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I was looking through the conky sticky and saw this .conf, so I c/p'd the .conf and fiddled with the settings to get what I'd like, except the Arch logo at the top doesn't display the Arch logo, it just has the capital B (yes, ttf-openlogos is installed). Do I need to restart or something for the font to be recognized?
Side note: Is there a font with an updated Arch logo? I prefer the newer one.
Don't be so impatient, it's been only two hours in the middle of friday night.
For updated Arch logo, forum search would have helped, since it's right here: Updated Arch
For conky: I noticed it has problems with ttf-fonts sometimes, restarting conky usually helps...I even noticed it sometimes needs a complete reboot...I don't have any explanation for this though
Last edited by desm0tes (2012-02-11 05:29:31)
Instead of a complete reboot, you could try this:
fc-cache -f
^^lol^^ you're funny desmOtes
Don't be so impatient, it's been only two hours in the middle of friday night.
For updated Arch logo, forum search would have helped, since it's right here: Updated Arch
For conky: I noticed it has problems with ttf-fonts sometimes, restarting conky usually helps...I even noticed it sometimes needs a complete reboot...I don't have any explanation for this though
Sorry, I'm not used to forums outside a couple I frequent. Thanks very much though!
Instead of a complete reboot, you could try this:
fc-cache -f
That fixed everything!
Thanks so much!
^^lol^^ you're funny desmOtes