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#1 2012-03-15 14:28:01

Registered: 2012-03-12
Posts: 3

Network Manager doesn't connect to wifi from Trayer/Stalonetray

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this because I'm not sure where the problem lies, but I'd say it's the wifi more than the tray application. I've set up Network Manager exactly according to the excellent instructions on the wiki, and I've used the small shell script there to start up an instance of Trayer with the Network Manager applet in it:

nm-applet    > /dev/null 2>/dev/null &
trayer  > /dev/null 2>/dev/null
killall nm-applet

The script runs successfully, Network Manager comes up with the tray, but when I select an available wireless network (or try to disconnect my wired network from within the applet), nothing happens at all. What gives? Does Network Manager log somewhere? Is this just dwm not coping with a system tray?

EDIT: I changed 'trayer' to 'sudo trayer' in the script, and after that I could access the properties panel and create my network there. The only problem is that it now refuses to connect via DHCP, but that's between me and my router, I suspect.

Last edited by lowercasename (2012-03-15 22:18:29)


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