: Loaded "module-filter-heuristics" (index: #18; argument: "").
I: [pulseaudio] module.c: Loaded "module-filter-apply" (index: #19; argument: "").
D: [pulseaudio] cli-command.c: Checking for existence of '/usr/lib/pulse-1.1/modules/': success
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-dbus.c: Interface org.PulseAudio.Core1.Memstats added for object /org/pulseaudio/core1/memstats
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-dbus.c: Interface org.PulseAudio.Core1.CardProfile added for object /org/pulseaudio/core1/card0/profile0
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-dbus.c: Interface org.PulseAudio.Core1.CardProfile added for object /org/pulseaudio/core1/card0/profile1
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-dbus.c: Interface org.PulseAudio.Core1.CardProfile added for object /org/pulseaudio/core1/card0/profile2
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-dbus.c: Interface org.PulseAudio.Core1.CardProfile added for object /org/pulseaudio/core1/card0/profile3
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-dbus.c: Interface org.PulseAudio.Core1.Card added for object /org/pulseaudio/core1/card0
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-dbus.c: Interface org.PulseAudio.Core1.DevicePort added for object /org/pulseaudio/core1/sink0/port0
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-dbus.c: Interface org.PulseAudio.Core1.DevicePort added for object /org/pulseaudio/core1/sink0/port1
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-dbus.c: Interface org.PulseAudio.Core1.Device added for object /org/pulseaudio/core1/sink0
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-dbus.c: Interface org.PulseAudio.Core1.Sink added for object /org/pulseaudio/core1/sink0
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-dbus.c: Interface org.PulseAudio.Core1.Device added for object /org/pulseaudio/core1/source0
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-dbus.c: Interface org.PulseAudio.Core1.Source added for object /org/pulseaudio/core1/source0
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-dbus.c: Interface org.PulseAudio.Core1.DevicePort added for object /org/pulseaudio/core1/source1/port0
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-dbus.c: Interface org.PulseAudio.Core1.DevicePort added for object /org/pulseaudio/core1/source1/port1
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-dbus.c: Interface org.PulseAudio.Core1.Device added for object /org/pulseaudio/core1/source1
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-dbus.c: Interface org.PulseAudio.Core1.Source added for object /org/pulseaudio/core1/source1
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-dbus.c: Interface org.PulseAudio.Core1.Module added for object /org/pulseaudio/core1/module0
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-dbus.c: Interface org.PulseAudio.Core1.Module added for object /org/pulseaudio/core1/module1
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-dbus.c: Interface org.PulseAudio.Core1.Module added for object /org/pulseaudio/core1/module2
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-dbus.c: Interface org.PulseAudio.Core1.Module added for object /org/pulseaudio/core1/module3
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-dbus.c: Interface org.PulseAudio.Core1.Module added for object /org/pulseaudio/core1/module4
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-dbus.c: Interface org.PulseAudio.Core1.Module added for object /org/pulseaudio/core1/module5
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-dbus.c: Interface org.PulseAudio.Core1.Module added for object /org/pulseaudio/core1/module6
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-dbus.c: Interface org.PulseAudio.Core1.Module added for object /org/pulseaudio/core1/module7
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-dbus.c: Interface org.PulseAudio.Core1.Module added for object /org/pulseaudio/core1/module8
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-dbus.c: Interface org.PulseAudio.Core1.Module added for object /org/pulseaudio/core1/moduleeaudio] protocol-dbus.c: Interface org.PulseAudio.Core1.Card added for object /org/pulseaudio/core1/card0

What's the problem?

Last edited by hooluupog (2011-12-03 13:23:24)


#6 2011-12-04 05:10:16

Registered: 2011-10-16
Posts: 28

Re: Yet another: Very low sound on my laptops, back to normal after resume

Hi, Now the internal microphone works well after using pulseaudio but the sound volume is still low compared with windows 7. Is there anyone offers me some clues? THANKS!

Last edited by hooluupog (2011-12-04 05:11:34)


#7 2011-12-04 07:30:00

From: A comfortable couch
Registered: 2010-10-09
Posts: 1,033

Re: Yet another: Very low sound on my laptops, back to normal after resume

I don't use pulseaudio so I can't help there but this might help.

You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me.


#8 2011-12-04 09:27:27

Registered: 2011-10-16
Posts: 28

Re: Yet another: Very low sound on my laptops, back to normal after resume

I tried it but it doesn't work. Thank you all the same. I found someone downgraded the kernel back to 2.x and solved the problem,maybe it is kernel related. Should I wait a moment for kernel's next updating to solve the bug? -:)


#9 2011-12-24 10:44:17

Registered: 2011-10-16
Posts: 28

Re: Yet another: Very low sound on my laptops, back to normal after resume

Today after I had used my laptop for half a day or so ,I opend mplayer to listen mp3 and found the sound is so loud and clear. i ' m so excited.  big_smile
I tried many times to play kinds of movies,mp3 and flash to make sure it's not a  cheat. Yep, the sound became loud and clear,it is true.
Then I restarted my computer to verify the inconceivability appearance. The sound returned back to low level as before  sad
What's on earth the problem? thanks in advance.

Last edited by hooluupog (2011-12-24 10:46:00)


#10 2011-12-24 11:06:48

Registered: 2011-10-16
Posts: 28

Re: Yet another: Very low sound on my laptops, back to normal after resume


~ $ amixer -c0 controls
numid=13,iface=MIXER,name='Master Playback Switch'
numid=12,iface=MIXER,name='Master Playback Volume'
numid=7,iface=MIXER,name='Headphone Playback Switch'
numid=6,iface=MIXER,name='Headphone Playback Volume'
numid=14,iface=MIXER,name='PCM Playback Volume'
numid=3,iface=MIXER,name='Front Mic Jack Mode'
numid=10,iface=MIXER,name='Mic Capture Volume'
numid=9,iface=MIXER,name='Capture Switch'
numid=8,iface=MIXER,name='Capture Volume'
numid=4,iface=MIXER,name='Beep Playback Switch'
numid=5,iface=MIXER,name='Beep Playback Volume'
numid=15,iface=MIXER,name='Digital Capture Volume'
numid=11,iface=MIXER,name='Internal Mic Capture Volume'
numid=2,iface=MIXER,name='Speaker Playback Switch'

~ $ amixer -c0 contents

numid=13,iface=MIXER,name='Master Playback Switch'
  ; type=BOOLEAN,access=rw------,values=1
  : values=on
numid=12,iface=MIXER,name='Master Playback Volume'
  ; type=INTEGER,access=rw---R--,values=1,min=0,max=64,step=0
  : values=64
  | dBscale-min=-48.00dB,step=0.75dB,mute=1
numid=7,iface=MIXER,name='Headphone Playback Switch'
  ; type=BOOLEAN,access=rw------,values=2
  : values=on,on
numid=6,iface=MIXER,name='Headphone Playback Volume'
  ; type=INTEGER,access=rw---R--,values=2,min=0,max=64,step=0
  : values=64,64
  | dBscale-min=-48.00dB,step=0.75dB,mute=0
numid=14,iface=MIXER,name='PCM Playback Volume'
  ; type=INTEGER,access=rw---RW-,values=2,min=0,max=255,step=0
  : values=255,255
  | dBscale-min=-51.00dB,step=0.20dB,mute=0
numid=3,iface=MIXER,name='Front Mic Jack Mode'
  ; type=ENUMERATED,access=rw------,values=1,items=2
  ; Item #0 'Mic In'
  ; Item #1 'Line In'
  : values=0
numid=10,iface=MIXER,name='Mic Capture Volume'
  ; type=INTEGER,access=rw---R--,values=2,min=0,max=3,step=0
  : values=3,3
  | dBscale-min=0.00dB,step=10.00dB,mute=0
numid=9,iface=MIXER,name='Capture Switch'
  ; type=BOOLEAN,access=rw------,values=2
  : values=on,on
numid=8,iface=MIXER,name='Capture Volume'
  ; type=INTEGER,access=rw---R--,values=2,min=0,max=15,step=0
  : values=15,15
  | dBscale-min=0.00dB,step=1.50dB,mute=0
numid=4,iface=MIXER,name='Beep Playback Switch'
  ; type=BOOLEAN,access=rw------,values=1
  : values=off
numid=5,iface=MIXER,name='Beep Playback Volume'
  ; type=INTEGER,access=rw---R--,values=1,min=0,max=3,step=0
  : values=0
  | dBscale-min=-18.00dB,step=6.00dB,mute=0
numid=15,iface=MIXER,name='Digital Capture Volume'
  ; type=INTEGER,access=rw---RW-,values=2,min=0,max=120,step=0
  : values=120,120
  | dBscale-min=-30.00dB,step=0.50dB,mute=0
numid=11,iface=MIXER,name='Internal Mic Capture Volume'
  ; type=INTEGER,access=rw---R--,values=2,min=0,max=3,step=0
  : values=3,3
  | dBscale-min=0.00dB,step=10.00dB,mute=0
  ; type=INTEGER,access=rw---RW-,values=2,min=0,max=5,step=0
  : values=5,5
  | dBscale-min=-5.00dB,step=5.00dB,mute=0
numid=2,iface=MIXER,name='Speaker Playback Switch'
  ; type=BOOLEAN,access=rw------,values=2
  : values=on,on
numid=1,iface=MIXER,name='Speaker Playback Volume'
  ; type=INTEGER,access=rw---R--,values=2,min=0,max=64,step=0
  : values=64,64
  | dBscale-min=-48.00dB,step=0.75dB,mute=0


#11 2011-12-24 13:46:40

Registered: 2011-10-16
Posts: 28

Re: Yet another: Very low sound on my laptops, back to normal after resume

I have reproduced the problem just now:
  1)Open youtube and watch a video.
  2)Pause the video and suspend computer.
  3)Power on  computer and login into archlinux to continue watching the video.
Now the sound will become loud and clear enough.However,the sound returned back to low level again after restarting.

Last edited by hooluupog (2011-12-24 13:47:07)


#12 2011-12-25 05:58:18

Registered: 2011-10-16
Posts: 28

Re: Yet another: Very low sound on my laptops, back to normal after resume

Now, I can confirm the problem:
The volume is too low to tolerant all the time. After resuming from suspend the sound becomes loud and clear enough.But it becomes to low again after restarting or resuming from hibernation. Have you got any suggestions?  hmm Thanks in advance.

Last edited by hooluupog (2011-12-25 07:47:40)


#13 2011-12-27 05:45:51

Registered: 2011-10-16
Posts: 28

Re: Yet another: Very low sound on my laptops, back to normal after resume

I found someone had the same problem with me here:


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