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#1 2012-03-19 01:02:33

Registered: 2012-03-18
Posts: 24

[SOLVED] Samba client stopped working, clueless as to why...

Yesterday, I installed smbclient, and I could connect to my other windows share without problem.

So, today when I sat down to watch a movie I got kind of confused why it didn't work anymore. I simple get an error stating it couldn't mount the Windows share. Therefore, I tried reinstalling the program. However this did not help. At first, I thought it was Pdnsd's fault, as I installed it prior to smb refusing to work. After uninstalling it, I think I can rule that out though.

Which leaves... Well, what does it leave, I've got no idea. So if someone experienced with Samba could help me solve this, I'd be delighted. Any help is deeply appreciated smile

smbclient was also updated by issuing the command pacman -Syuu, prior to it stopping to work. But I guess that isn't the problem, since noone else seems to be experiencing anything similiar.

Last edited by nonah (2012-03-19 18:51:18)


#2 2012-03-19 18:12:41

Registered: 2012-03-18
Posts: 24

Re: [SOLVED] Samba client stopped working, clueless as to why...

I tried install smbnetfs, in hopes that would work (not really, but why not try everything). But when I'm attempting to start the daemon, it's stuck at busy.

Surely, this must indicate something? I can't see it though, help :C

Last edited by nonah (2012-03-19 18:39:04)


#3 2012-03-19 18:45:24

From: israel
Registered: 2010-09-11
Posts: 459

Re: [SOLVED] Samba client stopped working, clueless as to why...

it's only a guese, but sometimes updates change configuration files,

in this case smb.conf .

if this is the case, the original file is saved in another name,

so you can see if something has changed.



#4 2012-03-19 18:51:03

Registered: 2012-03-18
Posts: 24

Re: [SOLVED] Samba client stopped working, clueless as to why...

Ehm, I somehow solved it.

Seems my smb.conf and it's folder went missing after the update, and now came back, after I tried installing gvfs-lite from AUR. Strange, been trying to solve this for hours, and suddenly it fixes itself seemingly random. Oh well, atleast it works now smile

Thanks anyway, solved smile


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