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#1 2012-03-15 18:26:22

Registered: 2011-12-08
Posts: 215

Connect my Arch pc with a Windows 7 laptop and use it remotely

I want to manage my pc, which has Archlinux installed from a Windows 7 laptop when I'm in the faculty. I have installed rdesktop following the Wiki instructions (
To know the IP address in the windows laptop, I use


in the system symbol konsole, and I get the following address:

I have used the following line in my Archlinux pc to connect both computers:

$  rdesktop -g 1440x900 -P -z -x l -r sound:off -u windowsuser

And after a seconds, I got this message:

Autoselected keyboard map es
ERROR: connect: Expiró el tiempo de conexión

What am I doing wrong?Is there any steps I haven't done?

Thanks and sorry for my English.


#2 2012-03-15 18:39:48

From: Ancapistan
Registered: 2010-07-12
Posts: 2,810

Re: Connect my Arch pc with a Windows 7 laptop and use it remotely

Your first sentence implies you want use a windows machine to administer arch.

Assuming you actually want to use your arch machine to run windows, have you enabled remote desktop in windows, and given your user permission to connect remotely?

Also, when I last did this, I had to use the "less secure" Remote Desktop option in Windows, or use an unofficial rdesktop fork that supported NLA.

But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain - that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist.
-Lysander Spooner


#3 2012-03-15 18:50:16

Registered: 2011-12-08
Posts: 215

Re: Connect my Arch pc with a Windows 7 laptop and use it remotely

Yes, I want to use my windows laptop to administer my Arch computer, but I'm not very sure how to do it.


#4 2012-03-15 18:53:19

From: Ancapistan
Registered: 2010-07-12
Posts: 2,810

Re: Connect my Arch pc with a Windows 7 laptop and use it remotely

In Windows, right-click on "My Computer" and select "Properties".  On the window that appears, click "Remote" on the left.  This will bring up a dialog for enabling Remote Desktop.  From there you should be able to figure it out, but keep in mind what I said about NLA.

But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain - that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist.
-Lysander Spooner


#5 2012-03-15 18:56:09

From: if only I knew
Registered: 2008-12-22
Posts: 1,775

Re: Connect my Arch pc with a Windows 7 laptop and use it remotely

Teamviewer? Admittedly, it only runs via wine from the AUR but works just fine...

never trust a toad...
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