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#1 2011-12-12 21:51:09

Registered: 2011-05-07
Posts: 208

connection stability problem when downloading file or wathching video

I have some connection stability problems here for some longer time.

My network at home looks like:
-connection from ISP -> modem -> wifi-router -> 1 desktop(windows, cable), 2 laptops(arch + linux mint, wifi)

The problem is, that if I want to for example download some file (doesn't need to be a big file), I experience situation like this: I start to download, DW speed is growing up as it should, but then after some while it just drops to zero and downloading ends. I need to restart downloading again and again, until I download full file. It's the same with videos, for example youtube. I start to watch video. Then browser load something like 30-40% of video and stops. I need to reload page or something.

All this is really annoying. It was fine some time ago and I don't know how to fix it. I'm not really network geek and I don't know where to look up for problems.

Ping looks normally and packet loss is like 0% (ping

Thanks for any help


#2 2011-12-12 22:21:07

Registered: 2010-03-19
Posts: 1,191

Re: connection stability problem when downloading file or wathching video

Do you have this problem on all your machines?


#3 2011-12-12 22:37:51

Registered: 2011-05-07
Posts: 208

Re: connection stability problem when downloading file or wathching video

stqn wrote:

Do you have this problem on all your machines?

yes I do, windows/linux, cable/wifi


#4 2011-12-13 01:15:05

From: CA
Registered: 2010-03-24
Posts: 324

Re: connection stability problem when downloading file or wathching video

If you are experiencing the issue on different machines it could be your router. Try connecting your machine directly through the modem and see if you experience the connection dropping issue.


#5 2012-02-23 11:11:42

Registered: 2011-05-07
Posts: 208

Re: connection stability problem when downloading file or wathching video

It's been a long time but I have to refresh this post. My problem described above was solved (somehow) for a short time, but now it's back again.
So I unplugged my wifi router (Netgear JWNR2000) and connected machine directly through the modem. And problem is gone. So there's problem with my wifi router. I've changed it with some older router (without wifi) and it works good. We have atm connected two machines to it. Downloading and everyting is ok now.

Really, I'm not guy into networks and stuff about that so I don't know if this Netgear JWNR2000 wifi-router is bad configured or something else.

I can describe here some "symptoms" what I've experienced:
-after router restart, everything was ok but after like 10minutes problems described below have shown
-sometimes 100% packetloss
-my brother was unable to connect to services like teamspeak, steam, etc.
-it was possible to download some file... downloading started at full speed but as time goes speed was decreasing to the zero and I needed to refresh downloading again and again to be able to download full file


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