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Yeah, someone else suggested urxvt on another forum and I've been thinking about moving to it. Thanks for the suggestion.
URxvt is a vt100 terminal emulator - things like vim's syntax highlighting don't work in it.
that's absolutely not true
It's a rxvt clone. rxvt is a vt100 emulator... but just because it's based on a vt100, doesn't mean they can't add features... I mean, vt100 didn't support utf8 or transparency or Xft support either...
the best feature though is:
Daemon mode: one daemon can open multiple windows on multiple displays, which improves memory usage and startup time considerably.
Doesn't change the fact that it won't support vim's syntax highlighting.
Edit: I might as well say here that true tinting gets rid of the other problems with transparency, aterm windows going opaque and stuff... However, it's also a heck of a lot slower than it was in the old version of aterm.
Doesn't change the fact that it won't support vim's syntax highlighting.
Ummm, yes it does. I'll get you a screen shot when I get home.
urxvt has been great for me - switched ages ago. Neotuli hosts the stable version in the AUR and i still keep cvs builds in my [dibble] repo but recently development has died down enough for them to be pretty boring
URxvt is a vt100 terminal emulator - things like vim's syntax highlighting don't work in it.
Hey, GJ... just wanted to let you know I've downloaded it and like prakture said above, color syntax in vim works fine. I'm gonna play around with this a bit more even though aterm has been working well. I really like the fonts options available in urxvt.
Hey, Gullible, I've got nice color in vim while using urxvt. Maybe it's something not set right in your .Xdefaults. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna stick with urxvt and give up aterm for at least a while. If I get a chance, I'll post a screenshot. I think phrakture said he is going to post one, too.
Does anyone else get these messages?
Yes, Snowman, I get them, too. Never had them before this latest upgrade, though.
Yep, I get it... But there is *nothing* concerning urxvt in my Xdefaults. Maybe I have to enable some option? (Haven't found any in the man page, should look again...)
While we're talking about URxvt; when I installed the community package for rxvt-unicode, it didn't install a terminfo file in /usr/share/terminfo/r and this is causing me problems.
Maybe this is also why GJ is having problems? Where would I/he get this file?
Gullible - I can;t believe you would be so disbelieving - did you think phrakture was lying?
Make sure you are not using any -fg switches
DTW & Phrakture: Sorry...
Anyway, no, I am not using any -fg options.
weird - i can't stop it showing vim syntax - i tried for about ten mins!
Yep, I get it... But there is *nothing* concerning urxvt in my Xdefaults. Maybe I have to enable some option? (Haven't found any in the man page, should look again...)
It's your terminfo setting... do an "echo $TERM" when running urxvt
because that isn't set, I'm going to assume that your Xdefaults setup set's your aterm terminal name to xterm-color or something like that, and it is the reason colors work in aterm.
just add 'export TERM=xterm-color' to your bashrc or something
weird - i can't stop it showing vim syntax - i tried for about ten mins!
$ TERM=vt100 urxvt
that should work....
Okay Phrakture...
For aterm:
[proteus@localhost ~]$ echo $TERM
For urxvt:
[proteus@localhost ~]$ echo $TERM
GJ, I've had the same problems with color as you, but if I set my urxvt*termName: xterm-color in .Xdefaults, everything works well.
Okay Phrakture...
For aterm:
[proteus@localhost ~]$ echo $TERM rxvt
For urxvt:
[proteus@localhost ~]$ echo $TERM rxvt-unicode
I'm going to venture a guess and say the rxvt-unicode termcap entry isn't installed... just switch it to rxvt if that works for aterm.
I do the same as Cerebral and put
mrxvt*termName: xterm-color
in .Xdefaults for all of my terminals (just substitute mrxvt with aterm, urxvt, etc..)
Some of the world's greatest feats were
accomplished by people not smart enough
to know they were impossible.
-- Doug Larson
I do the same as Cerebral and put
mrxvt*termName: xterm-color
in .Xdefaults for all of my terminals (just substitute mrxvt with aterm, urxvt, etc..)
same here - check my Xdefaults
I'm being a nitpick here, but xterm-color is officially a bad habit.
One of the main causes of the fall of the Roman Empire was that, lacking zero,
they had no way to indicate successful termination of their C programs.
I'm being a nitpick here, but xterm-color is officially a bad habit.
I don't mind nitpicking! If it helps me get a better config. :-)
I set mine all to rxvt and color still seems to work fine. What is the 'recommended' term to use if xterm-color isn't good to use?
Some of the world's greatest feats were
accomplished by people not smart enough
to know they were impossible.
-- Doug Larson
I'm going to venture a guess and say the rxvt-unicode termcap entry isn't installed... just switch it to rxvt if that works for aterm.
As I said earlier in the thread, if Gullible Jones installed the community package for urxvt, it does not install a terminfo file in /usr/share/terminfo/r like it apparently ought to.
$TERM=rxvt works fine for me, and is probably more accurate than xterm-color for rxvt-based terminals, I suppose.