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Kaurin wrote:Holy mother of cow cheese! The applications menus do open at lightning speed now (after creating a recently-used.xbel). Yeah, there definitively should be a way to disable that feature in the configs.. if not already possible.
I agree with that! And someone should tell to gnome guys to use something more efficent than xml!
Yep, after deleting the file and restarting gnome-shell it seems to be fast, but a few opened files later its annoying slow again. that was always the case. the crash on searching some programs is new. that seems to be part of "tracker"? does anyone like this new service that is steeling cputime indexing and having absoluteley no benefit from it?
Hi !
I’m pretty sure it has to do with the Gnome-shell theme too !
I have downgraded to nvidia 290, BUT I’m using another Shell theme than the default one. I’m using Heavy Metal : the search in Activities crashes gnome-shell.
I’m reverting to the default gnome-shell theme : the search is working fine.
Same thing with Drakfire dream theme…
Now I know that I can re-upgrade to nvidia 295.
Well I think the crash that you mention is more of a freeze, the crash that happens with the new nvidia drivers results some times in restart of the gnome-shell or totally crash with the log out window...
Last edited by vagvaz (2012-02-23 15:59:29)
The chattr +i workaround just do the job, thank you!! Now it's a matter of time, I hope nvidia will eventually solve this annoying bug.
Arch Linux x86_64 | Dell XPS L702X | Intel core i7 2720QM | 8192MB RAM 1333 Mhz | Nvidia GeForce GT555M | 3D 1920x1080 LED
It's not just when searching. Gnome shell crashed several times today, seems pretty random. Most of the time I was browsing in Chromium.
Feb 26 15:55:19 morpheus kernel: [ 2076.323998] threaded-ml[1468]: segfault at 10 ip 00007f0e5f594c0f sp 00007f0e398296b8 error 6 in[7f0e5f594000+3000]
Hmm... I browse in chromium almost non stop, and i didn't get any crashes for a week (ever since i applied the chattr +i workaround)
Crashed again. Eclipse appears in the log too now, probably because of nvidia crashing.
Feb 26 19:13:47 morpheus kernel: [13984.360119] threaded-ml[2767]: segfault at 10 ip 00007ff1abd39c0f sp 00007ff1a54636b8 error 6 in[7ff1abd39000+3000]
Feb 26 19:13:47 morpheus kernel: [13984.376579] eclipse[3441] trap divide error ip:7f16fb5f8388 sp:7fffede81d40 error:0 in[7f16fb4cf000+422000]
I'm from Debian and encountered the same issue. For me, Evolution also crashed on receiveing mail. I just wanted to say that making '~/.local/share/recently-used.xbel' empty and immutable solved the search issue but NOT Evolution's crash. Only downgrading to nVidia v290.10 fixed both issues.
It's definitively on nVidia then. However, I seem to be lucky. I don't have any other application crashes except for the gnome crash which i resolved. It may also depend on the hardware. I have a pcie Nvidia 9600GT (gigabyte's make).
I had the same problem, downgrading nvidia and utils didn't work for me (x wouldn't start, probably because of my newer kernel), however deleting recently-used.xbel is working so far. (I didn't chattr +i, just a single delete so far, but we'll see how long that lasts).
EDIT: It doesn't work any more, gonna use the chattr +1....
Last edited by theguywholikeslinux (2012-02-29 17:57:38)
The chatrr +i thingy solved my problem since the 295.20.1, had no issues what so ever once I lock the file, I am playing now with the 295.20-2 and with a unlocked recently-used.xbel, would see how it behaves, so far after a few minutes is running with out problems.
Edit: 295.20-2 has the same problems, cahtrr +i again to avoid them.
Last edited by RJQ (2012-02-29 23:29:13)
Natural Spanish speaker person babbling English...
Natural Linux user babbling Archlinux...
Reverting to driver 290 is no more possible with new kernel 3.2.8-1 !
Xorg server launch halts with error "nvidia : disagrees about version of symbil module_layout"
chattr +i works fine for me.
Dell laptop XPS15 running ArchLinux and Gnome
Any news on this besides this workround?
nah. We need to sit back and wait for the new nvidia driver, and hope that they (nvidia) fix the bug
It seems that the problem is deeper than just a crash in Shell or Evolution. So, for now, downgrading is a wise choice. See here:
I have remove gnome-extra package group and it fixed the issue. Then I installed only the packages I needed (gnome-calc, empathy and some other 2 packages) and none caused issues.
I don't understand why is there nouveau what seems to work just fine but if you wanna use some features in wine as 3D you get stack with non-working apps. So why arch developing two nvidia drivers what doesn't working on even 99% but one what works!
This seems to work:
echo "" > ~/.local/share/recently-used.xbel
Last edited by camp (2012-03-13 18:12:39)
Application menus do indeed open very fast, and for me chattr +i ~/.local/share/recently-used.xbel fixed the issue. (as root)
Mine is only chrashing when I hit backspace in the gnome-shell search and the field is already empty. When I type VLC all is fine until you hit backspace.
Reverting to driver 290 is no more possible with new kernel 3.2.8-1 !
Xorg server launch halts with error "nvidia : disagrees about version of symbil module_layout"
In Debian, I compiled the latest kernel 3.2.11 (with TuxOnIce) and nvidia 290-10 worked with it seamlessly.
Last edited by Tsu Jan (2012-03-15 07:30:07)
The issue was fixed with nvidia 295.33-1 (now in extra).
[EN] In the world there are 10 kinds of people, those who understand binary and those who not.
[ES] En el mundo hay 10 tipos de personas, las que entienden binario y las que no.
That is awesome. But there is one thing. I would still like for the gnome team to make it possible to disable recent history without touching the recently-used.xbel file. I kinda like it how gnome shell was faster without recent history
That is awesome. But there is one thing. I would still like for the gnome team to make it possible to disable recent history without touching the recently-used.xbel file. I kinda like it how gnome shell was faster without recent history
Disabling "recent items" has some drawbacks but can be done without touching recently-used.xbel and just by creating '~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini' with this in it:
Thank you so much Tsu Jan!
It looks like the Nvidia driver update today (and a restart) fixed the shell crashing on search for me. Anyone else?