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For the first time while using i3 I need to connect to a wireless network .. what's the best way to do so? wpa_supplicant seems a bit complicated.
How to replace i3status with conky in i3bar?
In your i3 config file, edit the status command in the bar section:
bar {
status_command conky
And edit your conky config file accordingly (~/.conkyrc by default). Here is mine:
# no output in X (with vanilla conky, not conky-cli)
out_to_x no
# print text to standard output
out_to_console yes
# run indefinitely
total_run_times 0
# update every 1 second
update_interval 1
if_up_strictness address
template0 ┆
# not really readable system info formating follows
# preview:
# 5% 0.80 GHz 49° ┆ 100% 0.0 ↑ ↓ 0.0 ┆ ~53% ┆ ▉ 100% ┆ sun.26/02 00:34
# with mpd running:
# 5% 0.80 GHz 49° ┆ 100% 0.5 ↑ ↓ 0.5 ┆ ► Primordial Breath - Slania - Eluveitie [0:31 / 4:19] ┆ ~53% ┆ ▉ 100% ┆ sun.26/02 00:34
${cpu cpu0}% ${freq_g} GHz ${hwmon temp 1}° \
$template0 \
${if_up wlan0}\
${wireless_link_qual_perc wlan0}% \
${upspeedf wlan0} ↑ \
↓ ${downspeedf wlan0} \
$template0 \
${if_match "$mpd_status"=="Paused"}\
${mpd_title 50} - ${mpd_album 50}\
${if_match "$mpd_artist"!=""}\
- ${mpd_artist 50}\
[$mpd_elapsed / $mpd_length] \
$template0 \
$template0 \
${if_match "$battery_short"!="N"}\
${if_match "$battery_short"<"D"}\
${if_match $battery_percent>75}\
${if_match $battery_percent>40}\
${if_match $battery_percent>20}\
$battery_percent% \
$template0 \
${time %a%d/%m %R}\
For the first time while using i3 I need to connect to a wireless network .. what's the best way to do so? wpa_supplicant seems a bit complicated.
Your question is unrelated to i3.
You can find useful informations on Wireless Setup page on the ArchWiki, especially in the part named Wireless management.
Personnaly, I use Wicd, wich is simple to configure and to use.
Thanks for the hint, I should have checked out the wiki earlier. (Mother of god, I love netcfg!)
I3bar supports only plain utf-8 text for now.
I have read that formatting is planned (colors, fonts, more?). I can't retrieve the source, maybe the mailing list or the bugtracker.
It must also be possible to replace i3bar with conky (or dzen, or something else), but showing active workspace require to deal with i3 ipc.
Is client.background only supposed to control a single background behind all the containers or does it control the background color in each individual container?
I can figure out how to edit pretty much every color except for the backgrounds in my terminals. They defaulted to white for some reason, and every screenshot of i3 I've seen has had black terminals.
edit: Okay, that was kind of a silly question. I figured out that i3 calls whatever terminal emulator you want (for some reason I thought it had it's own built-in terminal) and it was defaulting to Xterm with black text on white background. I edited the config file to use Urxvt and was able to set the colors I wanted.
Last edited by crunchytheory (2012-03-06 19:44:12)
I was using i3status for a some period of time and all was just ok, but after some updates or something, it shows wrong free disk space. For example, when df -h shows this:
$ df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
rootfs 10G 4.8G 4.8G 50% /
/dev/disk/by-uuid/ad2fa55d-fcb8-4e92-b406-d47a1730b37e 10G 4.8G 4.8G 50% /
/dev/sda12 69G 61G 4.1G 94% /home
i3status outputs this:
~$ i3status
i3status: trying to auto-detect output_format setting
i3status: falling back to "none"
/: 5.2 GB | /home: 7.3 GB ...
Also this is my .i3status.conf:
general {
colors = true
interval = 5
order = "disk /"
order += "disk /home"
order += "run_watch DHCP"
order += "ethernet eth0"
order += "cpu_usage"
order += "time"
disk "/" {
format = "/: %free"
disk "/home" {
format = "/home: %free"
run_watch DHCP {
pidfile = "/var/run/dhclient*.pid"
ethernet eth0 {
format_up = "E: %ip"
format_down = "E: down"
cpu_usage {
format = "CPU: %usage"
time {
format = "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M"
What is this "mount whith uuid-number" for and how can I fix my issue? If it's not too easy, I will better switch to conky.
I was using i3status for a some period of time and all was just ok, but after some updates or something, it shows wrong free disk space.
I'm just guessing: Maybe it has something to do with diffrent binary prefixes?
afaik "df" still uses KB, MB ... to display the size (1KB = 1000 bytes).
Maybe i3status is printing the space in KiB, MiB(1KiB = 1024 bytes) and so on?
On the other hand in this case the size printed by i3status would be lower then the size printed by df?!
May you post the output of df without any options?
What is this "mount whith uuid-number" for and how can I fix my issue?
mount with uuid-number means that you identify your partitions for mounting with unique numbers.
Each partition has a unique UUID. If you mount with the UUID you can be sure, that you mount the partition you wanted.
If you mount like: "mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/bla" you may not exactly know what the partition sda1 is.
But I think this is not relevant for your problem.
smax, thanks for response, here it is (free space changed as I cleaned up my hdd a little)
$ df
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
rootfs 10449560 4949640 4975804 50% /
/dev/disk/by-uuid/ad2fa55d-fcb8-4e92-b406-d47a1730b37e 10449560 4949640 4975804 50% /
/dev/sda12 71705816 57477384 10637104 85% /home
and i3status:
$ i3status
i3status: trying to auto-detect output_format setting
i3status: falling back to "none"
/: 5.2 GB | /home: 13.6 GB ...
Also, I know what uuid is, my question is why there are two mounts for "/" in this list? Maybe it's not about my current problem but I just want to clarify this.
UPD: Now works fine with conky, here is my config:, thanks to PotatoesMaster
Last edited by nohup (2012-03-17 09:54:24)
hmm ok interesting ... I just recognized i have the same fault ...
You have 10637104 bytes free in /home
That should be 10,1GiB or 10,6GB but not at all 13,6<whatever>.
To me it seems as if i3status is wrong.
actually you can switch to conky. Conky seems to print the right free space in GiB.
I have the same issue with i3status. Haven't investigated it much yet, so it could be coincidental, but %free of /home matches the free space on / + /home for me.
Does aterm does not take arguments out of .Xresources while using i3? I can change things like the scrollbar, but not the font or the coulours.. o_Ô
Does aterm does not take arguments out of .Xresources while using i3? I can change things like the scrollbar, but not the font or the coulours.. o_Ô
Check if the .Xresources file is loaded. You can do it by
xrdb -query
I want to run two seperate conky windows on the desktop.
The Problem is everytime a conky-window updates, the other conky-window dissappears until it gets the next update. However it looks pretty ugly if they are flickering all the time. Do I run them with a wrong configuration?
Thanks in advance
Cheers on the new release. Many nice new features.
For the first time while using i3 I need to connect to a wireless network .. what's the best way to do so? wpa_supplicant seems a bit complicated.
I use wicd for this purpose. It's got a nice gtk frontend with tray support, but one can also use the ncurses interface.
i updated i3 after a very long time. Can't we have unmanaged windows anymore?
for eg
assign Deadbeef ~4
used to assign on workspace 4 and not tile it. I updated my config file to remove all errors and warnings but now
assign [class="Deadbeef"] ~4
does not work as expected, It simply opens deadbeef on workspace called ~4 instead of unmanaging it.
Whats the new way of doing what I want ? I didn't find anything on this in the i3 user guide.
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
You can have this behaviour with the for_window command:
assign [class="Deadbeef"] 4
for_window [class="Deadbeef"] floating enable
thanks PotatoesMaster.
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
So the one thing that kept me from switching back to i3 was the missing Xft (or, even better, pango) support. Thanks to the excellent Fernando Lemos, I got it working now.
The package is called i3-pango for anyone who's interested.
Michael has setup a stack as FAQ:
Anyone managed to run a program on startup so that it'd do this logic:
exec urxvt +sb -e "top; i3-msg 'border 1pixel'; i3-msg move scratchpad"
(basically, run urxvt and run top in it, set the window border and place in into the scratchpad)
When I try to run this, all I get is some fullscreen black screen with nothing, I can only kill it.
So the one thing that kept me from switching back to i3 was the missing Xft (or, even better, pango) support. Thanks to the excellent Fernando Lemos, I got it working now.
The package is called i3-pango for anyone who's interested.
Awesome, was waiting for this for a long time. Too bad Xft will never get merged Unfortunatly i3-pango in the AUR retains many bugs fixed since submitted...
bladdo / mil / Miles - blog and projects
Runiq wrote:So the one thing that kept me from switching back to i3 was the missing Xft (or, even better, pango) support. Thanks to the excellent Fernando Lemos, I got it working now.
The package is called i3-pango for anyone who's interested.
Awesome, was waiting for this for a long time. Too bad Xft will never get merged Unfortunatly i3-pango in the AUR retains many bugs fixed since submitted...
I could try building the patch against -git, but I wouldn't be able to keep it up-to-date obviously. I'd also not be able to do that before next week, I'm a bit busy right now.
Hi all,
I have been using i3 for a while now, and it's great, but there's one problem left for me:
-> How can I switch the user with i3?
At the moment (yesterday) I had to solve this by manually (change to tty1, startx /usr/bin/i3 -- :1) starting another X session for the other user... is that the way it has to be done?
all the best
Last edited by grandtheft (2012-06-23 06:32:28)