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I lost all internet access at my house trying to do an upgrade. Desperate, I posted in the networking forum this morning. I got no help, and it looks like people are trying to flame me.
1) Is this really how the arch community should treat people who need help? I otherwise like the arch philosophy, but am less than thrilled with the arch community. I know I haven't contributed much myself, I haven't had time.
2) If there are more appropriate places to ask for help, please let me know. Keep in mind, I have only sporadic access to the Internet, and none at the location with the problem.
3) Does the community want everyone like me to move to another distro or back to Windows?
No-one was flaming you: you misread a comment from another user that refers to a joke on these boards about Allan breaking stuff. Ignore it and move on..
1) Is this really how the arch community should treat people who need help? I otherwise like the arch philosophy, but am less than thrilled with the arch community. I know I haven't contributed much myself, I haven't had time.
It was a tongue-in-cheek joke about Allan broke it. You are being oversensitive if you think that's flaming. Personally I think it reflects the light-heartedness and fun side of our community. I don't know where you are from, or if English is your native language; if it is not, then I'd suggest it's probably a misunderstanding of Xyne's humor.
2) If there are more appropriate places to ask for help, please let me know. Keep in mind, I have only sporadic access to the Internet, and none at the location with the problem.
The Networking sub-forum is an appropriate place for asking for networking help.
3) Does the community want everyone like me to move to another distro or back to Windows?
Quite honestly, it doesn't bother anyone. Arch is here to be what it is, not to win popularity and take over the world. You are free to use whatever Operating System / Distribution you feel comfortable with.
Last edited by fukawi2 (2011-12-08 21:50:45)
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BlueHackers // fscanary // resticctl
a joke on these boards about Allan breaking stuff
Tis no joke...
jasonwryan wrote:a joke on these boards about Allan breaking stuff
Tis no joke...
I placed my response in the thread in question and paste it here,
bvbellomo wrote:Yes, I misunderstood your joke. I thought you posted that flowchart to complain my topic was too tongue in cheek.
My suggestion is, next time instead of ranting, use the finely crafted report link (located at the bottom right of every post for all themes I know of) and file a report with the forum moderators. Or you can email a moderator directly and ask for help. In this case we'd have explained to you the injoke.
mod action: Moving this thread from Newbie Corner to Forum & Wiki discussion.
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Allan wrote:jasonwryan wrote:a joke on these boards about Allan breaking stuff
Tis no joke...
Note the repo is fully signed with my GPG key, so when something breaks, you can be guaranteed that it is my package that caused the issue!
As if there were ever any doubt.
My Arch Linux Stuff • Forum Etiquette • Community Ethos - Arch is not for everyone
karol wrote:Allan wrote:Tis no joke...
On his blog, Allan wrote:Note the repo is fully signed with my GPG key, so when something breaks, you can be guaranteed that it is my package that caused the issue!
As if there were ever any doubt.
None at all, I think .
@karol, thanks for the link, now I know where to link to when we get broken-ness on the forums.
Allan-Volunteer on the (topic being discussed) mailn lists. You never get the people who matters attention on the forums.
jasonwryan-Installing Arch is a measure of your literacy. Maintaining Arch is a measure of your diligence. Contributing to Arch is a measure of your competence.
Griemak-Bleeding edge, not bleeding flat. Edge denotes falls will occur from time to time. Bring your own parachute.
I misunderstood a joke and took it the wrong way. Sorry.
I misunderstood a joke and took it the wrong way. Sorry.
No problem
We welcome you to stay; just remember that we are generally fairly relaxed and do enjoy making jokes sometimes (Especially at Allan's expense
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BlueHackers // fscanary // resticctl
bvbellomo wrote:3) Does the community want everyone like me to move to another distro or back to Windows?
Quite honestly, it doesn't bother anyone. Arch is here to be what it is, not to win popularity and take over the world. You are free to use whatever Operating System / Distribution you feel comfortable with.
Actually arch is all about taking over the world. We just don't care about the popularity of doing so. Because, to be realistic, there will always be people that are not so content with anyone except them self doing so.
Evil channel op and general support dude.
. files on github, Screenshots, Random pics and the rest
Actually arch is all about taking over the world. We just don't care about the popularity of doing so. Because, to be realistic, there will always be people that are not so content with anyone except them self doing so.
Huh? I thought Arch was designed to form a global taco cartel with an iron grip on supply and distribution chains in order to funnel them into the mouths of cactus and the other inner-circle members. As I understand it, the only reason this has not yet been achieved is that the inner circle was split into factions by the great taco-poutine schism. My sources tell me that we haven't seen phrakture in years because he got locked in an infinite loop in his basement, comparing tacos to poutine bite by bite until his stomach exploded like the glutton in se7en.
Incidentally, that was Allan's plan all along to reach the top of the most posts list on the forum. If you check his credit card history, you'll find that he paid for the deliveries. I expect karol will eventually suffer an equally gruesome fate, perhaps torn apart by an army of trained dropbears. They take years to train, but ASIS swears by them.
My Arch Linux Stuff • Forum Etiquette • Community Ethos - Arch is not for everyone